Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Friday 02/25/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like it will be a good day for a ride.  Unfortunately for me I will be unable to join you because I must oversee a roof project, which also requires dry weather.  RATS!  Those who can ride this Friday should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride Safe.     Dan
Dan has a spot all ready to go so he can keep an eye on the roofers......

We're on our own......
  • Another clear, but very cool morning for a motorcycle ride. Four riders decided it could only get warmer, so they came to Key Mart to meet up for a ride.  Rob suggested Rumor Hazit Restaurant in Clayton would be a good place for lunch and agreed to lead Lesley, me, and Kevin on the ride.  Heading north and west, we were able to keep the bright sunshine, but we definitely lost some degrees of warmth and picked up some gusty winds as we made our way into Georgia.  We took familiar roads as well as a curvy alternate route into Clayton.  Lesley took the direct route to thaw out her hands and was waiting on the rest of us when we arrived.  I had their always delicious  signature sandwich, the Grouper Reuben, and some hot tea to help warm up a bit.  Service was very fast, especially since we were apparently the only souls to venture out on this clear and cool day.  The route back was to take War Woman to Hwy 28.  As you can see in the picture below, we ran into a roadblock as someone was taking delivery of their dream home.  We were able to squeeze by once they moved it a few feet into the woods.  The remainder of the ride was uneventful and fun taking Hwy 28 back toward Walhalla.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Friday 02/19/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Unless somebody made a mistake, Friday looks like it will be a good day for a ride so I’m planning to scoot on down to Hartwell, GA for some lunch at The Waterfall Grill at Cateechee Golf Club.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope to see you then.    Dan

Trip Advisor - Waterfall Grille at Cateechee Golf Club

  • Seven riders took advantage of the clear blue skies and chilly temperatures today to made the ride into Georgia for lunch.  Dan was followed by Len, David, Russ, me, Bob B., and of course Bob of orange glove fame.   The routes continually get bolder and go where other rides have not gone before, and today was no exception.  You really got a good feel for how rural the upstate is as we rolled through dozens of farms in Anderson county.  Again, thanks to Sue, a table was waiting for us when we arrived.  A lot of variety in food choices today, from a BLT to crab cake sliders.  This is not the least expensive restaurant we visit, but the food is always good.  The ride home was a more direct route and included a couple miles on I85 so the bikes could demonstrate their power using the on ramp.  David had picked his own route back, but most of us made the usual stop at Ingles to gas up and be ready for next week's ride.  Hopefully, the rain will have moved on by Friday and we can have another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Sunny skies in Georgia!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Friday 02/12/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Somebody up north left the door open and now we have lost all our heat.  With a forecast calling for the cold weather to continue into Friday, I have decided to stay closer to the fireplace so I worked up a little route to The Sunnyside CafĂ© in Clemson.  That way we just have a short distance to get home.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday.  Hope it is not too cold for you.    Dan

  • It was a cold day for the three brave souls that made the ride to Clemson.  Dan, Rob, and Bob made the trip and even got to ride through some heavy snow flakes.  I was down for the count due to a nasty cold, but hopefully, I can make the ride next week and the weather decides to start warming up.    Steve
Remember to watch your speed when traveling through Salem!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Friday 02/05/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast is looking pretty good for a ride so I’m thinking it is time to hit up one of our regular winter stops, that being the Gray House in Starr, SC.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday morning.  Hope you can make it.    Dan
Trip Advisor - The Gray House

  • It was a perfectly clear, but quite cold day for a ride to The Gray House.  Nine riders were okay with the cold air as long as the sun continued to shine.  Dan led Lesley, me, Rob, Denny, Russ, Pat, Bob (wearing the unheated orange gloves that he can no longer find batteries for due to their age), and Ed.  Dan had another great route, and even he admitted there were a couple times he didn't know for sure where we were.  The ladies at The Gray House had a table set up for us courtesy of Sue's call ahead.  We always get great food here and some of us welcomed the chance to try their home made banana pudding.  It was quite good.  The ride home took us on familiar roads back to Seneca so we could gas up and be ready for another ride.  It was another great day to get out on two wheels in spite of the cool weather.    Steve
I was surprised to see Mick out today.  Never can get him to give the motorcycle wave....

The Top 10 Reasons Some Bikers Don't Wave

I'm unashamedly stealing this from the Cyril Huze Blog. It was just too funny not to share.

If at least some of these don't make you laugh:
1.  You don't ride and have no idea what any of this means.
2.  You have no sense of humor and need to get a life.
3.  You're dead.

Top Ten Reasons Why Harley Riders Don’t Wave Back
10. Afraid it will invalidate warranty.
9. Leather and studs make it too heavy to raise arm.
8. Refuse to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for.
7. Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off.
6. Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos.
5. Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley.
4. Just discovered the fine print in owner’s manual and realized H-D is partially owned by Honda.
3. Can’t tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else.
2. Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back - he impaled his hand on spiked helmet.
1. They’re too tired from spending hours polishing all that chrome to lift their arms.