Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Friday 07/27/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With Dan heading out for his annual pilgrimage to Michigan,  I thought I would ride up to Grill @ the Barn, Lake Toxaway, for some breakfast.  This will give us a couple options for a longer ride home.  If this sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.     Steve
  • Today turned out to be a picture perfect day for a ride through the mountains.  Ten riders, including me, came out for a breakfast ride to The Barn.  Joining me were David D., Len, Rob, Steve G., Bill, Pat, Kevin (for his annual summer appearance), Doug, and veteran sweep Ed.  The temps for the ride up to Toxaway dipped to 65 degrees according to Len's thermometer, but everyone was loving the cool air.  The ride up Hwy 130/281 is always a lot of fun with many sweeping curves.  We arrived and our table for 10 (thanks Paulette) was waiting on us.  Our server got our coffee in good time and because it wasn't too busy, we got our food without a long wait.  We were told they were out of pancakes, so eggs were the order of the day.  I still recall the last time I was there, I mistakenly ordered two pancakes, not realizing a single pancake was about the same diameter as my copy of Dark Side of the Moon.  So, a couple of scrambled eggs with bacon was plenty for me.  After the leisurely breakfast, most us headed a little west on Hwy 64 and then turned on to Hwy 281 for a little traveled, but very fun road.  This route brought us to Hwy 107 and we made our way south through Cashiers for the ride home.  By the time we hit Little River Road, like David said, it was like someone turned on the heat and the cool mountain air we enjoyed all morning was gone.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

I hope Dan has a good trip to Michigan.
I'm still a little disturbed by a trip he took there a few years ago.....
Just sayin'.......

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