Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Friday 12/28/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It looks like the trend of Friday rain is continuing. Since it will be way too soggy for a ride, I thought for those interested, we could continue the rainy day alternative and go to Sisters for a bite to eat.  The 9:30 am, meeting time seemed to work, so we might as well keep it up.  Let me know if you're interested in going to Sisters.  Hope to see you there.      Steve

ps, The thought of another rainy day caused Dan to start walking 
to find a drier climate, refusing to try to schedule a ride to Toccoa.
  • A steady rain did not keep 11 folks from coming to Sisters for some breakfast.  Those that came out included Dan, Len, Bill, Pat, Chuck G., Gary, me, Doug, Ray, Kevin and Ed. Our server, Brittany, definitely has our number.  She is very organized and takes names when she takes our orders.  The food is very good and quite reasonable.  When one of the other servers came out with an order, shed said "where's Bill."  Gary replied, "the ugly one over there."  The server looked at him and said "you've already got your food."  Lesson learned on that one.  We would all rather be zipping through the countryside on two wheels, but this Sisters gig is an okay alternative when we have these rainy Fridays.    Steve

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

KK Friday Rides - Merry Christmas

Fellow Riders,

Merry Christmas, and enjoy the take Dan found on The Night Before Christmas:

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the garages.
Not a motorcycle was rumbling, except for Santa Claus'.
The leather was hung in the closet with care.
In hopes that nice weather, soon would be there.
Our bikes were all nestled snug in their covers.
With visions of blacktop and burning up rubber.
With momma in her bandana and I in my skull cap.
We had settled down for a long winters nap.
When out on the lawn, arose such a rumble.
I sprang from the bed as I started to grumble.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear.
Was a pack of motorcycles, with riders and gear.
With one old driver so lively and quick.
I knew in a moment it must be Biker Nick.
He was dressed all in leather, from his head to his foot.
His clothes were all tarnished with bugs and road soot.
A bundle of chrome he had flung on his back.
Down the chimney he came, carrying a big red sack.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work.
As he filled all the riding boots, then turned with a jerk.
Laying a finger aside of his nose.
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his motorcycle, to his team gave a sign.
As they cracked their throttles and got into line.
Now Honda, Now Harley, Now Triumph, and Trike,
On Kawasaki, On Suzuki, On Yamaha and Victory.
But I heard him exclaim as he roared out of sight.
Keep the rubber side down and have a good ride.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Friday 12/21/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Another damp Friday weather prediction so I am not planning a ride.  Those who are still here and wish to ride should meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  If you will be around and want to meet at Sister’s again, just reply via this email and I’ll set it up.  Probably won’t be riding.  Otherwise, have a Merry Christmas.       Dan

  • Just a reminder, since it is raining some of us are going to Sister’s Friday.  One of our group suggested maybe we can move up the time somewhat, since we can, and get done earlier which sounded good to me.  So, unless I hear differently from someone, let’s shoot for 9:30 AM at Sister’s restaurant tomorrow morning.  So far I have heard from:
Steve D.
Gary G.
Ray P.
Doug C.
  • The weather forecasters got this one right.  It's definitely a rainy day.  Joining Dan in addition to those listed above were Len, Russ, Ed, Terry, and David D.  The special guest that popped in after we arrived was Bob B.  We were all glad to see Bob out and he looked good.  He took the photo of the group shown below.  They seated us in the back, up against the wall, which is not unexpected.  The more disconcerting issue was Doug thought the book shelves that divided the room might be known as the "literate" divide, and he was not sure which side we were on.... Oh well.  The breakfast at Sisters has gotten pretty good and everyone seemed to enjoy their choice, whether it was the oversized pancakes or some version of eggs.  It was a nice way to spend a soggy Friday morning.  Doug and I even had the pleasure of giving Dans' Miata a push to get out of the mud in the grassy parking lot. The red muddy spray from the rear tires was a nice contrast on my black jacket (currently in the wash 😏.) Maybe we should all add "sunny Fridays" to our Christmas list.  Merry Christmas.     Steve

