Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Friday 2/28/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast may be calling for cooler temps but no rain so I am planning to ride on over to the Hartwell, GA area, to be exact, the Waterfall Grille at Cateechee Golf Course, and have some lunch.  This weeks plan won’t be as interesting as last week, but I do like to ride and Cateechee usually has a good lunch.  So if that sounds like fun to you, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan

Trip Advisor - Waterfall Grille at Cateechee Golf Course

  • A short ride for me today due to an afternoon appointment in G'vlle.  I pealed off as we hit the outskirts of Anderson and Dan made a right turn to head for Cateechee with the remaining 7 riders.  It was a cooler day than expected, but I still managed a two hour ride for the day.  It was a good, although shortened day on two wheels.   Steve
Saying good-bye to Ed as he tries to catch Dan.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Friday 2/21/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The forecast is calling for the rain to end by early morning so hopefully the roads will be dry enough for us by ride time.  I am planning to wind my way over to Monk’s CafĂ© in Central for some lunch.  I have chosen this place for lunch so we can check out Kevin’s electric motorcycle he built, assuming he brings it to the Key Mart.  Then we can circle past his house so he can swap it out for a regular gas guzzler and do the rest of the ride.  If all of this sounds interesting to you, let’s meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30AM and we’ll go from there, either gas or electric powered.  Hope to see you.   Dan

  • Dan the forecaster was spot on with his weather prediction - the rain and tornado warnings ended well before our 10:30 am departure from Key Mart.  The highlight, even before we started, was the incredible totally electric bike Kevin built.  The other nine of us, Dan, Gadget, Lesley, Len, Steve (Beemer), Rob, Mark, Denny, and me, were all super impressed by the conversion of the '93 Ninja.  Amazing what someone with a lot of smarts can do with a 20 year old bike, some batteries (24), and a few parts from a golf cart.  We left Key Mart and made our way to Kevin's so he could swap the electric for one of his fleet of Italian bikes.  This led to a severe case of "garage envy" for several of us once we saw where he does his magic.  The rest of the ride took us through the countryside, riding the rolling hills and seeing lots of horses on the way to Monk's.  We squeezed in to the small restaurant and many of us enjoyed their outstanding burger.  Len was good enough to warn us of the size of the burgers, and only Denny  ordered the double.  Without the bun, he was able to finish the double.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday 2/14/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Even though the current stormy conditions may have let up by Friday, the road conditions will still be unsuitable for two wheeled vehicles due to the salt and sand spread about in preparation for Pax.  Therefore I will not be planning a ride for this Friday.  Those still wanting to risk the road conditions may meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and hope for better conditions next week.   Dan
A sunny Valentine's Day couldn't get rid of the sand and salt on the road....

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Friday 2/07/14 /Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Since I haven’t ridden since the last time I rode and Friday weather looks pretty good, I’m definitely planning to ride this Friday.  I’m going to try again to putter on down to Anderson, SC for some lunch at the Pompous Pig.  I plan to leave just 1/2 hour later so maybe it will warm up just a bit more.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 11:00 AM Friday morning.  Hope to see you there.   Dan
Let's Try This Again!!!
The Pompous Pig Barbeque
  • It was a baker's dozen plus one that turned out for the second attempt to try The Pompous Pig in Anderson.  The delayed start helped a little by giving us a couple more degrees to begin the ride.  The group Dan led this time included Gadget, Lesley, Jim (HD), Mark, Steve (me), Len, Russ, Kevin, Steve G, Rob, Mel, Bob, and Ed.  It was a little cool as we made our way in to Anderson.  Due to the size of the group, some extra turns, and uncooperative stop lights, the last few riders had to find their own way to the Pig.  The food was excellent and the staff was very friendly.  We got served very quickly.  Kevin showed us pictures of the nearly complete electric motorcycle that he has built.  We are all impressed.  Several in the group broke-off for their own routes back home as we left Anderson.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve