Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Friday 10/28/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Last Friday we went westerly so this Friday I’m thinking easterly would be nice and maybe see some colors.  My plan is to chug on up to Tryon, NC for some lunch at Huckleberry’s.  The route will be familiar to regular riders but I doubt we’ve been to this restaurant.  Hope it works out.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.    Dan

  • Another fabulous fall day in the upstate.  So fine, 11 riders arrived for a ride to Tryon to "try on" a restaurant we had not yet visited.  Along with Dan were Gadget, David, Len, Gary, Rob, John, me, Bill, Cory, and Ed.  Dan was able to take us on a number of familiar Oconee and Pickens County roads as we headed north toward Tryon.  Someone, maybe David, thought we might have set a record for the number of times we crossed Hwy 11.  We arrived at Huckleberry's, and thanks to concierge Sue, a table, in the back, of course, was set up for 12 of us.  The reason for 12, was Pete met us at the restaurant.  However, John opted to turn back, so we actually wound up with an empty chair at the table for the 12.  The service was a little slow, it seemed there was only one server, but Gadget got her on track by taking our drink and food orders at the same time.  It still took a while to get our meals, but the food was quite tasty.  They do have an interesting menu that included everything from quiche to a "pear and candied bacon flatbread."  For the ride back, some of us needed to take the express route, while the rest got to ride some more through the mountains.  It was absolutely another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Interesting chandlier
Huckleberry's Rocks!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Friday 10/21/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Friday is predicted to be much cooler, probably closer to normal, so I thought I would take a familiar route to the Attic Restaurant in Clarkesville, GA for some lunch and avoid the possibility of rain or wet roads to the north.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can join me.    Dan
Trip Advisor - The Attic
  • It was a gang of eight that came to ride today.  The riders that turned out to ride along with Dan included Gadget, Len, Rob, John, Gary (1st time rider and new to Keowee Key - Welcome!!), me and Ed.  Although Bill did a great job as sweep last week, it was good to have Ed in his usual spot watching our backs. The weather was clear and in the high sixties as we made our way to Clarkesville, GA.  The gusty winds were putting a lot of leaves in the road, especially on Unity Church Road as we wound our way through Oconee County and into Georgia. When we arrived at The Attic, they were able to seat us and our server Monique promptly got our drinks and took our meal orders.  They were getting quite busy, but it didn't take long to get our food.  The wraps and reubens were a big hit today.  Dan took us on a more direct route back home.  It actually seemed a little cooler on the return ride and the wind was still providing some stiff gusts to keep us on our toes.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Friday 10/14/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Due to this being a special weekend, and guests coming in Friday afternoon, the only way I could finagle a ride was to promise I would keep it as short as possible.  So this Friday I am planning to head mostly straight up to the Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers, NC for some lunch.  I plan to head straight up 130/281/64 to get there and come back 107/130.  That should be only an hour to get there and 45 minutes back.  A small ride is better than no ride.   If you can join me let’s leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can join me.  Dan

  • Seven riders were ready for the trip to Cashiers today.  Although Dan was on a tight schedule, it was still going to be a great ride.  Along with Dan were Gadget, Len, Cory, me, Pat, and Bill.  I wasn't sure we could do an appropriate ride without OG Bob or Ed in the sweep position, but not to worry, Bill did a fine job.  We did see OG Bob heading back to KK, probably returning from a trip to the Salem Mall.  The fall weather was great as we followed Dan's route up 130/281/64.  Traffic was a little heavy and a large gravel truck was doing his best to maintain speed, but eventually, pulled over and let us by.  With the colors starting to pop, traffic was fairly heavy all the way into Cashiers.  Sue made the call ahead, and the table for seven was waiting for us.  We got our drinks fairly quick, but the food seemed to take a while to make it out of the kitchen.  It was worth the wait as they do a good job with their sandwiches.  After the leisurely lunch it was time to head back, but Gadget and I wanted to do a little more riding on this fine fall day.  We headed north on 107 and turned off on Pine Creek Road. Eventually turning into Walnut Creek Road, this was a great road with lots of curves and a few twisties.  It was a nice ride over to Hwy 64.  On 64 we encountered more traffic as lots of folks were out to take in the changing colors.  The sun was hiding and it was actually a cooler ride on the way home than when we started out.  It was definitely another great day on two wheels.   Steve 

Lake Glenville

Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday 10/07/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Dan is away this week so I thought I'd lead a ride this Friday.  However, based on the latest forecast, rain chances are around 50% at 11 am Friday.  Hurricane Matthew was able to chase OG Bob out of Hilton Head, and is now threatening to sling rain and winds into the upstate.  Lesley probably had to leave HH as well.  So, things are not shaping up for a good ride this week.  If things change significantly, we can meet up at 10:30, on Friday, but it doesn't seem likely.  Oh well, there's always next week.....
Hurricane Matthew
  • Well it was a little too misty for me today, and only one rider thought it was a good day for a ride/wash.  Yep, OG Bob rode around Oconee County for an hour or so.  He must have gotten enough water by riding in and out of the mist.    Steve
This "mist" is a little too much for me.........