Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Friday 2/01/13 Ride
  • Fellow Riders,

    Friday is supposed to be sunny, but something terrible has happened to the  projected temperature.  Brrrrr.......I’m determined to ride but I’m  thinking of keeping it short, like maybe going to Monk’s Corner in  Central.  If you think we can stay warm enough to survive a short ride,  let’s plan to leave just a little later, like around 11 AM from the Key Mart  parking area.
    Stay warm & safe, 
  • A great ride today - blue skies, but chilly temps.  The ride to Central took us through some very rural countryside where we caused a lot of cows and horses to perk up their ears.  The riders - Dan, Larry, Leslie, Len, Steve, Kevin, and Bob - managed to avoid frostbite.  Monk's was a great place for lunch.  The fried flounder and hamburgers saw the most action.  The hushpuppies were great, as noted on Trip Advisor.  Another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Friday 1/25/13 Ride

  • Fellow Riders,

    The weather forecast for Friday is not very nice so I am not planning a ride.  Enjoy the cold weather and hopefully I’ll see ya’ll next week.
    Ride Safe
  • Well, once again, Dan's forecast was right on.  The roads were icy and I'll bet everyone stayed inside.  Hopefully, we'll see our South Carolina sun again.  Steve

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Friday 1/18/13 Ride

  • Fellow Riders,
    Since Friday weather forecast is calling for a big fat sun and no rain, I’m thinking we might try heading down to Hartwell, GA and have some lunch at the Waterfall Grille which is at the Cateechee Golf Club.   If you want to try that let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.
  • Believe it or not, the rain from last week basically continued up to late Thursday night and caused us to revise plans for Hartwell.  The wet roads, potentially with ice, and reported power outages caused us to stay closer to home.  The riders today, Dan, Larry, Leslie, Mark, Steve, Russ, and Kevin, took Larry's suggestion to go to Betty's Hungry House Cafe in Seneca.  As always, Dan got us there, but not by the shortest route.  We arrived after going through Clemson and Pendleton.  The lunch got off to a wet start when unsweet tea and black coffee ended up on Leslie's lap.  She took it in stride.  Most folks took advantage of the good breakfast, including the large homemade biscuits.  It was a very sunny and short ride back home.  Steve

The original, only the door survived to the new building.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Friday 1/11/13 Ride

  • Fellow Riders,
    Rain is currently in the forecast for Thursday and Friday and ya’ll know how I hate to ride in the rain or on wet roads, so I am currently not planning a ride for this Friday.  If the forecast should change there could be a last minute attempt to get a ride in.  Stay tuned and we’ll keep a watch on the weather.

  • Well, Dan was right on with the forecast.  The picture tells the story:


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Friday 1/04/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • If you want to ride this Friday, meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM to decide on a destination and route.  Dan will be unavailable to ride with the group this Friday.    Ride Safe         Dan
  • With the absence of Dan, Ed led the group to Rumor Hazit in Clayton, GA.  The temps hovered around 43 degrees on the sunny ride to Clayton.  Ed took the group on some very interesting roads, including his favorite - War Woman.  In addition to Ed, the group included Len, Leslie, Larry, Steve, Russ, and Bob. The food of choice was mostly a Reuben, in particular the Grouper Reuben.  The food and service was very good on this sunny, but cool January day.  Steve