Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Honoring Their Service Motorcycle Escort

The "Honoring Their Service" Motorcycle Escort was a rewarding experience and a rousing success.  There were 256 motorcycles providing motorcade support for the Marines riding in Jeeps on their way to Keowee Key.  Patriotic people lined the entire route waving flags and signs thanking the Marines for their service.   A big thanks to the motorcycle volunteers that helped get everything lined up - Dan (chairman), Bob, Tom, Len, Russ, Jim, Charley, Jon, Ed, Pete, and Larry.  The Lighthouse turned their Cabana Club into a mini barbecue joint to provide the motorcyclists a big thank-you for their effort.  The Marines concluded their visit with an escorted trip to Clemson to get a "hero's'" tour of Memorial Stadium, also know affectionately as Death Valley.  The small motorcycle escort included Dan, Charley, me, Len, and Lesley.  It was a real treat to tour the stadium and bid a final farewell to the Marines.  It was definitely a couple of really great days on two wheels.   Steve

Red Owens Field - Easley
The Orange Bowl Trophy - 2014

A Marine looking good in Dabo Swinney's Office

The field is definitely going to need some work!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Friday 6/20/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I really hate to do this in the summer, but everywhere to the north is showing a 40% to 50% chance for rain, possibly electricity as well.  By going south the forecast is at least 30% or less so I think I will plan to head down to Anderson for some lunch at Sumo Joe’s on Main Street.  If the forecast improves by Friday, we can change the plan.  If you would like to risk the rain and join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.   Dan
Ride the Lightening - Metallica

  • Six cool, but not so cool, bikers showed up at Key Mart for the ride to Anderson.  The sun and humidity were definitely being felt as we left the parking lot behind.  The other riders included Lesley, me, Russ, Rob, and Bob.  Dan took us on some familiar and some not so familiar back roads to get to our destination.  The sun was great, but as we encountered some stop lights entering the city, we were all ready to hit the AC inside Summa Joe's.  Thanks to Sue's call ahead, a table for six was waiting for us.  There is quite a variety of food available and it is all tasty.  I had a very unbiker-like pear and arugula salad that was great.  The ride back took us across Lake Hartwell a couple times before we stopped to fill up on the way home.  It was another great, although hot, day on two wheels.  This was a good tune up for the upcoming motorcycle escort to Honor Their Service this coming Monday, June 23.  Join us on the ride or along the route (click here for route times, and here for the flyer) to show your appreciation.  Steve

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friday 6/13/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday Morning weather looks good right up until the afternoon when the temperature rises and so does the chance for rain.  I won’t be available to ride this week since I’m playing in the KK Member/Guest Tournament, however, those still willing to risk it should assemble at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Enjoy and ride safe.   Dan
Perhaps a real stand-up person will take the lead this Friday.
  • Based on the forecast showing rain likely in the early afternoon, a small group decided to leave Key Mart at 9 am rather than wait until 10:30 am.  The group, which Rob led, included Lesley, Steve (BMW), Charley, me, Ed, and Bob.  We decided to make our way to Westminster for some breakfast at Eva's.  Rob took some good back roads to get us there, but in the process, there were some that missed the turn.  Everyone still made it Eva's, although not all at once.  They were a little slow getting us started, but with such a small staff, it can be expected.  You can't beat the prices and I didn't hear any complaints.  Lesley left before eating to head back to Key Mart to see if there were other riders that wanted to go at the normal starting time.  The ride back took us up 76, crossing over to 28, and then everyone split up for there own route the rest of the way.  We were glad we avoided the rain this week.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Friday 6/06/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The forecast for Friday is calling for a possibility of rain in the afternoon just about anywhere we might want to go so for now I’m going to plan a ride over to the Attic Restaurant in Clarkesville, GA and we’ll see what happens to the weather as the time gets closer.  If you think you might want to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan
God Bless those that served.

Trip Advisor - The Attic Restaurant

  • Sunny skies and a reasonable, 30% chance of rain, were enough to bring out a dozen riders for the trip to Georgia.  The group today included some that haven't ridden lately, as well as a new rider.  Those riding with Dan included Len, Lesley, Jim (Wing), Steve (BMW), Denny, Murray, Paul (first time rider, new KK resident), Dave, Charley, me, and Bob.  It was a nice ride through western Oconee County's curvy roads as we made our way into Georgia.  The skies were still looking good as we arrived at The Attic.  It was a little slow getting our table, but the food was good, especially the Red Pepper soup.  Someone noticed as we started to leave the table that rain was indeed coming down.  We waited under the awning in the rear for the rain to subside and we headed to the bikes to put on the rain gear.  The rain stayed with us another 15 minutes or so before the sun came out to heat us up while wearing the rain gear.  We made it home before another cloud burst let loose over Keowee Key.  All in all, it was still a great day on two wheels.   Steve 
The Attic Restaurant - Clarkesville, GA
Waiting for the rain to let up.