Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday 3/27/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • As usual, Friday’s forecast is calling for a slight chance of rain, which could change either way by Friday.  So, I’m going to plan a ride to Toccoa, GA for some lunch at BJ’s Restaurant.  If the roads are dry enough and the skies look OK, that’s what I’ll do and I hope you can join me.  If not, might have to change the plan come Friday.    Dan
  • Friday Ride - Wet Roads Not For Me - There is likely to be a window of opportunity without rain today, but unlikely the roads will dry up much, so I’m going to save my ride for better conditions.  Ride safe.   Dan

  • Well, there was only one of our regular riders that saw a rainy forecast as an opportunity.  You can probably guess who.  As I sat comfortably in my warm, dry home, I heard the unmistakable rumble of Mr. Orange Glove's two wheel beast head up the street.  It seems Bob wanted to take advantage of another bike wash opportunity.  It had been several weeks since many of us had to ride back from Pendleton in a heavy rain, and the dull luster of Bob's last bike wash was fading.  This was enough incentive for Bob to get the bike out and search for just the right amount of mist to loosen the grime.  It took about an hour and I heard the rumble again as Bob headed back down the street, having achieved his goal.  This was not another great day on two wheels for the rest of us, but Bob thought it was.   Hoping for a warm and dry Friday - Steve
Bob's dream bike wash ride !!!!!

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