Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday 8/9/13 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Unless otherwise notified, the Friday Ride will leave from the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  You may select a leader and ride destination at that time.  In my haste to handle my grandparental duties I failed to hit the right button trying to send out this message on Wednesday.  Better late than never.  I will not be available to ride until September as I will be grand parenting and visiting with family members up north.  See you all next month and Ride Safe        Dan  
I've found a new mouse for Dan to assist in hitting the correct button.
  • It was a low turn out today for the Friday ride.  Bob led Leslie and I on a "brilliant" route that took us around Lake Cherokee as we made our way to Cashiers.  His route kept us on the road for over an hour before we reached Cornucopia Restaurant.  We had to dodge a few wash-outs along the way due to the recent heavy rains, but we made it without incident.  The Cornucopia got us seated right away and we had a great lunch.  As we headed east on 64, the moist air gave way to some heavy raindrops that took our "brilliant" pre-restaurant ride to a disappointing and wet ride home.  We agreed if rain is called for again next Friday, we'll ride again.  It was another great, although a little damp, day on two wheels.    Steve

Men's restroom attendent at Cornucopia -better not miss the bowl!!

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