Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Friday 06/23/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Friday it seems the best weather for riding will be mid-day so I plan to ride on up to Brevard, NC and try to get into Mayberry’s Soups and Sandwiches for some lunch.  I know Steve did a great job starting the breakfast trend but I’m thinking the roads may still be wet if we go too early so I’m going to hold off a bit.  If you can join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope to see you there.     Dan

Mayberry's Menu
  • Per Dan's plan, the roads had pretty much dried out for the ride today, and nine riders joined in for the ride to Brevard.  The other riders included Gadget, David D., Gary, me, Russ, Bob D., Terry, Ed, and OG Bob.  Dan had us zigging and zagging through Pickens County and we found ourselves on Cleo Chapman Highway, heading for Hwy 178, to go north.  The rain and wind over the past couple days left a lot of debris in the road, and a chunk of tree branch in the road caused one rider to go off the highway and into some soft grass.  Fortunately, he was not hurt (and doing fine according to an email from Dan) and very little was damaged on his bike. He decided that was enough of a ride today, so he headed back home.  The rest of us followed Dan on the winding mountain roads up to Brevard and took the first parking spots we could find once we were in town.  Mayberry's is a nice restaurant, and we found enough seats at the counter for the nine of us.  Once we seated ourselves, we learned you had to order at the counter and they bring your food out to you.  So, we formed a long line at the register.  The order taking was a little slow, and only one guy was working the grill in the back.  We did all get served, but Dan was nearly done by the time the last person was served.  Oh well, now we know their process.  The food was quite tasty and once everyone was done, OG Bob was looking for others to join him for a quick ride to the Brevard Music Center.  The company OG Bob was with prior to retirement, designed, built, and installed the performance venue there, in addition to supplying the music stands and equipment to support the music.  The other riders headed for home, and I joined OG Bob for a stop at the Music Center.  Fortunately, we saw Keith Lockhart, Artistic Director for the Center and conductor of the Boston Pops, conducting practice with a group of high school age students, from all over the world, for an upcoming performance.  It is a spectacular venue and a fantastic setting.  After we soaked in a little Beethoven, we made our way home via the always fun Hwy 64.  It was another great day on two wheels because it was a fun ride and everyone made it home safely.   Steve
They must REALLY like spring at Mayberry's

Keith Lockhart, Artistic Director - Brevard Music Center, and Conductor of the Boston Pops

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