Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday 01/19/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It looks like Friday should be okay for a ride and I thought I would head to Puerto Nuevo in Westminster for lunch.  With the snow we had today, and the freezing overnight temperatures, we'll have to keep an eye on the early road conditions.  Watch for an e-mail by 8 am Friday to see if plans have changed.  If it's still a go, we'll plan on leaving at 10:30 am from Key Mart.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • With the temperatures edging up and the sun on full display, six riders, including me came out for a ride.  With last weeks rain-out, it was good to get out, even if the temperature at the time we left was not quite 40 degrees.  Those joining me included Dan, Rob, Steve G., Ed, and Doug. With the below freezing overnight temperatures the past few days, I did some scouting yesterday to make sure there wouldn't be any potential problems on todays ride.  We did have some sand on a couple of bridges, but not the kind we wanted between our toes.  Taking some familiar Oconee County roads, we arrived at our destination before any of us got too cold.  Paulette had called ahead, and a table was waiting for us.  The restaurant was not that busy, but they did have the set up we needed.  We should have asked if they had a "hot margarita-toddy," but we were on motorcycles.  Instead we were served our basic drinks and chips in good time, and adventurous Ed found some of the specialty dips to enhance the chips.  The meals came in traditional fashion - "be careful, the plates are hot" - that you hear at any Mexican restaurant.  The ride back was on some open roads to get us back to Seneca.  With dry roads and sunny skies, we still encountered two fairly serious accidents.  On Hwy 59, a car inexplicably rear-ended a pickup with major damage to the car.  And then, after we arrived in Seneca, we were detoured due to a roll over accident at Walnut and N 1st Street.  I was glad we were heading home.  It was warming up and was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

OG Bob sent another progress photo from his shoulder physical therapy session.
Performing the classic "shoulder lift and push" move......

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