Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Friday 12/29/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Even though Friday is supposed to be silly cold, it is my last chance to do a Friday Ride in 2017 so I’m planning to grit it out.  My plan is to just ride to Pendleton for some lunch at the Islander Pub and Grill.  Although the distance may not be something to brag about, we can talk about the temps.  If you’re still here and want to cause yourself a little more suffering before year end, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope Santa was good to you.    Dan
Hopefully, it won't be this cold......

  • Six riders came out for a short and very cool ride to Pendleton.  Dan kept the ride interesting by venturing along some familiar roads in Pickens and Anderson counties, but not so long that we started to ice up in the under 40 degree (before windchill) temperatures.  The riders along with Dan included Len, Steve G., me, Neal, and Ed. We were the only patrons when we arrived at Islander Pub and Grill.  Hot coffee, served in mugs that provided some warmth to the hands, and the soup/sandwich combination were quite popular in our group.  The service was good and so was the food.  A few more customers wandered in by the time we were ready for a somewhat direct ride home.  No one suffered frost bite from the chilly weather and overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve
We passed Santa as he was heading back north after a busy Christmas.....
That might be Lesley waving from the upper level of the bus.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Friday 12/22/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Those of us still around may get a break in the weather so my holiday present to myself will be a scooter ride down to Iva, SC for some lunch at Griffs Gourmet Garage.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday morning.  Hope you can make it.  If not, have a safe Merry Christmas.    Dan
Have a Merry Christmas!!

Griff's Gourmet Garage - Facebook

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Friday 12/15/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Winter has finally caught up with us forcing a more southerly destination for those of us who think we can ride year around.  I’m going to bundle up and ride over to Nick Henry’s Restaurant in Powdersville.  If you have some old snowmobile warm stuff, it’s time to get it out and meet at the Key Mart parking area for a 10:30 AM departure.  Hope to see you there.     Dan

  • It was a cool and overcast day for the ride Dan planned that would take us to Nick Henry's in Powdersville.  Along with Dan, the group of seven included Len, me, Russ, Steve G., Gary, and OG Bob with the amazing technicolor orange gloves.  It takes some creativity for a scenic ride to Powdersville, but Dan was up to the challenge.  We snaked our way through Pickens and Anderson counties, stretching the typical 35 mile trip to over an hours ride through the country.  Len and Steve G. said the temperatures never got above 45 - 46 degrees and some of us were starting to feel the chill by the time we got to our destination.  Although Siri and Sue tried, no special seating was waiting for us when we arrived.  The restaurant takes your order, you find a table, and they'll call your name when it's ready.  Having checked out the menu ahead of our ride, I knew I would have to give the "bird dog" a try.  One might think it was a chicken based hot dog, but actually, it's like a deep fried chicken finger stretched out on a hot dog bun.  It was rather tasty, and along with the slaw and french fries made for a good lunch. (If it ain't fried, it ain't food??)  After lunch, OG Bob headed off for Greenville, and Dan led the rest of us through Easley and on to home.  It never really got warm, and the sun just couldn't break through the clouds.  Overall, it was still another great day on two wheels.     Steve

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Friday 12/08/17 - You're on Your Own

Fellow Riders,
  • We’ve been lucky with the weather so far but now it’s time to pay the piper.  Considering the worsening forecast I’m not planning a ride this Friday, as much as I would like to.  For those riding regardless, meet at the Key Mart parking area for a 10:30 departure and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride Safe.    Dan

Highway 76 just west of Clayton on 12/08.....  Good call Dan!!