Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Friday 12/28/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It looks like the trend of Friday rain is continuing. Since it will be way too soggy for a ride, I thought for those interested, we could continue the rainy day alternative and go to Sisters for a bite to eat.  The 9:30 am, meeting time seemed to work, so we might as well keep it up.  Let me know if you're interested in going to Sisters.  Hope to see you there.      Steve

ps, The thought of another rainy day caused Dan to start walking 
to find a drier climate, refusing to try to schedule a ride to Toccoa.
  • A steady rain did not keep 11 folks from coming to Sisters for some breakfast.  Those that came out included Dan, Len, Bill, Pat, Chuck G., Gary, me, Doug, Ray, Kevin and Ed. Our server, Brittany, definitely has our number.  She is very organized and takes names when she takes our orders.  The food is very good and quite reasonable.  When one of the other servers came out with an order, shed said "where's Bill."  Gary replied, "the ugly one over there."  The server looked at him and said "you've already got your food."  Lesson learned on that one.  We would all rather be zipping through the countryside on two wheels, but this Sisters gig is an okay alternative when we have these rainy Fridays.    Steve

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

KK Friday Rides - Merry Christmas

Fellow Riders,

Merry Christmas, and enjoy the take Dan found on The Night Before Christmas:

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the garages.
Not a motorcycle was rumbling, except for Santa Claus'.
The leather was hung in the closet with care.
In hopes that nice weather, soon would be there.
Our bikes were all nestled snug in their covers.
With visions of blacktop and burning up rubber.
With momma in her bandana and I in my skull cap.
We had settled down for a long winters nap.
When out on the lawn, arose such a rumble.
I sprang from the bed as I started to grumble.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear.
Was a pack of motorcycles, with riders and gear.
With one old driver so lively and quick.
I knew in a moment it must be Biker Nick.
He was dressed all in leather, from his head to his foot.
His clothes were all tarnished with bugs and road soot.
A bundle of chrome he had flung on his back.
Down the chimney he came, carrying a big red sack.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work.
As he filled all the riding boots, then turned with a jerk.
Laying a finger aside of his nose.
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his motorcycle, to his team gave a sign.
As they cracked their throttles and got into line.
Now Honda, Now Harley, Now Triumph, and Trike,
On Kawasaki, On Suzuki, On Yamaha and Victory.
But I heard him exclaim as he roared out of sight.
Keep the rubber side down and have a good ride.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Friday 12/21/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Another damp Friday weather prediction so I am not planning a ride.  Those who are still here and wish to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  If you will be around and want to meet at Sister’s again, just reply via this email and I’ll set it up.  Probably won’t be riding.  Otherwise, have a Merry Christmas.       Dan

  • Just a reminder, since it is raining some of us are going to Sister’s Friday.  One of our group suggested maybe we can move up the time somewhat, since we can, and get done earlier which sounded good to me.  So, unless I hear differently from someone, let’s shoot for 9:30 AM at Sister’s restaurant tomorrow morning.  So far I have heard from:
Steve D.
Gary G.
Ray P.
Doug C.
  • The weather forecasters got this one right.  It's definitely a rainy day.  Joining Dan in addition to those listed above were Len, Russ, Ed, Terry, and David D.  The special guest that popped in after we arrived was Bob B.  We were all glad to see Bob out and he looked good.  He took the photo of the group shown below.  They seated us in the back, up against the wall, which is not unexpected.  The more disconcerting issue was Doug thought the book shelves that divided the room might be known as the "literate" divide, and he was not sure which side we were on.... Oh well.  The breakfast at Sisters has gotten pretty good and everyone seemed to enjoy their choice, whether it was the oversized pancakes or some version of eggs.  It was a nice way to spend a soggy Friday morning.  Doug and I even had the pleasure of giving Dans' Miata a push to get out of the mud in the grassy parking lot. The red muddy spray from the rear tires was a nice contrast on my black jacket (currently in the wash 😏.) Maybe we should all add "sunny Fridays" to our Christmas list.  Merry Christmas.     Steve

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Friday 12/14/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Here we go again, another Friday with rain predicted so I am not planning a ride this week.  Those who wish to ride regardless should meet at the Key Mart parking area and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Stay dry.    Dan
    • ps.  A few of us drove our cars to Sister's last week for some breakfast, which proved to be an enjoyable alternative.  If anyone is interested in doing something similar this Friday give me a call.    Dan
If you can't ride motorcycles,
you might as well still go out to eat!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Friday 12/07/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Yippee!  Friday is supposed to be dry and partly sunny, although somewhat on the nippy side.  So I'm riding and plan to try again for a shot at BJ's Restaurant in Toccoa, GA.  If you have a hot bike to sit on, saddle up and let's plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am Friday.   Dan
BJ's, take 2!!! Action!!
Update - Friday  12/07
  • It is drizzling here now and the radar doesn't look good, plus the roads are wet and DOT has already put down brine spray.  Sorry for the late notice, but I don't do wet roads so I'm bailing again.  Hope it is nicer next week.    Dan
Boo!!!  Boo!!!