Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friday 8/2/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I will not be available to ride this Friday, however, those that wish to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride Safe.     Dan

Pope F1 agrees to lead Friday Ride after successful World Youth Day in Brazil.

  • Several of the usual suspects gathered at the Key Mart parking area for the ride today.  This included Ed (who led), Larry (Gadget), Leslie, Rob, me, Mark, and Bob.  After some discussion, Ed agreed to lead the group to Clayton. We made our way over to 76 and continued on until Ed took us on a very nice, curvy road as we got closer to Clayton.  He gathered us in a parking lot and after a quick survey, decided it would be Rumor HazIt.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the food - from the Cuban sandwich, to the Grouper Rueben (yum), and a modified Philly sandwich.  We made our way back by taking Ed's favorite route - War Woman.  Another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday 7/26/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It doesn’t seem to matter which direction we go, the forecast gets worse as the day progresses, so I’m thinking of doing a breakfast ride.  I’m thinking of trying to get to The Sunrise CafĂ© in Brevard, NC for some breakfast, then maybe get back before Mother Nature decides to rain on us.  If you can get going that early and want to get an early ride in, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.      Dan

  • It was an overcast and slightly cooler morning as we left the Key Mart parking area for Brevard.  Following Dan were Jim (HD), Len, Leslie, Corey, Rob, me, Ed, and Bob.  We made our way to 176 and took the detour at Rocky Bottom to avoid the washed out road a little farther up.  Dan has taken us up Sassafras Mountain before and it is a nice ride so technically, not a detour as far as we were concerned.  The Sunrise Cafe had an eclectic atmosphere with a wide variety of paintings and photos on the walls.  Fortunately, the line to order was a little long to give us time to read the fine print menu on the chalkboard overhead.  Once everyone figured out what the breakfast items were, we were in business.  On the ride back we hit some wet spots so we must have been riding behind some of the traditional afternoon mountain pop-up rain clouds.   It turned out to be another great day on two wheels.     Steve

The Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans are great.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Friday 7/19/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • If the weather holds out I’m thinking of heading on up to the Flat Rock Wood Room just north of Flat Rock, NC for some lunch.  Maybe it won’t rain on us on the way back.  If you’re game for that, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.    Dan

  • The ride today began with a lot of heat and humidity for the ten riders making the trip to Flat Rock, NC.  Making the trip today were Dan, Leslie, Len, Dave J., Jim H. (wing), Rob, Russ, me, Bob, and Ed.  Fortunately, the temps did get better as we wound our way through the Greenville Watershed to our destination.  We were given our room by the folks at the Wood Room, away from other patrons - hmmm.  The food, from meatloaf to salads was quite good.  However, it took longer to get checks and pay the bill than it did to get our food.  With the skies becoming more overcast, we did not want to be waiting to give our money.  Four took the shorter route back, while Dan led the rest of us past Dupont and Caesars Head as we grooved through the curves on 276.  Miles => 140 ish, average speed => who knows.  Another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Friday 7/12/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Apparently we just have to go for it because rain is predicted almost every day.  So I’m thinking let’s try for the restaurant at LaPrade’s Marina on Lake Burton.  If it’s not raining I plan on leaving an hour earlier to try and avoid the afternoon temperature increases and bad weather.  If you want to risk it let’s plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area about 9:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan

  • Well, the assumption worked - we went for it, and missed (mostly) the rain.  You can see below the storm cells we managed to miss.

  • There were six that started the trip - Dan, Leslie, Len, Jim (wing), Russ, and me.  Bob (the hedgehog) joined us at LaPrade's.  The trip into northeast Georgia is great.  I particularly like highway 197 with its many short, sweeping curves.  Along the way, Len got a "birdie" without even picking up a club.  Between the dog and the hawk, it was a day to watch out for wildlife.  LaPrade's, which in the past has been slow on the service side, got our meals much more promptly today.  The return trip took us through the high rent district along the lake and then to Clayton, ending up on Ed's Highway (War Woman) to connect with 28.  Another great day on two wheels.  Steve        ps, Larry - looks like you are having a great time.
Beautiful Day on the Lake
Special parking for the bikes is great.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Friday 7/05/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Since I am playing Great/Grandfather this holiday, I won’t be able to organize and lead a ride.  Should you still want to ride, plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and have a great Independence Day, because we still can.   Dan

  • Apparently, the overwhelmingly soggy conditions and forecast did not dissuade a couple of folks, Leslie and Bob, from taking a ride.  Glad they were able to keep the weekly ride going.  It's looking a little better for the coming week.  Steve
from Left to Right: Oconee Deputy Bart, Bob, Leslie.  Bikes no longer in view.