Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Friday 03/29/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Looks like Dan won't be leading again this week, so I plan to go to Farmhouse Tacos in Travelers Rest for some lunch.  If that sounds interesting to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart Parking area at 10:30, this Friday.  The weather is looking pretty good for the ride.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • It was a gorgeous day to ride, although not quite as sunny as predicted.  The high clouds slowed the rising temperatures, but this weather certainly beats our string of foul weather four weeks in a row in February and early March. Those coming out to join me for the ride today included two new, first time riders.  They are Charlie A., just back from skiing in Colorado, and Tom A., who adds another trike to the group.  In addition to the new riders were Lesley, up from the coast for a visit, Len, David D., Gary, and Neil, and since we were in Pete's neck of the woods, he joined us at the restaurant.  We took a lot of winding and sometimes rough county roads to make our way into Travelers Rest.  Thanks to a call ahead by my daughter Sarah (serving as backup Concierge,) a table was waiting for the nine of us.  Our server was good and got our drink orders and some excellent chips and salsa while everyone selected various tacos or other Mexican dishes from the menu.  The food arrived in good time and seemed to be enjoyed by all.  For the ride home, we headed north on Hwy 276 and then took some familiar backroads before gassing up at Durhams.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
I'm told someone tried this method to help
a fellow rider with his vertigo... I hope it worked....

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Friday 03/22/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Dan is not able to lead a ride this week, so I thought I would pick up where he left off a few weeks ago and try again to go to the Copperpot in Clarkesville, GA, this Friday.  The weather looks like we’re in for a sunny and warm day.  If this sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • Wow!!  It actually happened - a sunny Friday.  Ten riders, including me, came out today for the seemingly rare Friday ride.  The other riders included Len, David D., Rob, Steve G., Ray, Jeff, Doug, Gary, and Terry.  We made our way to Clarkesville by circumventing Walhalla and Toccoa, staying on familiar back country roads.  There was little traffic out today and we only slowed a little for some farm equipment.  We did encounter an opossum, sadly, one of Gods' homeliest and rat like creatures, who wanted to play chicken with a group of motorcyclists.  Everyone was able to avoid the creature, although it was a little tricky, and now the varmint can brag to his buddies how brave he was.  The remainder of the ride was uneventful, the way we like it.  I have not actually been to the Copperpot before, so I only realized where the conveniently located parking lot was after some of us parked in the gravel parking area behind the restaurant.  Oh well, now I know.  The place was definitely not crowed, but thanks to Paulette, they did have a table set up for us. Len didn't stick around for lunch so he could do some errands in the afternoon.  The rest of us ordered mostly salads and soups.  The service was a little slow and there were just a couple of minor errors, but this didn't stop us from enjoying some good food.  For the ride home, I learned from David and Rob that part of Hwy 123 was closed.  I took a different route home than I had planned and we avoided the potential traffic backup.  Overall, it was another good day on two wheels.  Hopefully, we put together a long string of dry Fridays and Dan will be back in the saddle next week.    Steve
I was able to snap a photo as I passed the critter,
catching his expression when he realized there
were TEN motorcycles, not just a couple of them.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Friday 03/15/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Rain is again forecast for Friday so I’ll just plan to eat when I can’t ride. Just “reply” to this message and I’ll notify Sister’s of our 9:30 arrival.      Dan

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Friday 03/08/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Another Friday and of course it is supposed to rain so I am just going to figure on breakfast at 9:30.  “Reply” as usual and I’ll give them a heads up.    Dan