Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Friday 7/10/15 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Last Friday wasn’t so nice but this Friday is looking pretty good, except for the heat, so I’m going to keep the same plan as last week and ride on over to BJ’s Restaurant in Toccoa, GA for some breakfast.  We are heading to MI on Saturday so I won’t be able to ride next week.  That means it is Friday or nothing, so I’m riding Friday, 8:30 AM from the Key Mart parking area.  Hope you can join me.   Dan

"We'll head that way to Toccoa, then head for Michigan tomorrow...."

  • No shortage of riders today.  The forecast for hot afternoon temps was enough to convince everyone that wanted to ride that earlier is better than later. The large group scooting along behind Dan included Lesley, Len, Jim (Wing), Steve G., Denny, Russ, Bill, Pat, Corey, and Bob. Jim (HD Road King) and I met up with the group at BJ's.  The server had us seated at tables if front of the big window.  Sounds impressive, but the panoramic view was overlooking the alley and parking lot.  I'm sure we shouldn't be concerned that they put us way in the back and not up front with the decent folks.  The server did a pretty good job getting the drinks and food orders.  Lesley was a little concerned when the server  told her that her order "might be getting made" as opposed to saying it's on its way.  The meal did arrive soon after and fresh, piping hot biscuits were brought to complete some of the orders.  With the large group, it took a few miles for everyone to catch up to the group once we left the restaurant.  Dan took us on some roads we hadn't traveled before, but we came to a rather quick stop when we encountered a road that looked like the one in the picture below.  Only Len and Jim (wing) had reverse, so it took a few minutes for the rest of us to back up and turn around on the slight incline.  From there Len moved up behind Dan to assist in getting us back on track. The ride continued to heat up as we made our way down the mountain.  I'm sure everyone was glad we took Dan's lead and made the ride an early one.  It was definitely another great day on two wheels.   Steve

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