Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Friday 06/29/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I’m planning to ride up to Cashiers, NC for some breakfast at the Randevu Restaurant.  The forecast is not calling for rain but it will be in the 90s in the afternoon so maybe we can beat the heat.  If you want to ride to breakfast let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area as usual about 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.     Dan

  • It was a little humid and slightly overcast when 12 riders met at the Key Mart parking area for a ride to Cashiers.  Dan led us through Salem and up the mountain.  Unbeknownst to most of us, Steve G. was running a little late but was able to catch up with us in Salem, making a total of 13 riders for lunch.  The ride up Hwy's 130 and 64 was a very comfortable and cool ride.  We made good time getting to the restaurant, and thanks to Siri and Sue, a table was waiting for us.  In addition, first time riders Lane and Ed joined us, bringing our total group to 15.  The riders joining Dan for lunch included David D., Gary, Russ, me, Bill (Bill was called in from retirement to write an article about the 10th annual Honoring Their Service event at Keowee Key - click on this link), Pat, Terry, Ray, Mike, Ed and Lane (sp?), and Ed W., Steve G., and Neil.  The restaurant was nice and we sat outside in the cool mountain air.  They did a pretty good job, considering the size of our group, in getting our coffee and taking orders.  For that many all at once, it did take a little while to get everyone served.  It amazes me, almost weekly, how quickly most of us forget what we ordered by the time they bring out the food.  I know that memory is the second thing to go, but I can't remember the first.  After the delicious breakfast, some riders took a more direct route home, while Dan took the rest of us on a little route around Cashiers before heading home.  The temperature was rising as we made our way down the mountain and it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

A couple of large Koi in the pond behind
the restaurant.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Friday 06/22/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • How about we ride on over to Toccoa, GA for some breakfast at BJ’s Family Restaurant.  Hopefully we can miss the rain and some of the heat.  If it’s not raining let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday.  Hope you can make it.     Dan

  • It was quite overcast this morning when a total of 10 riders met up at the Key Mart parking lot for a ride to Toccoa.  The riders coming along with Dan included me, Doug, Len, Steve G., Gary, Russ, Rob, Bill, Pat, and Ed.  Dan took us through Walhalla and we continued to meander southeast into Georgia.  The skies looked a little threatening, but as we got closer to our destination we started seeing the clouds break up and the blue southern sky appear.  BJ's, one of our favorite stops for breakfast or lunch, usually has a special place for us at the back of the joint, out of view of their other paying customers.  This time, we were seated in the main part of the restaurant, up front.  The server told us when she got the call from Sue (thanks Sue), she was so busy she thought some of us would be sitting in the bathrooms to have seat.  They got our coffee and water pretty quickly, and with the exception of my order, everyone was served in good time.  My omelet did eventually arrive and was good.  After our breakfast, Len headed out for some additional riding and Dan routed the rest of us back through Oconee County to find our way home. The weather turned out to be great - not too hot or humid.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Photo of the VIP Courtesy cart taken on our couples ride
to Tryon International Equestrian Center.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Friday 06/15/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With the typical summer time forecast for this Friday, we'll keep the breakfast rides going.  I thought I would head up to The Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers.  We should be able to meet Dan's target of 55 minutes and still ride through some curves and gain some elevation as well.  If that sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • Our ride on this Friday brought out our former fellow rider Lesley, who must have been practicing her hurricane evacuation route from Hilton Head.  It was great to see her after a long absence.  Other riders that came out for a ride up the cool mountain included Dan, Len, Gary, David D., Steve G., Russ, Lesley, Bill, Pat, and our two regular "sweeps" OG Bob and Ed.  Given that morning hunger is a little stronger than lunch hunger, getting to the destination in under an hour is important.  The good thing about a ride to Cashiers, is that you can get some nice curves, some good elevation, and usually a cool breeze as well, and be there in less than 60 minutes.  Today was no exception.  We arrived, and thanks to the call ahead by Paulette, they had a couple of tables ready for us.  The service was pretty quick for a dozen guests showing up all at once, and the food was quite good as it usually is.  After the relaxing breakfast, some riders decided to take a route to the east, and I led the remainder of the group west on Hwy 64 to Highlands.  This road is one of my very favorites.  We passed through Highlands without having to drive down the more crowded Main Street, and proceeded down the mountain.  It was definitely warming up by the time we stopped in Walhalla to gas up.  It was a fun ride on familiar roads, and was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Friday 06/08/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I really like riding to breakfast so I think I’ll continue that trend by planning a ride to the Upcountry Provisions in Travelers Rest.  If you think your tummy can handle the approx. 55 minutes it will take to get there, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.     Dan

  • It turned out to be a good day for a breakfast ride.  Those going along with Dan included Gary, Doug, Bill, Pat, me, and OG Bob.  After winding our way through Pickens County and into Greenville County, we pulled into the parking lot and Pete was there to join us as well.  The restaurant is just off the main road going into Travelers Rest and it was not crowded at all.  There was a large table that easily seated all of us.  What I found interesting on the menu was the "Pissed-off Eggs."  How could you not try these.   They had a little zing and included pepperoni as well as some mild spices.  Like all their egg dishes, my section was baked in a small cast iron skillet.  It was very tasty, but I was still a little hungry.  After the leisurely breakfast, most riders had another destination in mind, so Dan led Doug and back toward Keowee Key.   It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Artwork displayed and for sale.

Gotta love a restaurant that has a motorcycle on their coffee cup!!