Saturday, May 31, 2014

Friday 5/30/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The Friday forecast doesn’t look so good at this time, but now that the heat is on, every afternoon can show a threat of rain.  I won’t be available to ride this weekend but those wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Hope the weather is OK for a ride.  Ride safe.   Dan
Based on a recent Elvis siting, he may want to lead our group on Friday.
  • It was a warm South Carolina morning as a group gathered at Key Mart to determine a destination and leader.  Based on the uncertain wet forecast, it was decided to have lunch near home.  Puerto Nuevo, in West Union was the choice, and the route took us north to US64.  Jim (Honda) agreed to lead the group of 8 as we made our way up and down the mountain.  The riders other than Jim included Lesley, Joel, Denny and friend Rich (first time rider), me, Ed, and Bob.  The food and service at Puerto Nuevo was good as usual.  The route and destination turned out to be the right decision as showers did move in after 2 pm.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve  (ps, Elvis didn't show to lead the group - what a hound dog!)


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