Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Friday 4/24/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast calls for cool but dry conditions, perfect for motorcycle riding, so I’m planning to scoot on up to Tryon, NC and have some lunch at the Sidestreet Pizza & Pasta restaurant.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am this Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

Trip Advisor - Side Street Pizza & Pasta

  • Finally, a dry and sunny Friday to get out on two wheels.  As Dan said, "we got our money's worth today." A total of ten riders made it out for the ride.  Following Dan's lead were Gadget (been a while), Lesley, Len, Jim (Goldwing), Paul N., me, Russ, Ed, and of course Bob.  It was great to see Lesley's smiling face and hear the pop-pop backfire of the Honda after a few weeks absence.  It was truly the kind of day we'd been wanting for some time.  Dan took a very interesting route to get us to Tryon.  When we arrived, the consensus at Side Street was we should proceed to the bar area where we could spread out a little.  The service was very good and most took advantage of the Italian menu to try the pizza, linguini, and of course subs.  It was a nice leisurely lunch for the group before we saddled up for great ride back.  The ride up had taken us up through the watershed area, and the return trip took us down a couple of the best roads around - 276 and 178.  It was definitely a route to get your blood flowing as we cruised through the many curves and tight twisties on our way home.  It felt like this was a day we deserved after suffering through so many wet and cold Friday's over the past few months.  It was truly a great day on two wheels.   Steve
Words to live by courtesy of Side Street......

Ignore the reflection of the blogger in the lower right corner......

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