Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Friday 12/01/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It seems we may be blessed with another sunny day this Friday, although not super warm in the mountains.  I’m hoping we can get at least one more day of mountain riding before the roads get icy so I’m planning to slide on up to Highlands, NC for some lunch at The Sports Page there on Main St.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.    Dan
Trip Advisor - Sports Page Sandwich Shop
  • A sunny, crisp morning greeted the 8 riders, including Dan, that came for trip up to Highlands.  Along with Dan were Len, me, Steve G., Russ, Pat, Bill (latest edition of Full Throttle Magazine), and wired for warmth OG Bob (see photo below).  Siri said it was only about 35 degrees in Highlands when we were leaving, so everyone put on their heat for the ride up the mountain.  As often happens at the beginning of the cold season, a few batteries weren't working and there was a blown fuse, but we all survived the December air.  Dan cut the route a little short because it was a tad cooler than expected. Maybe we former northerners just take longer to adapt to the cold these days.  Plenty of seats were available at the restaurant and we placed our orders at the counter and grabbed a couple booths.  Sports Page has some very good sandwiches and the chili was popular for some reason today.  After a relaxing lunch, we made our way to the very curvy Hwy 28 for a fun  ride home.  With the sun shining brightly, the trip down the mountain saw increasing temperatures and it was around 60 degrees by the time we stopped for fuel.  This may be the last trip up the mountain for a while, so it was good Dan made this our trip for the day.  It was another great and cool day to be on two wheels.   Steve
Ready for Christmas at the Sports Page Sandwich Shop
Good thing he's not looking to be "Biker Cool"

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Friday 11/25/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • For those of us recovering at home from the Thanksgiving Day festivities, a little motorcycle ride should be just what the doctor ordered.  Therefore I plan to forego Black Friday and chug on up to The Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers, NC for some (hopefully) smoke free lunch.  If you care to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.    Dan

The Zookeeper BistroTrip Advisor - The Zookeeper Bistro
  • It was a cool fall day in the Upstate and great for a ride to Zookeepers.  Six riders joined Dan for the cool route he had to get us to Cashiers.  Along with Dan were Len, me, Steve G., Kevin, Bill, and Ed.  The route took us north on Hwy 281 and it was a fantastic road with lots of curves, trees, and some great views of the valleys.  There were still some nice colors on our way back south on Hwy 107 toward Cashiers and we did not run through any smoke.  Sue had called and a table was awaiting our arrival.  The Zookeeper Bistro makes some great sandwiches, and on this slightly cool day, it was great to have a bowl of their split pea soup as well.  The ride home was more direct and it was getting warmer by the time we stopped to gas up at the Marathon Station at Little River Road and Hwy 11.  Not sure how many more trips we'll be making up into the mountains, but today it was definitely another great day on two wheels.     Steve
Clint told me he had planned to join us, but he had scheduled
 an interview with another chair.....

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Friday 11/18/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday I am hoping to ride up to the Cupboard Café near Dillard, GA for some lunch before a wildfire burns the place down.  If you would like to join me, and we don’t get smoked out, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am this Friday.  Hope you can make it.     Dan

  • It was great summer/fall day in the Upstate.  Twelve riders came out to take advantage of another perfect day for a ride.  Along with Dan were Gadget, Len, David, Gary, me, Pat, Bill, Kevin, Ken, OG Bob, and Ed.  Dan picked another great route and avoided the smoke as we made our way toward Dillard by way of Clayton.  I got a little nervous when I saw Dan turning at the hospital sign, but it turns out it was a spectacular road that wound around the mountain.  The road was full of curves, colors, and some wide open valleys.  I'm glad people seeking curvy roads head for the Dragon and leave this kind of road for us.  When we arrived at The Cupboard Café, as expected, Sue had called and some tables were ready for us.  It seems to happen a lot, but the tables were in a room just for us. The server took our drink and food orders and we got our food fairly quick.  My recollection is that they have been slow on previous visits, but not this time.  Breakfast choices were popular as well as some Mexican options. You can see from the photo below, an un-named rider went all out for a burrito that exceeded his expectations, but he was undaunted.  The ride home was a more direct route and we did see a lot of colors.  I'm not sure how many more days like this we'll be seeing, but it was fun to have another great day on two wheels.    Steve
I've blurred this rider to protect his identity , but you can see the plate loaded with the burrito before....

And here is the same plate after.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Friday 11/11/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • This Friday I plan to find my way to the Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company for some lunch.  They are located at the Sapphire National Golf Shop in Sapphire, NC.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can join me.    Dan
Trip Advisor - Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company
  • Seven riders came to the Key Mart parking area for a smokin' ride up to Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company for lunch.  Those joining Dan included Len, David, Rob, Steve G., me, and OG Bob.  It looked like it was going to be a cool ride to start out, so THE ORANGE GLOVES made their first appearance of the cool season.  Thanks to the many wildfires burning in the mountains, especially Pinnacle Mountain at Table Rock, we were riding in pretty smokey air as we explored some of the back roads around Salem.  It was enough smoke that some were considering heading back home, but as we moved higher into the mountain, we found cleaner and cooler air.  Thanks again to Sue, our table was waiting at the restaurant.  Drink and food orders were taken promptly, but little did we know we were about to be involved in The Case of the Missing Cheeseburger Patty.  Dan was surprised to see two cheeseburger patties on his sandwich and removed one to suit his taste.  Soon we realized David was not being served his meal while everyone else was munching on theirs.  When David asked the server about his order, he was told the cook knew he cooked two burgers, but couldn't find one of them.  Guess who had it?  She apologized and it seemed to take way too long to get David another burger, but after all of the rest of us were finished eating, he got his sandwich.  The ride home was a more direct route and we hit the smoke again as we got close to Salem.  Although smokey, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Great grandfather of the two patty hamburger.......

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Friday 11/04/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Mother Nature continues to favor motorcycle riding so I continue to feel obligated to oblige.  This Friday I plan to ride on up to the Flat Rock Wood Room in Flat Rock, NC for some lunch.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

One of my favorites, but I can't go...