Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Friday 07/22/16 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I would like to keep our “Beat the Heat” breakfasts rides going for now so I thought I would try to get up to Clayton, GA for some breakfast at the Rusty Bike Café.  Steve has made it to Clayton for breakfast before so I’ll see how he did it.  I’m told the Rusty Bike Café gets really busy so we have a backup.  Hope you can join me.   Dan

  • It was another muggy South Carolina morning when 7 bikes and 8 riders arrived at the Key Mart parking lot for a breakfast ride to Clayton.  Along with Dan were Gadget, Pat, me, Charley and his grandson Alex, Bill G. (welcome back after several months), and O. G. Bob.  Knowing the Rusty Bike can get busy, Dan took a fairly direct route (you know Dan can’t take just a “direct” route on a motorcycle) so we could get seats.  Of course, Sue had called ahead and a table was waiting for us.  Parking was very limited.  Maybe next time Dan will have to get Sue to reserve some parking spots for us as well.  The service was prompt and the menu was full of items that would never make it on a Jenny Craig list of food.  That also means the food was very good and portions were plentiful.  I tried to pretend I ordered a healthy selection by choosing multi-grain pancakes, and of course, O. G. Bob had decaf coffee and banana and pecan French toast fruit.  My favorite thing about this restaurant was that my coffee was served in a Beck Funeral Home mug.  This was a little disconcerting, but our server said they did have a cardiologist on site.  Also, a very sweet customer stopped by our table to tell us she used to ride a motorcycle and says a prayer every night asking for safe riding for motorcyclists.  Turns out we pass her home every time we ride on Warwoman Road.  After the great breakfast, the ride back was interesting and took us through Lakemont Village, Georgia.  I can say it was not on my list of places to visit, but it is now on my list of places I've been.  After turning around to avoid a gravel road and a detour, we eventually made our way home through Walhalla, stopping for gas along the way.  It was another great day on two wheels.     Steve
Good advertising for the funeral home, but for the restaurant??


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