Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Friday 05/31/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I think a breakfast ride will work this Friday. So, I thought I would head to the Clayton Café in Clayton, Ga. Like last Friday, it will be a pretty direct ride there, but for those interested, we can take a long ride back and be home by 12:30. If that sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am, this Friday. Hope to see you there.       Steve
Photo by Russ - pretty cool!
Russ Carlson Photography
  • It was clearly a great day for a breakfast ride as there were 13 riders joining me for the ride to Clayton.  Those joining me were Rob, Neil, Bill, Pat, Steve G., Kevin (a first time rider who will be heading to Canada for a few months), Charlie, Gary, Terry, Harve, Tom, Lincoln, and Ray.  It was a perfect day for a cool ride up the mountain.  We took some familiar roads so we could get to our breakfast destination in an hour.  There was not much traffic, but on Cassidy Bridge Road some power line guys entirely blocked our lane, on a hill, and just past a curve - thanks a lot!  It was an otherwise uneventful ride.  Thanks to a call ahead by Paulette, they had us all set up in the back room.  At first, getting to the back, you think they're taking you to do dishes or to cook your own meal.  We did have a great server, one we've had before, and she took good care of us.  Ray was so impressed with the chicken/waffle combo the last time we were there, he got it again.  I'm going to try that next time.  After a leisurely breakfast, some of the group took a more direct route home, or rode the always fun Warwoman Road.  Three riders followed me as we went north toward Dillard, and then headed east, driving through Highlands and Cashiers.  The temperature was definitely rising as we made our way down the mountain on Hwy 130.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Honoring Their Service (HTS) June 17, 2019

Fellow Riders,
  • The eleventh annual HTS will be June 17.  You can click this link, Honoring Their Service for more information.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Friday 05/24/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Based on the projected 90+ degree temperatures forecast for Friday afternoon, I think an early breakfast ride is in order.  I plan to ride to The Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers, NC.  After breakfast, for those interested, we can take a long route home by riding around Lake Glenville and head back via Highlands.  If that sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am, Friday.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
  • Twelve riders came out for a breakfast ride to Cashiers.  The riders joining me included Gary, David D., Doug, Steve G., Harve, Russ, Bill, Pat, Terry, Ed, and OG Bob.  The temperature was nice and cool as we made our way up the mountain to The Zookeeper Bistro.  One thing many of us pointed out it is definitely time for some repaving on Hwy 107.  Even the NC portion is really deteriorating, but still not quite as bad as the SC portion.  When we arrived, tables were ready for us thanks to Paulette making the call ahead.  The servers were quick with water and coffee for us.  I think this is the only restaurant that uses an iPad to take orders and send them directly to the kitchen.  This way, unlike many other places we go to, the first orders come out first.  What a concept.  After a nice breakfast, some riders decided to head back to avoid the heat, or get ready for holiday company.  The rest of us made the trek north around Lake Glenville and continued to the west side of Highlands.  There were a lot of other bikers out today, especially along my favorite stretch of Hwy 64 along the Cullasaja River.  The temperature was rising quickly as we got to Walhalla for the final leg of the ride home.  It was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Long route home


Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday 05/17/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • This Friday looks like a fine day for a ride.  I thought I would head to Kostas Family Restaurant in Dillsboro, NC.  The weather should be great for a ride in the mountains. If that sounds like something you want to do, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am, Friday.     Steve
  • On another note - You've probably seen Dan's email that he won't be leading rides.  This is sad news because he does a fantastic job leading us on some great rides.  I'm happy to lead the Friday rides, but anyone is welcome to step in or be the backup for the times that I won't be available.  Like everyone else, I just want to ride and it's always fun when you can ride with a group like we have.  Let's hope Dan is back on his Harley soon.     Steve
That period when Dan was having a different kind of balance issue 😟
  • Friday ride update - Delay - Looks like it will still be raining at 10:30, so we'll delay leaving until 11:00 am.  Looks like rain will clear by then.
  • Well, the wait was worth it.  There were six of us that rode to lunch.  I changed the destination due to time and most likely wet mountain roads.  The skies were getting blue and the roads were barely wet as we rode a familiar route to BJ's in Toccoa, GA.  As usual, the food was good and most of us enjoyed some good ole fashion tater tots.  For the ride home we ventured north through Long Creek and passed by Wildwater Rafting.  The mountain laurel along the back roads was in full bloom and looked spectacular.  We were glad to get the ride in and it was definitely another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Friday 05/10/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The forecast isn't looking great for Friday, and neither Dan or I are able to lead a ride once again.  If the weather improves, I suggest meeting at the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am, and select a destination and leader.  If the weather doesn't cooperate, maybe someone can organize a breakfast.  Hopefully, next week the weather will be great and we can get in a good ride.     Steve
Will it, or won't it??

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Friday 05/03/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like it has the potential for a ride, but neither Dan or I are available to lead.  For those wanting to get a ride in, I suggest meeting at the Key Mart parking area and selecting a destination an a leader.  Hope those that want to ride are able to get out.      Steve
Still waiting for someone to say they'll lead.