Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Friday 03/24/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Our assignment, if we accept it, is to find a lunch place we haven’t been before.  With that in mind, let’s try Joe’s Pizza in Patrick Sq.  If Joe’s can handle us, I know I can turn a 20 minute trip into a 2 hour ride.  That’s what motorcycles are for.  If you agree, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.     Dan

  • It was a cool and gray morning when 16 riders, including Dan, accepted the assignment and met in the Key Mart parking area.  I think many of the riders must have thought Dan said he would "buy" lunch.  I don't remember a larger group for a lunch ride since I've been here.  Maybe those that have been doing this longer than me have seen such a large group.  The riders included a couple first timers.  The newer riders thought Dan was joking when he said he could come up with a two hour ride to Clemson.  Those of us that have been riding with Dan for a while knew better.  The other 15 riders included Len, Rob, David, Steve G., Russ, me, Herb (welcome to Herb), Kevin, George (welcome to George), Bill, Pat, Bob B., Ed, Gary, and OG Bob. I think Dan downloaded to his GPS a patrol route from an Oconee deputy.  Virtually the entire route, that did last two hours by the way, was on the backroads of Oconee county. When we arrived, a large group table was ready to go and we were lucky to have Laura as our server.  She got our attention, gave us key points about the menu, and told us how she was going to make sure we had a great lunch.  She was the perfect server for this group and very efficient in getting our orders, drinks, and food.  Laura was even kind enough to make sure we knew the gratuity had already been added, but it was okay to add more if we wanted.  After leisurely enjoying the great tasting food, some of the group headed off in different directions and the rest followed Dan, although, there was some concern he might take two hours to get home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

I quickly snapped a photo of this guy, ironically,
as we passed through Friendship.
Looks vaguely familiar.......

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