Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Friday 6/28/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Since Friday weather looks like it might be good for riding, I think we should do one of our old standard rides and head on up to Saluda, NC.  I’d like to try the Wildflour Bakery & CafĂ© for lunch.  Of course if that doesn’t work, there are other places in Saluda we can go.  If you’re game for that let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.     Dan


  • Well, the 60% chance of no rain came through and we had a good ride through the Greenville Watershed on our way to Saluda.  The large group following Dan included Larry (Gadget), Leslie, Jim (Harley), Mark, Wes, Jim (Wing), me, Nancy, Rob (not Bob), Len, and Bob (aka The Hedgehog). The Wildflour was a good stop for lunch, but Bob is going to call ahead to place his order next time.  The logo on the shirt below says "All we knead is Love", but we all think they knead a larger grille.  The ride back was on some familiar roads through Pickens county and at the gas stop, we all wished Larry a  safe ride on his Alaska trip.  Sounds like Mark is also off for a trip, but several thousand miles shorter than Larry's.  Another great day on two wheels.   Steve

The Healing process involves learning to have patience to get your food...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Friday 6/21/13 Ride

Summer Solstice Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Thought I would ride my scoot on up to Dillard, GA and try some lunch at the Mountain Man BBQ.  If you want to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.  Dan

  • Nine riders made the trek through Oconee County bi-ways and into north east Georgia to have lunch at Mountain Man BBQ.  The riders on todays trip were Dan, Leslie, Larry, Dave (Harley), Jim (newbie), Steve (beamer), me, Len, and Dave (beamer).  Dan led us through the back roads and north on 28 to Ed's favorite - War Woman Road. On this twisty, we encountered quite a few Triumphs out for a cafe racer ride through the mountains. The restaurant cooked up some great food - from ribs to tater tots.  I was not surprised that my gyro was good.  Where else do you expect great Greek food besides northeast Georgia?  The ride back through Highlands was great, although the sky was pretty dark as we headed east on 106.  Because Bob was not with us, we were able to drive past Sweet Treats and head home.  Overall, another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday 6/17/13 Honoring Their Service - Escort Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • This coming Monday we will be escorting marines from Easley to Keowee Key.  Although some riders have stepped up to offer their help at the staging area, if you check out the attached picture you will see that organizing the bikes can be a daunting task, therefore we will need all the help we can get.  Jim Hasick, Escort Chairman, has taken it upon himself to purchase orange vests to be worn by the staging area attendants.  This should help the bikers to recognize us and hopefully follow our direction.
  • For those interested, I will be leading a ride to the staging area.  We will meet and leave the Key Mart parking area about 10 AM.  We will ride directly to a Subway located near the staging area where we can purchase whatever you desire and take it to the staging area where you may eat at your leisure (with live music).
  • Remember, 10 AM at the Key Mart parking area.  I hope you can join us for this special event.  Dan Engler

  • What a privilege to be a part of this event - to honor the service of these Marines.  Although there were fewer motorcycles than the past couple years, it was still a very moving experience.  The throngs of folks along the route were so fantastic to show such an outpouring of support and thanks.  The Upstate Legends Jeep Club looked impressive as they carried the Marines to Keowee Key amongst the many motorcycles providing the escort. Here are a couple links from their site - Video of Marines and ULJC Photos.  Great job by Jim and the many others involved in organizing the escort, and a really big thanks for a job well done by whomever was in charge of keeping everyone dry - very Gracefully done....

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Friday 6/14/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • This week (Wed through Sat) our golf club is hosting the annual Member/Guest Golf Tournament.  My son-in-law still thinks he can make a showing with me as his partner, so I will not be able to ride this week.  Those wanting to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time. Ride Safe.    Dan

Bridgeburg Golf Inc.

Tap for a swing

  •  What a perfect day for a ride to Brevard. After the many days and inches of rain, it was a welcome sight to see clear blue skies.  Given that Dan was burning up the golf course (I did hear he and his son-in-law smoked their opponents on Thursday), Leslie stepped up to lead the group up the mountain.  Charley was at Key Mart to say hello, but did not make the ride.  The group making the ride included Larry, Mark, me, Russ, and Bill. Leslie was elated when she correctly made the left and not the right and then saw the sign for 276.  Good job Leslie.  The food was good as usual at Quotations. We made a quick stop at 828 Motorsports so Bill could leave some copies of the latest edition of U.S. Rider News Magazine, and then we were off to highway 64 to return home. It was another great day on two wheels.  Steve

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Friday 6/7/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I know it is early but I just wanted to remind you all that I will not be around next week to plan a ride so you will need to meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time, if not sooner.  I hope the weather holds out.  Ride safe.    Dan

I think we may not want this person as our leader on Friday.

  • Based on the forecast as of today (Wednesday), it's looking a little damp for a ride.  We'll see how if it holds up .   Steve

  • In spite of how the radar looked in the map above, I heard a rather awkwardly loud Japanese motorcycle go by at 10:30 am, so I assume there was at least one rider that made a journey last Friday.  Oh well, there's always next week.   Steve