Thursday, August 29, 2013

Friday 8/30/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • While Dan is away, I'll repost his note from last week.  
    • "Unless otherwise notified, the Friday Ride will leave from the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  You may select a leader and ride destination at that time.  In my haste to handle my grandparental duties I failed to hit the right button trying to send out this message on Wednesday.  Better late than never.  I will not be available to ride until September as I will be grand parenting and visiting with family members up north.  See you all next month and Ride Safe     Dan 
I heard this girl wants to lead Friday, so I've decided to ride the Tail of the Dragon instead of riding with the KK group.

  • Well, a large rain cloud parked over our area and I doubt there was a ride at 10:30 this morning.  However, I had made arrangements to meet a couple friends in Sylva, NC, and then head over to ride The Tail of the Dragon.  I did, fortunately, wear my rain gear as I left.  By the time I was half-way to Salem, it was pouring.  At least I was able to get a "Bob" bike wash - no wiping, no streaks, only lots of spots.  We met up and headed west to take my friends on their first ride on the trail.  They were not on a bike, but they were driving a 2009 Corvette Convertible, so it looked cool going through the turns.  The weather was great and there were a lot of bikes making the run north and south on 129.  We did see one bike sitting on a flatbed tow truck that failed to navigate a turn, but with the number of Sheriff Patrol Cars on the Tail, things were pretty calm.  It was a great day on two wheels for me, and four wheels for my friends.    Steve

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friday 8/23/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • While Dan is away, I'll repost his note from last week.  
    • "Unless otherwise notified, the Friday Ride will leave from the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  You may select a leader and ride destination at that time.  In my haste to handle my grandparental duties I failed to hit the right button trying to send out this message on Wednesday.  Better late than never.  I will not be available to ride until September as I will be grand parenting and visiting with family members up north.  See you all next month and Ride Safe     Dan  
BMW R7 Motorcycle - Ahead of its time! 
  • Five riders left the Key Mart Parking area today for a ride to Saluda.  The group was led by Pete, sporting a new 2013HD Bagger (the Beamer was resting comfortably at home).  Those following Pete's lead were Gadget (Larry), Len, me, and Russ.  We made our way through the Greenville Watershed, having been delayed on 130 for several minutes while trees were being cleared, and also following an oversized load on an 18-wheeler along Highway 11.  The road through the watershed had parts that must have been engineered and built by Michigan road builders.  I could tell by the washboard effect while riding over those sections.  We had lunch at The Purple Onion in Saluda and enjoyed sitting outside under the covered section.  The food was a little slow coming out, but was very good.  Pete started us back to KK, but pealed off to head home near Greenville.  Len carried on and took us back on some great roads.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday 8/16/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • While Dan is away, I'll repost his note from last week.  
    • "Unless otherwise notified, the Friday Ride will leave from the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  You may select a leader and ride destination at that time.  In my haste to handle my grandparental duties I failed to hit the right button trying to send out this message on Wednesday.  Better late than never.  I will not be available to ride until September as I will be grand parenting and visiting with family members up north.  See you all next month and Ride Safe     Dan  

  • The forecast, as well as the current raindrops are going to preempt me riding today.  Hopefully, we'll be able to ride in dry weather.  I still haven't cleaned my bike from last week's soggy ride.  I guess I'll just stay in and read motorcycle magazines today.  Steve

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday 8/9/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Unless otherwise notified, the Friday Ride will leave from the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  You may select a leader and ride destination at that time.  In my haste to handle my grandparental duties I failed to hit the right button trying to send out this message on Wednesday.  Better late than never.  I will not be available to ride until September as I will be grand parenting and visiting with family members up north.  See you all next month and Ride Safe        Dan  
I've found a new mouse for Dan to assist in hitting the correct button.
  • It was a low turn out today for the Friday ride.  Bob led Leslie and I on a "brilliant" route that took us around Lake Cherokee as we made our way to Cashiers.  His route kept us on the road for over an hour before we reached Cornucopia Restaurant.  We had to dodge a few wash-outs along the way due to the recent heavy rains, but we made it without incident.  The Cornucopia got us seated right away and we had a great lunch.  As we headed east on 64, the moist air gave way to some heavy raindrops that took our "brilliant" pre-restaurant ride to a disappointing and wet ride home.  We agreed if rain is called for again next Friday, we'll ride again.  It was another great, although a little damp, day on two wheels.    Steve

Men's restroom attendent at Cornucopia -better not miss the bowl!!