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Friday 12/14/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Here we go again, another Friday with rain predicted so I am not planning a ride this week.  Those who wish to ride regardless should meet at the Key Mart parking area and pick a destination and ride leader at that time.  Stay dry.    Dan
    • ps.  A few of us drove our cars to Sister's last week for some breakfast, which proved to be an enjoyable alternative.  If anyone is interested in doing something similar this Friday give me a call.    Dan
If you can't ride motorcycles,
you might as well still go out to eat!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Friday 12/07/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Yippee!  Friday is supposed to be dry and partly sunny, although somewhat on the nippy side.  So I'm riding and plan to try again for a shot at BJ's Restaurant in Toccoa, GA.  If you have a hot bike to sit on, saddle up and let's plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am Friday.   Dan
BJ's, take 2!!! Action!!
Update - Friday  12/07
  • It is drizzling here now and the radar doesn't look good, plus the roads are wet and DOT has already put down brine spray.  Sorry for the late notice, but I don't do wet roads so I'm bailing again.  Hope it is nicer next week.    Dan
Boo!!!  Boo!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Friday 11/30/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Depending on which weather app I look at, it may be too wet and maybe not.  So I am planning a ride to Bj's in Toccoa, GA provided the roads are dry.  If wet I won't be riding.  I will check again tomorrow night about this time.  If you don't hear from me I'll see you at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 am Friday.  Hope it doesn't rain.    Dan
Update - Thursday 11/29
  • Friday's weather forecast is still looking iffy so I'm going to hope for the best and try to get a ride in tomorrow.  If the roads are wet or the morning forecast calls for imminent rain you won't see me on the road.  I hate having to wash my bike.  If it's dry maybe a ride will be possible.  Don't you just love the suspense?    Dan
Update - Friday 11/30
  • The rains came, and there was no ride. 😔😡

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Friday 11/23/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I realize that this note is a little early but I want to make sure everyone is aware that myself and our backup man, Steve Davis, are both busy with out of town guests and will not be able to plan a ride for Friday.  If you care to ride plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.    Dan

Monday, November 19, 2018

Friday 11/16/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Finally, a Friday that may be dry enough to ride something besides an indoor bicycle.  Since it will probably be a bit cold I’m planning to stay south of the mountains and make my way to the Café At Williams Hardware in Traveler’s Rest.  If you want to get out and do some riding let’s plan on meeting at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.    Dan
  • After three rainy Fridays in a row, it felt great to get out for a ride on two wheels with our Friday group.  The riders that came out included David D., Len, me, Pat, Kevin (welcome back - the course is closed for the season in Salem, NH), Ed, and OG Bob. After a month on the South Carolina coast, and nearly another month of rain, OG Bob's "classic" Yamaha needed some encouragement to start and recharge the battery.  He almost took a short ride and head back home, but decided to make the entire ride.  The Yamaha, with it's slightly soiled looking patina, made it with no problems.  Dan was really creative with his route and many found themselves on roads not previously traveled.  It is amazing how he can turn a 50 minute ride into a 90 minute ride while riding on some very interesting roads, including driving through Nine Times Preserve.  There were a couple of close encounters with a few vultures and a hawk, a little creepy, but no problems.  When we arrived at Williams, one of the very friendly McCarrell sister co-owners greeted us with menus, the days specials, and a table for eight.  A big favorite was the special chicken and biscuits - think chicken-pot-pie, but not, according to our host. The service was great as well as the food.  After lunch, Dan took us back toward home on a more direct route.  Although some of us were using our heated gear on the way there, it warmed up quite a bit for the ride home and regular fall gear was fine.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve  
After all the rain, we knew the roads could be a little rough,
but we were confident Dan would get us through.  He even got us
past the creepy birds.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Friday 11/09/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Even though we have had some nice days, they haven’t been on Friday.  Mother Nature seems determined to mess up our Friday ride.  I am not planning a ride this Friday, however, should you want to ride anyway plan to meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Stay safe and dry.    Dan
Dan on confirmation ride to ensure it really is raining.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Friday 11/02/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Well darn, Mother Nature seems to have done it again by making it be wet on Friday.  I’m not planning a ride but if you insist on riding you should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Stay safe and dry.   Dan

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Friday 10/26/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It seems that Mother Nature has gotten the upper hand again since rain is likely, so I am not planning a ride this Friday.  Those who wish to ride regardless of the weather should meet at the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM Friday and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.    Dan

