Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Friday 08/11/17 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The current weather forecast for Friday isn't too optimistic, but we may be able to get a breakfast and short ride in before the clouds cut loose.  I was thinking we should try the Sunny Side Cafe in Clemson, and depending on how the weather looks after breakfast, ride some more or head home.  If you're optimistic and adventuresome, let's plan on leaving the Key Mart Parking area at 8:30 am on Friday.  Watch your email in case the run decides to come in sooner.  Hope it's dry and I'll see you there.   Steve

  • Well, at 8 am this morning, I sent out an email that said no ride because it was raining.  Then, things changed.  The fair Paulette was on her way out and came back in to tell me that it was not raining at that moment and that OG Bob just went by on his Yamaha.  She said she even saw some blue sky.  Based on her convincing me, I headed to the Key Mart parking area and sure enough, there were riders waiting to go on a ride.  Some crazy idiotic adventuresome (the 4 of us reached consensus on this adjective at breakfast) riders decided it was worth the risk to try for breakfast.  The other riders besides OG Bob and I were Gary and Terry.  The skies were quite ominous and the streets still damp as we made our way on the short ride to Clemson.  As common sense fate would have it, as we turned on to Hwy 133, it began to sprinkle.  The sprinkle, of course, quickly evolved into steady/heavy rain as we got closer to our destination. There was no problem getting a table in the restaurant as people not even riding motorcycles had determined it was not a good morning to venture out.  When we entered the restaurant, we were greeted by two obviously fair weather riders which turned out to be Pat and Bill.  Once the chuckles and comments from Pat and Bill, as well as from some other patrons died down, we placed our order and got the coffee we needed.  Breakfast is always good at Sunny Side and today was no exception.  Eventually, we finished breakfast, still with wet jeans and feet (waterproof boots can't stop rain from running down your pant leg and into the boot), and the rain stopped.  This gave us the opportunity to take a direct route home and start to dry out.  Overall, it was another adventuresome day on two wheels.   Steve

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