Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Friday 5/29/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast calls for a better than 50% chance for thunder dunders so I am not planning a ride at this time.  If the forecast changes or the roads are dry I may try to squeak in a ride close to home, so stay tuned if that happens.  Those who don’t mind the weather should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.   Dan
Can't we please have at least two dry Fridays in a row?????

  • Four crazy brave souls decided to meet at Key Mart and challenge Mother Nature's seemingly relentless attempt to wash out our Friday rides.  After some discussion, and a few expert opinions of which way the rain was headed, it was decided to make our way to Travelers Rest and Williams Hardware for some lunch.  Dan tried to get someone else to lead, but with no takers, he assumed his regular role and led Len, me, and Bob into the countryside.  Fortunately, Len suggested to Dan that we might not be going in the correct direction to get to Travelers Rest, so we made a left instead of a right and got back on track.  Our highway repair dollars were definitely at work in several places and we had to take one detour due to a bridge being out.  Amazingly, we trusted the sign when it said the bridge was out.  This hasn't always been the case.  The skies were still gray and ominous as we got to the restaurant.  The food was good as usual, but the enchilada's were not quite as hot as they should be.  That didn't stop us from We finishing them anyway.  Surprisingly, as tempted as Bob was with the warm strawberry dessert, he stayed strong and passed.  The ride back took us through a couple of brief showers,  but no one melted.  Even with the gray skies and threat of heavy rain, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

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