Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Friday 5/29/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast calls for a better than 50% chance for thunder dunders so I am not planning a ride at this time.  If the forecast changes or the roads are dry I may try to squeak in a ride close to home, so stay tuned if that happens.  Those who don’t mind the weather should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.   Dan
Can't we please have at least two dry Fridays in a row?????

  • Four crazy brave souls decided to meet at Key Mart and challenge Mother Nature's seemingly relentless attempt to wash out our Friday rides.  After some discussion, and a few expert opinions of which way the rain was headed, it was decided to make our way to Travelers Rest and Williams Hardware for some lunch.  Dan tried to get someone else to lead, but with no takers, he assumed his regular role and led Len, me, and Bob into the countryside.  Fortunately, Len suggested to Dan that we might not be going in the correct direction to get to Travelers Rest, so we made a left instead of a right and got back on track.  Our highway repair dollars were definitely at work in several places and we had to take one detour due to a bridge being out.  Amazingly, we trusted the sign when it said the bridge was out.  This hasn't always been the case.  The skies were still gray and ominous as we got to the restaurant.  The food was good as usual, but the enchilada's were not quite as hot as they should be.  That didn't stop us from We finishing them anyway.  Surprisingly, as tempted as Bob was with the warm strawberry dessert, he stayed strong and passed.  The ride back took us through a couple of brief showers,  but no one melted.  Even with the gray skies and threat of heavy rain, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Friday 5/22/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday promises to be a great day for riding, no rain, lower temperatures and low humidity.  Alas, I cannot join you because I will be pedaling the front half of a tandem bicycle somewhere around Georgia with, hopefully, Sue following me on the back half.  However, those of you still available for turning gas into noise should plan on meeting at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe and see you next week.   Dan
Dan warming up for his "peddling" adventure.....

  • Well, it sounds like there were some riders that took advantage of the great weather to head up to Dillsboro and visit Kostas.  Sounds like it was a great ride, especially on the way back.  Wish I could have made the trip.   Steve

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Friday 5/15/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The Friday weather forecast is not looking very good so I am not planning a ride at this time.  If the roads are dry or the forecast changes we can make an impromptu ride.  If you want to risk it anyway plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.   Dan
Hey!! Why you rain so much???
  • Five riders decided to risk the rain and head out on a ride today.  We were especially reassured   when Forecaster Bob gave us the hourly rain chance percentages.  Feeling emboldened, we decided to head north and into the mountains for some lunch.  Dan led Len, me, Ed, and of course our forecaster, Bob.  I think Bob was secretly hoping for some rain so he could get a jump on his summer cleaning, but no rain came.  We were heading for the Country Cupboard, but it now has new owners and is called Grille @ The Barn.  Seating was no problem and we were quickly given drinks and placed our food orders.  One popular selection was a very large bowl of chili, which proved to be too, much food when combined with the grilled cheese.  The wraps were the next most popular selection and they were quite good.  We finished lunch and made our way west on Hwy 64 toward Hwy 281 and our route back home.  The weather continued to improve and the skies seemed to be clearing, all contrary to Forecaster Bob's prediction.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels, although, Bob will have to thankfully, wait for his bike wash.   Steve

Hmmm.... thought I was going to get a bike wash.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Friday 5/8/15 Ride

Fellow Riders

  • Last Friday we were shown proper etiquette by our better halves, now it is time to try it on our own.  So I plan to ride on up to Sylva, NC and try my face feeding skills at Lulu’s On Main.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope the weather holds out and I see you there.   Dan

  • Only five riders met at Key Mart today for a planned ride to Sylva.  However, orange-gloved weather forecaster Bob, reported that the chance of rain had increased to over 50% for the mountains.  Knowing how Bob doesn't like to let a chance for a free bike wash pass, I was surprised he was reluctant to head to the mountains.  Then, I remembered he already got his spring bike wash a couple months ago.  So Dan called an audible and said we would go to BJ's in Toccoa.  With a small group and plenty of time, we were able to check out some different roads to get to our Georgia destination.  We took a right onto River road and that turned out to be a pretty interesting ride to travel along the Tugaloo River.  We arrived at BJ's and were promptly seated and served.  The servers are friendly and the food very good.  Bacon seemed to be a favorite for a majority of the group and we weren't disappointed.  As we traveled back to the Keowee Key area, you could see billowing clouds building to the north, over the mountains.  As Bob would agree, we should all continue to pay attention to what he has to say.  It was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday 5/1/15 Couples Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This note is early because, as many of you know, we will be on a couples motorcycle trip most of this week, our friends from Atlanta included.  Sue and I plan to escort them part way back by including them into our Friday Ride and have lunch at the Attic Restaurant in Clarkesville.  After lunch the Atlanta couple can continue on their way and we will return to Salem with whomever decides to join us.  Therefore, as a departure from normal, we are inviting couples to join us, since a few of the ladies have already expressed an interest in going.  Of course, as always, if you wish to ride alone, I always enjoy the camaraderie.  Friday looks OK at this early date, however, we will be going rain or shine.  If you would like to join us let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am this Friday.  Hope you can make it.    Dan
  • Ten bikes with 17 riders made the trip via another of Dan's outstanding routes to The Attic in Clarksville, GA.  The weather was very cooperative and the ride was scenic as we made our way into Georgia.  It was very impressive that 6 of the riders had just returned from a three day visit to Savannah, and rode some more on Friday.  The couples were Dan & Sue, Len & Pat, Steve & Eva, Steve & Carla, Steve & Paulette, (way too many Steve's...), Dave & Pam (first time riders), Jim & Colleen, and solo riders Lesley, Bill G, and Bob.  The food is always good at The Attic, but service tends to be a little slow, especially with 17 at the table.  They had a place set up for us and the slow service gave everyone more time to talk and get aquainted. Everyone bid farewell to Steve and Eva as they made their way back to Atlanta, while the rest of us were on the road back to Keowee Key and other places nearby.  It was another great day on two wheels, with the added bonus of many spouses coming along.   Steve
Here is some of the group riding through Toccoa on the way to Clarksville....