Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Friday 6/20/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I really hate to do this in the summer, but everywhere to the north is showing a 40% to 50% chance for rain, possibly electricity as well.  By going south the forecast is at least 30% or less so I think I will plan to head down to Anderson for some lunch at Sumo Joe’s on Main Street.  If the forecast improves by Friday, we can change the plan.  If you would like to risk the rain and join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.   Dan
Ride the Lightening - Metallica

  • Six cool, but not so cool, bikers showed up at Key Mart for the ride to Anderson.  The sun and humidity were definitely being felt as we left the parking lot behind.  The other riders included Lesley, me, Russ, Rob, and Bob.  Dan took us on some familiar and some not so familiar back roads to get to our destination.  The sun was great, but as we encountered some stop lights entering the city, we were all ready to hit the AC inside Summa Joe's.  Thanks to Sue's call ahead, a table for six was waiting for us.  There is quite a variety of food available and it is all tasty.  I had a very unbiker-like pear and arugula salad that was great.  The ride back took us across Lake Hartwell a couple times before we stopped to fill up on the way home.  It was another great, although hot, day on two wheels.  This was a good tune up for the upcoming motorcycle escort to Honor Their Service this coming Monday, June 23.  Join us on the ride or along the route (click here for route times, and here for the flyer) to show your appreciation.  Steve

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