Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday 11/07/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast is calling for sun but somewhat cool. Since I’m not as warm blooded as I used to be, I’m thinking it is time to start staying south of the mountains unless it seriously warms up.  So, this Friday I’m planning to find my way to Traveler’s Rest for some lunch at the Café at William’s Hardware.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.     Dan
Cafe at Williams Hardware
  • It was another gorgeous fall day in South Carolina for the ride to Traveler's Rest.  Eight riders showed up to take advantage of the fantastic weather and a chance to ride with the group.  Bill was there to hand out the latest edition of US Rider News Magazine.  The group Dan led included Lesley, Len, Rob, Jim (Wing), me, Russ, and Bob.  We, of course, started our ride north so we could get to the destination west of us.  We cruised by the Salem Mall and then turned off to take advantage of the scenic county roads of Oconee, Pickens, and Greenville counties.  At one point, Lesley considered turning away from the rest of the group, but changed her mind and got back in position with the group.  Someone called it a "senior moment," but I can't remember what that means.  We passed some rather spectacular homes as we arrived on the west side of Traveler's Rest.  When we got into Williams Hardware, we were greeted by the owners.  They quickly gave us menus and a rundown of the specials, and just as quickly showed us to our usual spot in the basement. I still wonder if this is due to their great hospitality, or the desire to keep some leather-clad bikers out of sight of the other guests.  Either way, the food was great and nearly everyone had the ciabata/turkey/cranberry sandwich, with a side.  We took a very scenic and indirect route back toward home.  We did learn that when a sign says bridge out, they actually mean it.  Once again, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

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