Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday 6/17/13 Honoring Their Service - Escort Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • This coming Monday we will be escorting marines from Easley to Keowee Key.  Although some riders have stepped up to offer their help at the staging area, if you check out the attached picture you will see that organizing the bikes can be a daunting task, therefore we will need all the help we can get.  Jim Hasick, Escort Chairman, has taken it upon himself to purchase orange vests to be worn by the staging area attendants.  This should help the bikers to recognize us and hopefully follow our direction.
  • For those interested, I will be leading a ride to the staging area.  We will meet and leave the Key Mart parking area about 10 AM.  We will ride directly to a Subway located near the staging area where we can purchase whatever you desire and take it to the staging area where you may eat at your leisure (with live music).
  • Remember, 10 AM at the Key Mart parking area.  I hope you can join us for this special event.  Dan Engler

  • What a privilege to be a part of this event - to honor the service of these Marines.  Although there were fewer motorcycles than the past couple years, it was still a very moving experience.  The throngs of folks along the route were so fantastic to show such an outpouring of support and thanks.  The Upstate Legends Jeep Club looked impressive as they carried the Marines to Keowee Key amongst the many motorcycles providing the escort. Here are a couple links from their site - Video of Marines and ULJC Photos.  Great job by Jim and the many others involved in organizing the escort, and a really big thanks for a job well done by whomever was in charge of keeping everyone dry - very Gracefully done....

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to honor those who have served!


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