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Friday 10/19/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday let’s head to the Flat Rock Wood Room for some lunch.  We can make our way up via Devil’s Fork and Tuxedo then scoot on home through Dupont SF and Ceasars Head SP.  If you would like to join us let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.     Dan
  • Fall has definitely arrived and the cool temperatures were welcome.  Hard to believe only a few days ago it was in the 80's and felt like August with the humidity.  The temps and destination brought out a lot of riders for the ride.  Along with Dan were Rob, Pat, Bill, Len, Lincoln, Ray, Steve G., me, David, Gary, Lesley, Ed, and Neal.  The ride was very comfortable, although by the time we arrived, the cold was beginning to make its way through my leather.  Dan picked another great route through Pickens and Greenville counties as we made our way into North Carolina.  Len split off near Cleveland for some fuel, but fell right back in line as we started north on Hwy 25.  It's a good thing Sue called ahead as the restaurant was pretty crowded.  Many of us had to park around the side or back of the restaurant.  The food is always interesting and great here and today was no exception.  Barbecue in various forms was quite popular as we settled in for lunch in our own room set us just for us.  After lunch, a few riders took a more direct route home or headed off to take care of some errands.  Dan led the rest of us on a nice route past Dupont and Caesars Head and south on Hwy 276.  By the time we stopped for gas, the large group had dwindled to three.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Friday 10/12/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • The man says Hurricane Michael will be gone by Friday and cooler weather is coming so I plan to get back on our lunch schedule and plan a ride to the Mountain Man Grill in Dillard, GA by way of Highlands.  That way we can make our way back via Warwoman Road.  If you would like to join us let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM this Friday.  Hope you can make it.   Dan

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Friday 10/05/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Since Mother Nature is keeping the heat on and giving us another chance at doing breakfast I hope to take advantage and plan another breakfast ride to The Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers, NC.  After breakfast, for those that wish to ride some more, I plan to head towards Highlands taking Buck Creek to 28, Walnut Creek back to 107 and then on home.  If you would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you then   Dan
  • It was another great day to head out for a breakfast as fall is taking its time to arrive.  Those joining Dan included Len, Russ, Ray, Denny (busy summer - making his summer visit in October..), Steve G., Terry, Me, Bill, Neil, Gary, Ed. Again, thanks to Siri and Sue, tables awaited us and we were served promptly.  They always have great breakfast food and today was no different.  After breakfast, most of us followed Dan on a route that took us north into the mountains and then back by Lake Glenville, always a great view.  Once again, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Friday 09/28/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • We may be able to get one more breakfast ride in if the roads can be dry enough.  Weather permitting, I plan to ride on down to the Farm Café, in Tokeena, which is half way between Seneca and Fair Play.  Should we get that far I plan to make my way back home through Westminster and Seneca.  If it is raining or the roads are too wet, you won’t see me out riding.  So let’s hope for a dry spell and we can leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Stay safe and dry.     Dan 

  • Seven riders came out today for another breakfast ride.  After a pretty wet week, it seemed like a good idea to get out on the bikes for breakfast.  Those joining Dan included Lesley (up from the coast, and glad Florence didn't pay a visit to Hilton Head), Len, Ray (back from his Guiness tour of Ireland) , Russ, me, and OG Bob. Given there's a limited time before all the riders get too hungry, we took a somewhat direct route (by Dan's standards) and arrived around 9:15.  Thanks to Siri and Sue, a table was set up for us when we walked in.  Our server took drink orders right away and after we all had a look at the menu she got our food orders as well.  This cafe definitely isn't a fast food place and definitely works on country time.  It was over 30 minutes by the time we got our food.  The food was pretty good, which made the wait worth it, after all.  The servers were constantly there to refill coffee, and even the cook came around to make sure it all tasted great.  As we were leaving, OG Bob bid us adieu for the next month as heads to the coast for the annual pilgrimage to Hilton Head.  Dan did a fantastic job taking us on a long and winding route home.  It felt great to be out on the road on the motorcycle after a couple weeks.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

A John Deere tractor must mean it's a real
farm cafe... Photo by Russ
Russ Carlson Photography
Time to saddle up and see how long Dan will
take to get us home.  Turned out to be a great
ride home.  Photo by Russ 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Friday 09/21/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I think we should continue the breakfast rides while we still can by heading up to the Clayton Café in Clayton, GA.  That way those that want to head straight back have a couple of options while my plan is to get a few more miles by doing a little loop on Germany Rd before ending up on Warwoman for the ride home.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you there.     Dan

  • Some news from todays ride.  Check out the following emails...

