Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Friday 7/12/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Apparently we just have to go for it because rain is predicted almost every day.  So I’m thinking let’s try for the restaurant at LaPrade’s Marina on Lake Burton.  If it’s not raining I plan on leaving an hour earlier to try and avoid the afternoon temperature increases and bad weather.  If you want to risk it let’s plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area about 9:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan

  • Well, the assumption worked - we went for it, and missed (mostly) the rain.  You can see below the storm cells we managed to miss.

  • There were six that started the trip - Dan, Leslie, Len, Jim (wing), Russ, and me.  Bob (the hedgehog) joined us at LaPrade's.  The trip into northeast Georgia is great.  I particularly like highway 197 with its many short, sweeping curves.  Along the way, Len got a "birdie" without even picking up a club.  Between the dog and the hawk, it was a day to watch out for wildlife.  LaPrade's, which in the past has been slow on the service side, got our meals much more promptly today.  The return trip took us through the high rent district along the lake and then to Clayton, ending up on Ed's Highway (War Woman) to connect with 28.  Another great day on two wheels.  Steve        ps, Larry - looks like you are having a great time.
Beautiful Day on the Lake
Special parking for the bikes is great.

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