Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Friday 5/2/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It never did rain last Friday, however, the pollen was so bad that even the golfers were complaining, so I don’t think I missed much.  This Friday is predicted to be clear, so again, I am planning to head on up to Brevard, NC for some lunch at The Square Root Restaurant.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

  • This was the kind of day we've all been waiting for.  It was great to see the sun shine for once, and although it was a little cool as we made our way up the mountain to Brevard, it was still a great day to ride.  Nine riders made the trip today including Dan.  Along with Dan were Len, Lesley, Steve (Beamer), Rob, me, Jim (back from down under), Russ, and of course, old orange gloves himself, Bob.  When asked about where he got another set of orange gloves, minus the 'D' battery, he mentioned something about a work release program......hmmmm....  It was nearly a two hour ride through some of the best country a motorcyclist could ask for.  There were lots of twisties, rivers, and vistas to make the ride thoroughly enjoyable.  Sue made sure we had a table waiting when we arrived at Square Root.  They offer a variety of food and it is always good.  The sandwiches were more than a mouthful, but I didn't see much left on anyone's plate.  It was a nice ride back.  US 64 always makes for a fun ride. It was definitely another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Monday, April 28, 2014

Friday 4/25/14 Ride - Maybe

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s weather forecast is a bit iffy, so I’ll plan a ride for now and change accordingly if need be.  I’m thinking it might be warm enough now to start heading more north, so let’s plan to go to Brevard and hit up our old standby, The Square Root Restaurant.  If the weather holds and you’re up for it, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday.  Should a change be necessary, we’ll make a last minute change.  Hope to see you then.   Dan

  • Those who have ridden with me know I like to avoid rain or wet roads if possible, so I think I’ll make the call in the morning.  The forecast doesn’t look good but we know how things can be around here, so if it’s raining or the roads are wet I plan to push my ride off till Noon and make it shorter, maybe Cashiers, since it’s supposed to be nice in the afternoon.  If it looks OK, I’ll go ahead with the plan.  I’ll send out an email by 10:00 AM with my plan, either way.   Dan

  • Though it may never rain today, the radar is showing scattered showers throughout the region until late afternoon, so I just don’t feel like risking it.  I guess I would rather not ride and wish I had than ride and wish I hadn’t.  So there you have it.  Those still wanting to take their chances should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.   Dan

  • It looks like I probably did not miss a ride, at least a dry one.  If Bob needed a bike wash, he probably made the effort to get out.  What I did do this past weekend was to celebrate the wedding of my son to a lovely girl from New Jersey.  It was a great ceremony and the Jersey shore breezes kept the rain at bay.  You can see the happy, loving couple in the photo below.  Also, it was a blast of a reception.  Not a great day on two wheels, but I did get a great daughter-in-law by making the trip to New Jersey.   Steve
Those are bubbles, not giant rain drops.  What a great day!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Friday 4/18/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Since this week is spring break, I am playing Grandpa to a six year old.  However, I am managing to get out for a little scoot this Friday, provided I go someplace where Sue and our grandson can meet us for lunch.  So my plan is too ride around until I get to the Puerto Nuevo Restaurant in Westminister, SC. and have some lunch.  My grandson would love to see those bad biker dudes having a bad influence on Grandpa, so if you want to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan

Puerto Nuevo - Westminster, SC
  • It was an unseasonably cool April day for the trek over to Westminster.  Nine riders trailed Dan on a winding way through the Oconee County countryside. Following Dan were Len, Lesley, Rob, me, Steve (Beemer), Russ, Denny, Ed, and call me ORANGE Gloves Bob.  I'm sure Ed will be looking for some fluorescent green gloves since he was enamored with Bob's gloves.  We made our way around Whitewater Lake before looping back to head for Walhalla and Coffee Road.  We arrived at Puerto Nuevo and were greeted by future biker grandson, Grandma Sue, and Pat.  The restaurant had no problem seating us and got everyone served in good time.  Overall, it was a great day on two wheels - almost two hours for a 20 mile trip.   Steve
Proud Grandpa with Paddy, decked out with Harley t-shirt, skull wrist band, and gloves.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Friday 4/11/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday weather is looking good so I’m planning to head on over to the Dutch Plate in Campobello, SC for some lunch.  If you want to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope to see you there.   Dan
Trip Advisor - The Dutch Plate Family Dining

  • We finally had great weather for our Friday ride.  The high clouds kept the sun in check, and temps were perfect.  However, strong gusts of wind did keep things interesting.  There were nearly a dozen riders that turned out for the ride today.  Dan led 10 others - Len, Lesley, Greg (great to see him on a ride again), me, Russ, Rob, Kevin (last ride before heading back to the links in New Hampshire), Mel B. (first time rider), Joe (another first time rider), and Shovel Ready Bob.  The ride to Campobello is always a nice one - a good combination of country and highway roads and a lot of curves with minimal tight turns.  We managed to find the restaurant without our customary drive-by/u-turn.  The great thing about The Dutch Plate is you don't have to bring a lot of money to enjoy some great food.  The one thing you do need though, is patience.  It takes the kitchen folks a while to get the large group of orders ready at the same time.  Our server did make sure everyone's coffee or tea was always filled to the brim. The route back was all on the Cherokee Scenic Highway. Fortunately, the guy that buzzed by on his crotch rocket made sure everyone was awake as we made our way back.  It was another great day on two wheels.       Steve

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wednesday - Short Ride 4/02/14

Fellow Riders,

  • Since I won’t be in town to ride this Friday, I thought I would get in a short ride to lunch on Wednesday, instead.  I plan to get to Micheal’s in Pickens by approx. 10:45 AM when they open, so I can eat and get back home to leave that afternoon.  If you would care to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:00 AM.  Dan
Bike Repair Shop - Rome

  • Great call on having a ride Wednesday.  This is the weather we all wanted when we moved to SC.  Dan managed to lure six others out for the mid-week ride.  Those going out included Gadget, Lesley, Len, me, Kevin, and Ed.  We hadn't gone far when Kevin's Guzzi decided to let the clutch malfunction.  No problem for the Italian bike guru - just nurse  the Moto G home and get another Italian model from the stable.  Dan did find a very random way to circumvent Pickens and come into town from the east.  We learned Michaels no longer serves breakfast, but no problem ordering lunch.  It was a little slow getting the food as well as the checks, but we did not leave hungry.  The quick ride back should have gotten everyone home in time to make their afternoon commitments.  Although a shorter ride than normal, it was still a great day on two wheels.   Steve