Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Friday 12/26/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I am not planning a ride this coming Friday but I do wish you all a great holiday season and thank you so much for joining me on many rides this past year, making one of my favorite things to do so much better.  May your bike run trouble free for another year and, as always, ride safe.   Dan

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Friday 12/19/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • In an effort to be naughty I’m going to try and get in one more ride before Christmas by heading on down to the Pompous Pig in Anderson for some lunch.  If you’re still around and you’re bike is being nice please join me and we’ll plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.   Hope you can make it.   Dan
Merry Christmas to all the naughty Bikers!!

  • Ten bikes, with eleven riders, met in the Key Mart parking area for the Friday ride down to Anderson.  The temperature was not too bad for the drive through the back roads.  Dan led the group, which included Lesley, Len and Pat, Jim (Wing), Rob, Steve G., me, Russ, Kevin, and Bob.  Familiar roads carried us into Anderson County where we encountered a lot of traffic.  With a large group, we had a couple of stop lights that tried to split up the group, but we always managed to regroup on our way to the Pompous Pig.  The service and food were very good and they had a table set up for us, thanks to our always faithful reservation specialist, Sue.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and then we saddled up to head out of town.  Once again, we made our way through the heavy traffic and Dan took us on a route that brought us into Pendleton.  Some of the bikes peeled off along the way as we headed back home.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Friday 12/12/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Reluctantly, I must admit that winter is here, so I am planning to scoot on down to one of our favorite cold weather eating haunts, The Gray House in Starr, SC.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Dress warm.   Dan

The Gray House

  • Another fantastic day for a fall ride in the upstate.  Eight riders convened at Key Mart for the trip to one of the favorites - The Gray House.  Following Dan's lead were Len, Rob, Charley, Russ, me, Kevin, and Bob.  We took a route through Central as we made our way south to Starr.  Although the restaurant is on Stone's Throw Avenue, Dan managed to find a way that was definitely more than a stones throw from Key Mart.  There were definitely some roads we had not traveled before.  You know it was quite a different route when Len had to ask, "Are we still going to The Gray House," when we stopped at one intersection.  The ladies at The Gray House are always ready with some great food and service.  They did shuffle us past a group of senior women to a little room at the back, but I don't think we were really scaring anyone.  This is always a great stop for lunch.  With the great route and great food, and of course a great group of riders, it was truly another great day on two wheels.    Steve
You just never know what sights you'll see when driving through the country.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Friday 12/05/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday appears that it may be OK for a ride so I am planning to head on down to Anderson, SC and try out a different place called the “Eggs Up Grill” for some lunch.  If you think you would like to give it a go, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can join us.   Dan

  • It was a typical Michigan fall day - overcast, cold, and a little mist in the air.  The problem is, we are in South Carolina.  This did not stop four of us from taking a ride into Anderson to try a new stop for lunch.  Dan was followed by Lesley, me, and Orange Glove Bob.  Dan, with the help of his trusty GPS, took us to Anderson via Liberty.  He managed to find some new roads for us to make our way into Anderson County.  The Eggs Up Grill was a little hard to find, but we spotted it nearly hidden by Publix.  We were seated and most of us chose breakfast from the menu, including Bob's usual healthy breakfast choice of French toast, lots of syrup, a couple blue berries, and of course bacon.  The service was good and so was the food.  The servers were sporting reindeer antlers and stocking caps to help remind us the Christmas season is upon us.  A t-shirt worn by one of the servers read, "Can you see my crack?", which fortunately,  was referring to an egg.  Lesley and I took different routes home to take care of some errands, and Dan and Bob ventured back through the countryside.  The sky stayed overcast for the ride home, but overall, it was still a great day on two wheels.    Steve
Bob found his new Christmas outfit.......

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Friday 11/28/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Winter is upon us though the Friday forecast is calling for ride able conditions so I am planning on riding.  It is the Friday after Thanksgiving so I expect a light turnout, therefore I think I’ll just ride over to Westminster for some lunch at Puerto Nuevo, roundabout way, of course.  If you would like to join me and think you can still swing your stuffing stuffed belly over a motorcycle, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it and have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday.   Dan

  • It was a sunny, but cold morning for the trio of diehard (or maybe crazy) motorcyclists to make the ride to Westminster for some fine Mexican cuisine.  Dan, Lesley, and I were the three willing to bundle up and plug in for the ride.  Ed, Mr. Cuisinart himself, stopped by the Key Mart parking lot in his VW while on his way to get some food together for the upcoming Hospice House lunch.  He was going to try to meet us at Puerto-Nuevo, but must have gotten sidetracked.  Dan took us on a very meandering route as we went to Westminster via Salem, and then west of Walhalla.  I'm sure they were glad to see us at Puerto - Nuevo, as there were only a couple other patrons inside.  The food was good as usual and we took our time before we returned to the cool air outside.  Dan took us on an interesting route back into Seneca, where we gassed up and headed for home to find some heat.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
The three of us bundled up for the chilly ride today......

