Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friday 3/06/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • What’s with the weather on Fridays?  Every other day is nice.  Whatever!!!  I’m going to ride if the roads are dry by 11:00 AM, even if it is just to Pendleton to the Village Bakery Café.  If you would like to brave the cold and join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 11:00 AM this Friday.  Bundle up again.   Dan
John says, "OK Pilgrims!!  You know real bikers wouldn't run off to Florida, or stay inside because of a little ice and snow.  So, I BETTER see ya' out there this Friday, Rory you'll be hearin' from ME!!

  • It turned out to be an okay weather day for "The Magnificent Seven" that met at Key Mart today.  The ride took us through the Pickens and Anderson County countryside, where the cows and horses were still looking wooly.  They seated us in the bakery, I'm sure to test our resolve to not be tempted by the pastries.  The food was good as usual, and the service was as usual also - not that great.  It appears the server we've had the last couple visits doesn't want to be there. Dan took us on a nice long ride back, including a couple loops on, coincidentally, Return Church Road.  Overall, it was great to get out after two weeks with no ride, and, another great day on two wheels.      Steve
  • Len
  • Rob

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