Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Friday 07/28/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • The ongoing forecast for afternoon showers dictates another morning breakfast ride.  I thought I would head up to the Clayton Cafe for some of their morning grub.  I'll plan to leave the Key Mart parking area for an 8:30 am departure.  Hope you can make it.   Steve

  • A total of 9 riders were at Key Mart this morning for an early ride to Clayton.  Today's ride included a rare summer appearance by Kevin, all the way from New Hampshire.  In addition to Kevin and I, the riders included Dan, Len, Russ, Rob, Bill, Pat, and of course, OG Bob.  Len was on his new 2017 HD Road Glide which everyone really liked.  It has lots of nice features and is a great color.  Trying to meet the targeted one hour ride to breakfast, we took some familiar roads, including Cassidy Bridge Road and Hwy 76 to get to the Cafe.  We did encounter a very sneaky motorcycle chasing dog along the way.  I saw the dog walking down a driveway like he was heading home.  Little did I know he was circling back behind some trees and bolted out from between the trees.  Fortunately, no one lost any flesh or leather.  Once at the cafe, we were seated right away in a couple booths up front.  Apparently, they're more comfortable with motorcycle riders than some of our other regular haunts.  Eggs, grits, and biscuits were popular, as well as an order of French Toast for you know who.  After a leisurely breakfast, we headed out to take War Woman back home.  I had another route planned, but that would have meant staying north a little longer, and based on the radar (see below), we may have had to outrun some rain.  War Woman and Hwy 28 are always great routes home.  Even with the gray skies, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Based on this sign in the men's room,
the Clayton Cafe must be trying to get a FireWise award....

Glad we didn't hang around Northern Georgia too long.
No need to get Len's new bike an OG Bob bike wash yet.....

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