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Friday 11/21/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like another day where the forecast is calling for lots of sun but not much heat, just a little.  No rain means OK to ride so those wishing to do so should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  I wished I could join you but I will be playing “Grandpa” this weekend.  I hope it warms up and,  of course, ride safe.   Dan

  • Another good turn out for the Friday riders today.  In Dan's absence, Bob suggested the Waterfall Grill at Cateechee Golf Course in Hartwell, GA.  Lesley stepped up to take the lead since she was the only one that knew how to get there, although several of us had been there before.  The group of eight, led by Lesley, consisted of me, Len, Rob, Steve G., Jim (Wing), Kevin (welcome back!!), and Bob.  The sun and blue skies made for a gorgeous ride around Lake Hartwell as we passed the dam before we got into town.  Although chaps and Harley shirts may not be the dress code for the Waterfall, they gladly seated eight paying customers and took our orders.  The vegetable soup, which had more than a few chili characteristics, was a great choice by Len and I.  Bob introduced us to the sous chef that had recently been the guest chef at the men's cooking club.  By the time we left, the temperature had climbed a few more degrees with the sun making its presence known.  Lesley took us back into Seneca on some classic Oconee county roads that were new to most of us.  The scents of the countryside were in full force as we passed more than a couple cattle farms. As some would say (that would be Bob), the route Lesley took us on was genius.  Truly, another great day on two wheels.     Steve

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Friday 11/14/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • How many “seasons” do we have to go through before “unseasonably cold” becomes the “normal season”?  Anyway, in light of the unseasonably cold but dry conditions, I’m planning to stay a little closer to home and ride on over to Old Easley and have some lunch at the Starving Artist Café.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.    Dan

  • With the temps in the high 30's, it was a little surprising to see 10 riders in the Key Mart parking area this morning.  Dan had another fine route through Oconee and Pickens Counties to get the group to Easley.  Riding along with Dan were Lesley, Len, Steve G., Rob, Jim (wing), me, Russ, Ed, and Bob.  The view of the mountains while traveling Belle Shoals Road was very good, but I'm sure on a clear day it would be spectacular.  It felt like it was getting cooler the closer we got to Easley. It was confirmed there was at least a 4 degree drop in temperature, taking us down to 39 degrees.  Eagle Eye Ed (EEE) spotted something white on Russ's rear tire on the ride over.  It turned out to be the cords showing where the rubber was supposed to be.  It is now tire purchase time for Russ.  Our group descended on The Starving Artist, and as usual, proceeded to rearrange the tables so all ten of us were sitting together.  The server got us started with hot drinks right away and started taking food orders.  EEE, having spent the last hour looking at the rear tire on Russ's bike, was confused by the quiche special on the board.  He tried to order all nine ingredients, which represented four different quiches, in one quiche.  The server set him straight and took the rest of our orders.  They do a fine job with food at The Starving Artist.  Based on most of us still feeling a little cool, especially "Bright Orange Electric Gloves, but no batteries"  Bob, Dan took us on the most direct route home.  By the time we arrived home, the sun was shining, but still a bit cool. All in all though, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

I guess the confusion is understandable. Right???

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Friday 11/07/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast is calling for sun but somewhat cool. Since I’m not as warm blooded as I used to be, I’m thinking it is time to start staying south of the mountains unless it seriously warms up.  So, this Friday I’m planning to find my way to Traveler’s Rest for some lunch at the Café at William’s Hardware.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope you can make it.     Dan
Cafe at Williams Hardware
  • It was another gorgeous fall day in South Carolina for the ride to Traveler's Rest.  Eight riders showed up to take advantage of the fantastic weather and a chance to ride with the group.  Bill was there to hand out the latest edition of US Rider News Magazine.  The group Dan led included Lesley, Len, Rob, Jim (Wing), me, Russ, and Bob.  We, of course, started our ride north so we could get to the destination west of us.  We cruised by the Salem Mall and then turned off to take advantage of the scenic county roads of Oconee, Pickens, and Greenville counties.  At one point, Lesley considered turning away from the rest of the group, but changed her mind and got back in position with the group.  Someone called it a "senior moment," but I can't remember what that means.  We passed some rather spectacular homes as we arrived on the west side of Traveler's Rest.  When we got into Williams Hardware, we were greeted by the owners.  They quickly gave us menus and a rundown of the specials, and just as quickly showed us to our usual spot in the basement. I still wonder if this is due to their great hospitality, or the desire to keep some leather-clad bikers out of sight of the other guests.  Either way, the food was great and nearly everyone had the ciabata/turkey/cranberry sandwich, with a side.  We took a very scenic and indirect route back toward home.  We did learn that when a sign says bridge out, they actually mean it.  Once again, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Monday, November 3, 2014

Friday 10/31/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I just have to get a ride in this Friday so I’m hoping to catch the fall colors by heading up to Sylva, NC for some lunch at Lulu’s On Main by way of the BRP.  If you would like to go let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  As you probably know, Friday is supposed to be cold, especially up on the Parkway, so dress accordingly.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

  • Down to 5 riders this morning - Dan, Leslie, Russ, Ed, and Bob.  Slight change of plans.  Foliage better at lower altitudes so stayed below about 3600 ft vs going all the way up to the BRP.  Lunch at The Zookeepers in Cashiers. Bob and Ed had to check out the post lunch potential!   Russ

    • It was Halloween!  Ed and I were Trick or Treating.    Bob
    • God Bless You Bob,  
      I was treating you were tricking.   
      If only it were true!!!!    

      Thanks for the update.  Looks like it was "ghoul" day for a ride.   Steve

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Friday 10/24/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like it will be a good day weather wise for a ride, therefore those wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Enjoy and ride safe.   Dan
Looks like we are on our own boys and girls!!!!
  • It was just a trio of bikes that met up at Key Mart today - Bob, Len, and me.  It was a cool morning, but dry, and the colors are really starting to show in the trees.  After some brief discussion, Bob agreed to lead us to Chattooga Belle Farm.  The ride through the back country roads of Oconee county can only be described as "brilliant." (note - word provided by Bob).  The view was spectacular as usual, looking north and west at the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains.  The lunch was great, although a little slow, and was enjoyed by all of us.  We took in the view of the vineyards and mountains and decided to venture on toward the river where we saw some "llaughing" llamas.  Len led the way there and home in a ride that can only be described as "genius."  (note - word also provided by Bob).  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Friday 10/17/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday weather looks good so let’s plan a ride that will end up at Larry Manka’s house for some free lunch and beverage while we check out Larry’s new garage (which he spent so much time building).  I think we can find our way home from there.  If that sounds OK with you, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30am this Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan
The Garage Project

  • It was an absolutely gorgeous autumn day as six of us left the Key Mart parking lot, headed for some BBQ at Larry's new garage.  Dan couldn't make the ride, but left me a great route in classic Dan style - head north to a destination that is south.  I led the group, which was Rob, Jim (Wing), Russ, Bob, and Ed up and around Lake Cherokee.  We then wound our way through some more of Oconee's country roads to get to our destination on Sam Brown Road.  Gadget had the BBQ pit smoking like crazy and Brandon was cooking up some fine ribs.  We got a tour of the garage and a demonstration of how to ride a three-wheeled skateboard with handle bars.  Ed gave it a try, but could only get so far before running out of steam.  The ribs were great and it was very generous of Larry (aka Gadget) to serve them up for us.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve  (also, Happy Birthday to Larry's brother!!)
The actual smoker was larger......

Ride Safe - takes on a whole new meaning.......

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday 10/10/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The Friday forecast is calling for a 0% to 20% chance for rain which sounds like an 80% chance for no rain, so I am planning to ride up to the Flat Rock/Hendersonville area for some lunch at the Flat Rock Wood Room.  We haven’t been there since spring.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM, Friday.  Hope to see you there.   Dan
Trip Advisor - Flat Rock Wood Room

  • It was a quintet of bikes that left Key Mart on a nice fall morning this past Friday.  Dan led Gadget (of garage builder fame), Len, me, and Bob on the ride.  It was a great ride up to Flat Rock, taking some familiar back roads as we made our way north.  I am always looking for the Zirconium mines when we pass through Zirconia, but I haven't seen them yet.  Other afternoon plans for me meant that I had to skip lunch and head back to Keowee Key.  My day ended driving several hours in the rain as we made a trek up to southern Ohio.  Although my day on two wheels was cut short, I'm sure the others had another great day on two wheels.   Steve
HOGS forever!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Friday 10/03/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Well Rats!  I get a chance to ride and Mother Nature conspires against me.  The Friday forecast is calling for a high percentage chance of rain so I am not planning a ride at this time.  Those wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area and choose a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.   Dan

  • The rain did make it's appearance, so now we hope for a sunny day next Friday!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friday 9/26/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Dan is still away, so let's try one more breakfast ride before the morning temps get too cool.  We'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30, and head over to The Starving Artist in Easley for breakfast.  Hope to see you there.   Steve

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Friday 9/19/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • While Dan's away, the rest of us can play.  Let's plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am for a ride to Pendleton and visit the Village Bakery and Cafe for some breakfast.  Hope to see you there.     Steve

  • Just a trio of riders left Key Mart for the ride to Pendleton this morning, but there were five for breakfast.  (I'll explain later).  Unexpected rain around 5 am made the streets a little wet, but Bob likes a free bike wash, so I knew there would be at least one other rider to go for the breakfast ride.  Lesley pulled up in her 4-wheeler and said the damp weather was causing some problems for her Honda and it didn't want to run.  So, she told us she would meet me, Bob, and Rob in Pendleton.  In the meantime, I got a call from Ed who said he would also meet us at the Bakery.  The ride was fairly direct and all five arrived at about the same time.  The restaurant was not very crowded, but our usual seats in the separate back room were taken.  The coffee was great and so was the food.  Salmonella Ed thought the cook might have flipped the eggs over a little too "easy," but I didn't see any left on the plate.  We all shuddered when one of our group, you'll have to guess which one, asked for some "fruity tea."  So much for our tough biker image.  Also, the Honda did run once the gas was turned on.... oops!  The ride back took us into some heavy mist that began turning into larger drops, so we made a left in Pickens and headed back home.  It was another, although slightly unusual, great day on two wheels.   Steve
The Village Bakery and Cafe

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Friday 9/12/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The weather forecast for this time of year just keeps on showing the chances for rain increasing  dramatically from noon on, so I’ll try for another breakfast ride again, since that seems to work out best.  Thought I would try the Zookeeper’s Bistro in Cashiers one more time.  They were pretty good last time we went.  If the weather holds I’ll try coming back through Highlands, Dillard and Clayton.  Off course there is always the option to head straight back if need be.

    If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM this Friday morning, weather permitting.   Hope to see you there.   Dan

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Friday 9/05/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The hot weather seems to increase the chance for rain and Friday is no different with rain chances increasing as the day goes on.  So for now I am going to plan for a breakfast ride to JJ’s Eatery in Glenville, NC.  If the weather forecast stays the same or improves we can get some breakfast and wind our way home.  If not we can head for the barn right after breakfast.  Either way, if I don’t send out a renig notice, let’s plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area and go from there.  Hope all works out.   Dan
Yelp - JJ's Canteen & Eatery

  • Lest anyone not realize we live in the best motorcycle riding region of the country, they should have been on the ride today.  Dan led a group of 10 up the mountain and through Cashiers to JJ's in Glenville.  The other riders included Lesley, Len, Steve G., me, Rob, Jim, Russ, Bill (with magazines), and Bob.  The direct ride to breakfast got us to JJ's and we promptly rearranged their dining area by pulling three tables together to accommodate our group (sorry we did not put them back, oops) and the girls quickly got us coffee.  The food was good, although it took some time for the 10 orders to make their way back from the kitchen.  Steve G. wasn't sure why his took so long, but he said he knew the way back in case the rest of us couldn't wait for him.  I don't think he could have guessed the way we returned home.  It was a spectacular ride through North Carolina and around Lake Glenville.  The winding road was a blast to drive and when we made a left onto US64, it got even better.  There cannot be a more awesome stretch of road than this section of US64 heading into Highlands.  The temps were perfect as we made our way back home.  It was truly another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Friday 8/29/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Having towed my bike to Michigan to do some riding with my brothers, I got in a fair amount of riding fun, yet nothing quite compares with our Friday Rides.  A quick check of Steve’s blog reflected a good amount of fun was had during my absence.  Therefore, in order to keep from losing any more fun factor points I’ve decided to get going  on a breakfast ride to the Country Cupboard Restaurant in Lake Toxaway.  After breakfast I thought I would continue on up 281 to 107 and come back that way.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.     Dan

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Friday 8/22/14

Fellow Riders

  • Week 3 of 3 - "Friday afternoon forecast sure looks like rain but you might get by riding Friday morning.  Regardless, I will not be available to join you for the next 3 Fridays.  Those still wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday morning and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and stay dry."    Dan
William and Arthur have offered to lead the group Friday.

  • Five riders met at Key Mart for the Friday breakfast ride.  With the prospect of a very hot day ahead of us, we chose to visit Amore Cafe in Lake Toxaway and take advantage of the cool temps while they last.  Lesley led Rob, me, Jim (wing), and Charley up the mountain to US64.  Kelly, at Amore, heard us rumble into the parking area and started a fresh pot of coffee while we parked the bikes.  Just like the last visit, the food was great and made just the way we liked it.  You sure get a lot of food for $7.49.  Charley headed back after breakfast and the rest of us followed Lesley east on 64 and came back down the mountain on 178.  Even though it was still early, you could definitely feel the heat as we dropped down in elevation.  It was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Friday 8/15/14 Ride

Fellow Riders

  • Week 2 of 3 - "Friday afternoon forecast sure looks like rain but you might get by riding Friday morning.  Regardless, I will not be available to join you for the next 3 Fridays.  Those still wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday morning and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and stay dry."    Dan
Is Dan on a bicycle trip up north?
  • Five riders were able to take advantage of a fantastic weather day to ride to BJ's in Toccoa for breakfast.  After much discussion about where to go, the consensus was BJ's, and Lesley agreed to lead.  She did a great job picking a route Dan would be proud of.  The other riders included Rob, me, Ed, and Bob.  It was really a great ride into Georgia through the back roads of Oconee County.  The service was great at BJ's and there were no empty plates when everyone was done.  Bob was so excited when he got his French toast, he put syrup on the table as well as his plate.  Ed led the group back to Seneca.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Example of their down home country lunch menu.
  • On another note, one of our riders got some recognition in his local newspaper in New Hampshire.  We all knew he could engineer his own electric motorcycle, but who knew he was also a BBQ chef!!!  We'll have to get him to cook some up for us when he's here during the winter.  Congratulations on 20 years for Campbell's Scottish Highlands Golf Course!!!
Salem Community Patriot Newspaper

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Friday 8/8/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday afternoon forecast sure looks like rain but you might get by riding Friday morning.  Regardless, I will not be available to join you for the next 3 Fridays.  Those still wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday morning and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and stay dry.    Dan
"I'm not going, and you can't make me,"  Dan.

  • Well, Mother Nature wins again.  The rain coming down all Friday morning was enough to keep everyone on two wheels off the road.  Oh well, there's always next week, right??   Steve

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday 8/1/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Looks like the forecast for Friday is going to put a crimp in plans to ride.  As it turned out, the early morning was a little wet, but it turned out pretty nice by the end of the day.  Not sure if anyone ventured out on the wet roads, but there were probably a few.  I'm hoping to get out this next Friday.  So much for a great day on two wheels.   Steve   :-(
Clint is researching routes for next Friday.  Hope the weather is good.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Friday 7/25/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday morning weather looks to be OK so I planning to head on up to Brevard, NC for some breakfast at the Sunshine Café (we been there before).  The ride there will take about two hours since I will be going by way of Meese Mill and East Fork, but don’t worry, they serve breakfast all day.  Plan to be back by about 1 PM.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.   Dan
The Sunrise Cafe

  • What another fabulous day for riding in the mountains.  The temperature was perfect, low 70's, as ten of us made our way up to Brevard.  Dan was true to his word, taking nearly two hours for a 47 mile ride.  The riders behind Dan included Lesley, Len, Rob, me, Russ, Jim (Wing), Kevin (a rare summer sighting, but still on one of his Italian rides), Bob, and Ed.  Highway 178 gave us some good practice on twisties and switchbacks as we worked our way up the mountain.  The Sunrise Cafe, once again, offered a very tasty breakfast.  None of us were sure what language was being used to call out our order numbers, but Rob may be applying for a translator job there because he seemed to understand what the guy was saying.  The service and food were great.  The ride back took us along US64 for some more twisty highway, and then we headed back toward Keowee Key.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
What's wrong with this picture?
Yes, the menu on the back wall is as small as it looks.
Trip Advisor - The Sunrise Cafe

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Friday 7/18/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I will not be available to ride this Friday, however, breakfast seems to be a popular option to beat the heat during these hot summer month so those wishing to ride should plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area and chose a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.   Dan
Maybe Isabella will lead us to breakfast!!

  • Well, I let Mother Nature win today.  I did not feel like taking on the 50% chance of rain throughout the area.  They've been missing their forecast a lot lately, but of course, they seem to get it right on Friday.  Not a great day on two wheels today.   Steve