Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Friday 4/24/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast calls for cool but dry conditions, perfect for motorcycle riding, so I’m planning to scoot on up to Tryon, NC and have some lunch at the Sidestreet Pizza & Pasta restaurant.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am this Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

Trip Advisor - Side Street Pizza & Pasta

  • Finally, a dry and sunny Friday to get out on two wheels.  As Dan said, "we got our money's worth today." A total of ten riders made it out for the ride.  Following Dan's lead were Gadget (been a while), Lesley, Len, Jim (Goldwing), Paul N., me, Russ, Ed, and of course Bob.  It was great to see Lesley's smiling face and hear the pop-pop backfire of the Honda after a few weeks absence.  It was truly the kind of day we'd been wanting for some time.  Dan took a very interesting route to get us to Tryon.  When we arrived, the consensus at Side Street was we should proceed to the bar area where we could spread out a little.  The service was very good and most took advantage of the Italian menu to try the pizza, linguini, and of course subs.  It was a nice leisurely lunch for the group before we saddled up for great ride back.  The ride up had taken us up through the watershed area, and the return trip took us down a couple of the best roads around - 276 and 178.  It was definitely a route to get your blood flowing as we cruised through the many curves and tight twisties on our way home.  It felt like this was a day we deserved after suffering through so many wet and cold Friday's over the past few months.  It was truly a great day on two wheels.   Steve
Words to live by courtesy of Side Street......

Ignore the reflection of the blogger in the lower right corner......

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Friday 4/17/15

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday forecast again shows a slight chance for rain however I am going to assume “Life Is Good” and go ahead and plan for some lunch at the Attic Restaurant in Clarkesville, GA.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday and hope Mother Nature can cooperate.  Hope you can make it.    Dan
Trip Advisor - The Attic Restaurant Clarksville

  • You know I don’t ride in the rain if I can avoid it.  If the roads are dry I’ll do a short ride closer to home, maybe Pickens.  If the roads are wet I’m staying dry.  Dan

  • The threat of rain seemed to hold down the number of people interested in going out on two wheels.  Only four made the ride to Pickens - Dan, me, Steve G., and Bob.  Rob stopped by to let us know he was heading to North Carolina to ride for a couple days with a group he hooked up with on line.  They would be twisting through North Carolina and Virginia.  This sounds like a good time to hone those cornering skills on the Beamer.  Ed also, stopped by to say he was not going with us.  He had a visitor in town, Alice, and they were going on a short ride to make sure they did not get caught in the rain.  Even Lesley stopped by to say she too, couldn't make the ride.  Basically, we had as many people tell us they were not going as there were people that actually made it over to Pickens.  The ride over was under some heavy gray clouds, but we could see slivers of blue off in the distance.  Michaels was not too busy, so we were able to sit right down and order some food.  The service and food are pretty dependable here, and we weren't disappointed.  With the gray skies still looming, we took a slightly long route back home.  It was another good day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Friday 4/10/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Again the Friday forecast does not look good showing a high probability of rain so I am not planning a ride at this time.  Any chance for me to ride Friday would be on very short notice, however those wishing to test Mother Nature anyhow should meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride Safe.      Dan 

  • ps.  Saturday, when it is supposed to be much dryer, I plan to ride to Anderson for some breakfast at Mr. Rivers Breakfast Joint, then stop by Timms HD to have a look around.  If you would like to join me for that little foray, I hope to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10 AM Saturday morning.  Maybe you would like to get in some riding then instead.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wednesday 4/1/15 and Friday 4/3/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

Wednesday - Wednesday 10:30 AM (No Fooling)‏

  • Again Friday weather forecast looks very questionable so I figured I would get my ride in Wednesday which is supposed to be the last of the really nice weather this week.  Hopefully I won’t get fooled by Mother Nature being it is April Fools Day and we won’t have to continue this Wednesday trend.  I’m planning to head on down to the Waterfall Grill at Cateechee Golf Club just south of Hartwell, GA for some lunch.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Wednesday (not Friday).  Hope you can make it.   Dan
Friday - 10:30 AM
  • Tomorrows forecast has improved to showing very little chance for rain and decent temperatures for riding so those wishing to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride Safe.   Dan
I heard Dan and Sue were taking a non-motorized ride today.
Sue was probably ahead of Dan, able to pedal herself.

  • Well it was a "triple threat' that made a trip this Friday.  Len stopped in to tell us he wasn't going, so it was the Orange-gloved Bob, Rob, and I that made the trip.  Because there was still a chance of fog, we accepted Bob's offer to lead us, with gloves blazing, on a ride to Cashier's.  He took us around Cherokee lake then over to 28 so we could make the ride up highway 107.  Our destination was Cornucopia and we arrived just before the place got really busy.  We had a great lunch, but had to leave a lot of dollars to pay for it, definitely not the cheapest place we visit.  Rob took us back down the mountain and the temperature was well on its way to 80 degrees.  It was a small group, but another great day on two wheels.   Steve