Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Friday 09/28/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • We may be able to get one more breakfast ride in if the roads can be dry enough.  Weather permitting, I plan to ride on down to the Farm Café, in Tokeena, which is half way between Seneca and Fair Play.  Should we get that far I plan to make my way back home through Westminster and Seneca.  If it is raining or the roads are too wet, you won’t see me out riding.  So let’s hope for a dry spell and we can leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Stay safe and dry.     Dan 

  • Seven riders came out today for another breakfast ride.  After a pretty wet week, it seemed like a good idea to get out on the bikes for breakfast.  Those joining Dan included Lesley (up from the coast, and glad Florence didn't pay a visit to Hilton Head), Len, Ray (back from his Guiness tour of Ireland) , Russ, me, and OG Bob. Given there's a limited time before all the riders get too hungry, we took a somewhat direct route (by Dan's standards) and arrived around 9:15.  Thanks to Siri and Sue, a table was set up for us when we walked in.  Our server took drink orders right away and after we all had a look at the menu she got our food orders as well.  This cafe definitely isn't a fast food place and definitely works on country time.  It was over 30 minutes by the time we got our food.  The food was pretty good, which made the wait worth it, after all.  The servers were constantly there to refill coffee, and even the cook came around to make sure it all tasted great.  As we were leaving, OG Bob bid us adieu for the next month as heads to the coast for the annual pilgrimage to Hilton Head.  Dan did a fantastic job taking us on a long and winding route home.  It felt great to be out on the road on the motorcycle after a couple weeks.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

A John Deere tractor must mean it's a real
farm cafe... Photo by Russ
Russ Carlson Photography
Time to saddle up and see how long Dan will
take to get us home.  Turned out to be a great
ride home.  Photo by Russ 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Friday 09/21/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I think we should continue the breakfast rides while we still can by heading up to the Clayton Café in Clayton, GA.  That way those that want to head straight back have a couple of options while my plan is to get a few more miles by doing a little loop on Germany Rd before ending up on Warwoman for the ride home.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.     Dan

  • Some news from todays ride.  Check out the following emails...

  • email from Russ - Good ride today other than Gary's flat tire as we came off Warwoman in GA.  No cell service as the guys continued down until cell service was available and contacted The Busted Knuckle.   The Busted Knuckle came through and dropped everything to get there in about an hour!    Russ
  • email from Dan - Russ, Thanks to you and Dave for staying with Gary until BK got there. Dan
  • email from David D. My pleasure.  David
  • email from GaryGuys,  thanks for calling and hanging around.  Also big thanks to Rob for being the messenger.  Busted Knuckle already fixed the flat and bike is ready for pickup. Gary
  • email from RussThat was quick!  Russ

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Friday 09/14/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It seems Hurricane Florence may cooperate enough for us to ride on up to Grammy’s Restaurant in Brevard, NC.  My plan is to ride up through Toxaway and return via East Fork and Cleo Chapman Hwy.  If you want to join in let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday morning.  Hope to see you then.   Dan

ps.  Sorry to those who may have already received a ride notice, but my email program seems to be acting up and not all addressees received the ride note.    Dan    


It's still hurricane season!!
Satellite Image of Florence on Friday, September 14.
Still awaiting the impact at home as of Sunday Morning....

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Friday 09/07/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I’m planning to chug on up to Cashiers, NC for some breakfast at the Randevu Restaurant.  That way, those that wish to head straight back can, while my plan is to cruise around Glenville Lake before heading back.  The chance for rain in the mountains increases significantly by noon, so we should easily be back by then.  If you wish to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area by 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you then.         Dan

  • The air was muggy today like it has been for many days in a row.  This made it all the more enticing to head up the mountain to enjoy some cooler temperatures and the breeze we generate riding.  The group of 14 riders included leader Dan, David, Len, Doug, Jeff, Russ, me, Bill, Mike, Ray, Lincoln (first time rider - another Michigander to boot..), OG Bob, Ed, and Bob B.  Dan took us on the scenic route through Salem's eastern suburbs and then we headed north toward Hwy 64.  The early morning sun and shadows are always a challenge on the winding Hwy 281. We made the western turn to get toward Cashiers so we could rendezvous with the Randevu.  Unlike a lot of venues we visit, we actually were seated up front in the restaurant (thanks Sue), in full view of the other customers.  We did behave and the server took our drink and food orders to get things going.  The food came out in pretty good time and was very good.  There's always someone that can't quite remember what they ordered, but that didn't stop Ed from sampling Bill's bacon and wondering why they didn't bring his sourdough toast.  When his order did come out, Ed immediately took that one, and thanked Bill for the bacon.  In the meantime, Bill's over easy eggs had chilled to the point where they didn't taste good.  Oh well, another first world problem we had to deal with.  The ride home saw a few take a direct route and a few of us continued on down Hwy 107 instead of turning onto Wigginton Road.  The photo below is from Bob B., who organized the group and got Marina, the chef's wife, to take the picture.  It's missing OG Bob, Ed, and Ray, but at least most of the group is there.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve