Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Friday 04/01/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast is calling for early morning rain which may leave the roads wet, not a condition I care to ride in.  Therefore I am not planning a ride at this time.  Should conditions change or if damp roads don’t bother you, meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.    Dan

  • It did. We didn't.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friday 03/25/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast is looking OK for riding so I thought I would scoot on over to Pelzer, SC for some lunch at Milano’s Greek & Italian Restaurant.  My wife says we haven’t been there in over 4 years, so I can’t remember if it was any good or not.  Whatever, it will be like checking out a new place.  If you want to give it a try, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan  
MilanĂ³s Greek & Italian Restaurant
Are you sure it's been that long since we've been there?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday 03/18/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Guess What?  Friday’s weather forecast is looking good again so I am planning to wind my way up to Clayton, GA for some lunch at “Rumor Hazit”.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can ride with me.   Dan
A motorcycle ride - perfect for the day after........

Rumor Hazit - Clayton Georgia
  • Even with gray skies and a slightly cool temperature, eleven riders arrived at Key Mart for a ride into Georgia.  There were no visible signs of too much imbibing of St. Paddy's Day drink, but probably just like Vegas, what happens at St. Patrick's Day parties, stays at the party.  Dan led Len, me, Pat, Russ, Rob, Kevin, Ken, Denny, David D., and Ed through Oconee County back roads into Georgia.  We took the long way around Salem and made our way to one of everyone's favorite roads - War Woman.  It's always a fun ride whether riding into or out of Clayton.  With the help of our official and always faithful concierge Sue, a table for eleven was waiting for us when we arrived at Rumor Hazit.  Embarrassingly, a Chrysler product was using the motorcycle only parking.  Oh well, at least they bought a new Jeep.  Our server was great and got our drink and food orders right away.  It was easy to see what the favorite lunch entree is because six of us ordered the grouper rueben.  Various wraps and even some nachos made up the rest of the food order.  The ride back took us southeast on Hwy 76 with some of the riders splitting off to make their way home.  It was much more sunny and warm for the return.  We all enjoyed another great day on two wheels.    Steve
It pays to look up in the mens room because you never know who is watching......
Use the urinal at your own risk.........

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Friday 03/11/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday I plan to go to the Gumlog BBQ & Fish Camp south of Toccoa.  This is the same route we did today with my brother, but with company I just don’t have time to plan another route.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you will join me.    Dan

Trip Advisor - Gumlog BBQ & Fish Camp
  • Nine riders were at Key Mart today to take a ride into Georgia to visit Gumlog BBQ & Fish Camp.  The riders included Dan's brother Len (welcome Len), Gadget, Russ, Me, Steve G., Denny, Kevin, and Ed. Bill, now a writer for Full Throttle Magazine,  unable to ride today, stopped by to hand out the March edition.  Dan had led a group to Gumlog on Wednesday, only to find out they are only open Friday through Sunday.  He decided to take a different route today and definitely took us on some roads I don't recall being on before.  I'm no farmer, but the overwhelming scent in the air leads me to believe the cows in western Oconee county are healthy and processing a lot of water.  Whew!!!  We arrived at Gumlog to find a very crowded parking lot and at least a 20 - 30 minute wait to be seated.  This gave Dan the opportunity to truly replicate Wednesday's ride by taking us to Lavonia to the always delicious 211 Main Street Restaurant and Bakery.  We were fortunate to get a table large enough to accommodate us and the service was very good and fast.  Kevin chose the kind of the meal most of the rest of us would like to have tried - a cup of soup and a very large piece of cake.  He says his bicycle will get a good workout this afternoon.  The ride home took the familiar route through Fair Play for most of us, while some of those that live on the other end of Seneca took scenic Hwy 11.The weather for todays ride was great - very warm with overcast skies.  It was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Friday 03/04/2016 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I really need a good ride to get over this roof thing and Friday looks like it might be a good day for it, a little cool but mostly sunny.  Therefore I am planning to scoot on up to Landrum, SC for some lunch at The Hare & Hound Pub, the first place we went when I joined the Friday Ride group, too many years ago.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.   Dan   ps.  If you get this message multiple times it is because I can’t operate a computer properly.

  • As is typical, the weather forecasters were off a few hours on their prediction of sunny skies.  Seven riders arrived at Key Mart under cloudy skies for the ride to Landrum.  Along with Dan, were Lesley, Len, Rob, David D., me, and orange gloves Bob.  Sunny skies did arrive by the time we cruised into Greenville county, but the temps remained on the cool side.  It was a scenic ride, including passing along the Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve. Our favorite concierge, Sue, had a table waiting for us when we arrived at The Hare & Hound.  The table was a little cozy, but that only helped us warm up quicker.  Our server Katie was great and was able to get our drinks, take our orders, and serve the food in a most efficient manner.  The meal was quite tasty, especially the cream of artichoke soup.  The ride back was a more direct route by taking Hwy 11 home.  Although still a little chilly, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Dan provided some pics of his new roof....  Imagine if he hadn't stayed home to supervise...