Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Friday 08/02/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Due to travel plans, I won't be able to lead rides until the beginning of September.  Gary has offered to lead August 9th, 16th, and 23rd.  Anyone is welcome to lead a ride.  In lieu of any other volunteers stepping forward, I would suggest continuing the breakfast rides and meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a leader and a destination for an 8:30 am, departure for this Friday, and August 30th.  Hopefully, the weather cooperates and some good rides will be had.  I'll see you in a few weeks.    Steve
Any volunteers?
  • Update - HI all, I am here for the week and would be willing to lead the ride on Friday morning if needed.  Looking forward to seeing you all.    Kevin

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Friday 07/26/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm not going to be able to go for a breakfast ride this Friday.  For those that do want to go, I suggest meeting at Key Mart at 8:30 am, and select a leader and a destination. I've shown the current email list of Friday riders in case someone wants to send something out ahead of Friday.  It looks like it will be another great day for a ride.   Steve
  • Update - Hey Guys, if no other volunteers, I will be happy to lead this Friday.  I was thinking about going up to RANDEVU in Cashiers for breakfast and if there is enough interest taking a field trip to Dales Wheels Through Time (Maggie Valley).  If not enough interest in Dales (as I know most have "been there done that" and it would make for a longer ride day) we can do a smaller loop back.  If this sounds good see you at 8:30.    Gary

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Friday 07/19/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This week I thought I would start out a little closer to home.  I think I'll head over to Sunnyside Café at Patrick Square in Clemson.  We can head north for a longer ride home after breakfast.  If this sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • Ten riders, including me came out today for a breakfast ride to Sunnyside Café in Clemson.  Those joining me included Len, Ray, Doug, Terry, Tom, Harve, David H., Jeff, and Ed.  It was a nice sunny morning for the ride.  We stretched out the short distance with a few back roads through Pickens County.  With a little work and a couple of phone calls, they knew we were coming and it only took a few minutes to get us set up in the restaurant.  The food and service were very good and it did help a lot to have a large group there before school starts again.  It is very popular with parents of students.  They do have a unique menu and some of the selections included the SOS and another with fried grits (doctors were standing by.)  Definitely something for everyone's taste.  After breakfast, several decided to head home.  Some that were going to continue riding got a little confused as to who was leading where, and only Len and Harve joined me for some more riding.  Maybe I need to hold up an umbrella like on a cruise excursion so riders know who to follow.  At least this time, no one was left behind.  The three of us that continued riding made it up to Hwy 178 and Cleo Chapman road for some twisties to go with the straighter roads we road through the farm country.  Overall it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
OG Bob sent me this photo from his ride last week with the short
distance riders.  He and Bruce were helping Dan get reacquainted
with his bike after several months of not being able to ride.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Friday 07/11/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I think a breakfast ride to the Sports Page Sandwich Shoppe in Highlands, NC, sounds like a good idea.  It's a little over the one hour target, but it's always a nice ride up the mountain.  The morning looks good, and depending how the forecast is after we eat can determine whether we can take a longer route home.  If that sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The Friday morning ride today seemed like a good idea to 6 riders including me.  Those coming out for the trip along with me were Lesley, Len, Rob, Steve G., and Bill (delivering the newest edition of Full Throttle Magazine with an article he wrote about the recent HTS motorcycle escort, page 46, and another article he wrote about a waterfall ride, page 44.)  There was a change to the planned destination.  In double checking this morning, my Google search indicated the Sports Page was closed permanently.  I called and got no answer, so the alternative was a favorite in Cashiers - Zookeepers Bistro.  With a call ahead by Paulette, I knew they would be ready for us.  When we arrived, I was concerned that another favorite had closed as there were only a couple of cars in the parking lot.  Fortunately, they weren't closed and with only six, we got the big round table in the corner.  We got our coffee right away and then studied the menu for our food orders.  I'm always impressed that the server uses an iPad to take the orders.  With few customers on site, we got our food fairly quickly and it was good and hot.  After a leisurely breakfast, most of us headed east on Hwy 64 for a nice winding route home.  We went through Rosmann and were hit with a very brief rain shower, but quickly rode through it.  OG Bob would have been disappointed as there was not enough rain to wash his bike.  The skies were a mix of blue and some darkening clouds as we made it home.  It was a small group, but still another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Friday 07/05/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • With family in town for the holiday, I won't be leading a ride this Friday.  I would suggest those wanting to ride meet in the Key Mart parking area for an 8:30 am  breakfast ride and select a destination and a leader.  Based on the current forecast, you should be able to get a ride in before any afternoon showers arrive.  Hope you have a great ride.    Steve
Happy 4th of July