  • email from Russ - Good ride today other than Gary's flat tire as we came off Warwoman in GA.  No cell service as the guys continued down until cell service was available and contacted The Busted Knuckle.   The Busted Knuckle came through and dropped everything to get there in about an hour!    Russ
  • email from Dan - Russ, Thanks to you and Dave for staying with Gary until BK got there. Dan
  • email from David D. My pleasure.  David
  • email from GaryGuys,  thanks for calling and hanging around.  Also big thanks to Rob for being the messenger.  Busted Knuckle already fixed the flat and bike is ready for pickup. Gary
  • email from RussThat was quick!  Russ

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Friday 09/14/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It seems Hurricane Florence may cooperate enough for us to ride on up to Grammy’s Restaurant in Brevard, NC.  My plan is to ride up through Toxaway and return via East Fork and Cleo Chapman Hwy.  If you want to join in let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM Friday morning.  Hope to see you then.   Dan

ps.  Sorry to those who may have already received a ride notice, but my email program seems to be acting up and not all addressees received the ride note.    Dan    


It's still hurricane season!!
Satellite Image of Florence on Friday, September 14.
Still awaiting the impact at home as of Sunday Morning....

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Friday 09/07/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I’m planning to chug on up to Cashiers, NC for some breakfast at the Randevu Restaurant.  That way, those that wish to head straight back can, while my plan is to cruise around Glenville Lake before heading back.  The chance for rain in the mountains increases significantly by noon, so we should easily be back by then.  If you wish to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area by 8:30 AM.  Hope to see you then.         Dan

  • The air was muggy today like it has been for many days in a row.  This made it all the more enticing to head up the mountain to enjoy some cooler temperatures and the breeze we generate riding.  The group of 14 riders included leader Dan, David, Len, Doug, Jeff, Russ, me, Bill, Mike, Ray, Lincoln (first time rider - another Michigander to boot..), OG Bob, Ed, and Bob B.  Dan took us on the scenic route through Salem's eastern suburbs and then we headed north toward Hwy 64.  The early morning sun and shadows are always a challenge on the winding Hwy 281. We made the western turn to get toward Cashiers so we could rendezvous with the Randevu.  Unlike a lot of venues we visit, we actually were seated up front in the restaurant (thanks Sue), in full view of the other customers.  We did behave and the server took our drink and food orders to get things going.  The food came out in pretty good time and was very good.  There's always someone that can't quite remember what they ordered, but that didn't stop Ed from sampling Bill's bacon and wondering why they didn't bring his sourdough toast.  When his order did come out, Ed immediately took that one, and thanked Bill for the bacon.  In the meantime, Bill's over easy eggs had chilled to the point where they didn't taste good.  Oh well, another first world problem we had to deal with.  The ride home saw a few take a direct route and a few of us continued on down Hwy 107 instead of turning onto Wigginton Road.  The photo below is from Bob B., who organized the group and got Marina, the chef's wife, to take the picture.  It's missing OG Bob, Ed, and Ray, but at least most of the group is there.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Friday 08/31/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Friday’s weather forecast is currently iffy, however, should it be dry enough to ride I plan to head on over to Traveler’s Rest for some breakfast at Upcountry Provisions.  If it is wet out then I’m out, but that decision can be made Friday morning.  Weather permitting, I hope to see you Friday morning, 8:30 AM at the Key Mart parking area.    Dan

Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday 08/24/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • With a cooler forecast and some dry weather, I still think breakfast will fill the bill for a ride this Friday.  I thought I would head to The Cupboard Cafe in Dillard, GA.  It pushes the one hour target for getting to breakfast, but they do have some great food.  If this sounds like a good ride for you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • There were eleven riders that came to Key Mart today to make the trek to The Cupboard Cafe in Dillard.  The weather, in a word, was perfect!  The jackets were a little heavier than usual for late August, but the ride up the mountain was very refreshing after a hot and humid summer.  The riders joining me were Dan, David, Russ, Gary, Terry, Doug, Jeff, Bill, Pat, and Ed.  Trying to keep as close as possible to the one hour ride target to get to our breakfast destination, the route covered some familiar roads and was generally, the most direct route.  We made it there in about 65 minutes, but there were no complaints.  Thanks to a call ahead by Paulette, they knew we were coming, but we still had to wait a few minutes for them to get the typical "room in the back" ready for this group of bikers.  Our server, Madison, did a great job getting us our coffee and taking our orders.  She seemed very organized, and the food came out in a reasonable amount of time.  Once we saw the stack of pancakes, eggs, etc., etc., that hungry David got, we did understand why one side of the table did have to wait a few minutes longer to get their order.  The food here is always good and variations on eggs seemed to be the choice for most people.  After the relaxing lunch, most of us continued our ride north and east toward Highalnds, NC.  This is one of my favorite rides when you start out on GA 246 and wind your way up the mountain and past the entrance to Sky Valley Country Club.  As we enter North Carolina we continue with nice sweeping curves as we drive along the base of Scaly Mountain before arriving in Highlands.  On Fridays around lunch time, it's always a good idea to take a couple of the back streets to get around downtown Highlands and hook up with Hwy 64.  The rest of the ride was great with the temperatures holding in a very comfortable range.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Scaly Mountain viewed from Rabun Bald - Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Friday 08/17/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Dan is still away, so I thought I would head to Anderson to Eggs Up Grill for some breakfast.  The forecast doesn't look great for heading up the mountains, so staying in the flat lands may be a better option this week.  If this will work for you, we can meet in the Key Mart parking lot for an 8:30 am departure.  Hope to see you there.     Steve

  • The cloud cover this morning kept the heat down, a little, as 10 of us took a ride to Eggs Up Grill in Anderson.  Those joining me included Len, David, Pat, Ray, Jeff (welcome, a new rider from California), Pat, Terry, Gary, OG Bob, and Neil.  This was the first week back for several riders who made the trip to Sturgis this year.  Sounds like it was, surprise, a lot of fun.  With this being the move-in week at Clemson, I routed us well away from the campus.  You can find some curvy roads and a few trees on a ride to Anderson and we managed to do that today.  It's always fun to hear other riders say they had no idea where we were.  A table for 10 was awaiting us (thanks PED) when we arrived.  Our server took good care of us and got our drinks in good time.  The service was pretty good and the food arrived without any long delays, which can happen with a big group.  After a leisurely breakfast, (I'm sworn to secrecy on who ordered a "dessert" of French toast), we headed north out of Anderson and crossed back to the west through Liberty for the ride home.  The skies were still overcast, but we had no threat of rain for our ride through the Anderson and Pickens counties.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.     Steve

Although tempting, no one bought any T-Shirts......

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Friday 08/10/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Dan and I will both be out of town this Friday, and will not be planning a breakfast ride.  If you plan to ride, you should meet at the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am, and select a ride leader and destination for breakfast.  Hopefully, you'll have some dry weather for a good ride.        Steve

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Friday 08/03/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Based on the current forecast for Friday morning, I won't be planning a ride.  If the weather forecast improves, I'll send out an email Thursday evening.     Steve

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Friday 07/27/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With Dan heading out for his annual pilgrimage to Michigan,  I thought I would ride up to Grill @ the Barn, Lake Toxaway, for some breakfast.  This will give us a couple options for a longer ride home.  If this sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.     Steve
  • Today turned out to be a picture perfect day for a ride through the mountains.  Ten riders, including me, came out for a breakfast ride to The Barn.  Joining me were David D., Len, Rob, Steve G., Bill, Pat, Kevin (for his annual summer appearance), Doug, and veteran sweep Ed.  The temps for the ride up to Toxaway dipped to 65 degrees according to Len's thermometer, but everyone was loving the cool air.  The ride up Hwy 130/281 is always a lot of fun with many sweeping curves.  We arrived and our table for 10 (thanks Paulette) was waiting on us.  Our server got our coffee in good time and because it wasn't too busy, we got our food without a long wait.  We were told they were out of pancakes, so eggs were the order of the day.  I still recall the last time I was there, I mistakenly ordered two pancakes, not realizing a single pancake was about the same diameter as my copy of Dark Side of the Moon.  So, a couple of scrambled eggs with bacon was plenty for me.  After the leisurely breakfast, most us headed a little west on Hwy 64 and then turned on to Hwy 281 for a little traveled, but very fun road.  This route brought us to Hwy 107 and we made our way south through Cashiers for the ride home.  By the time we hit Little River Road, like David said, it was like someone turned on the heat and the cool mountain air we enjoyed all morning was gone.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

I hope Dan has a good trip to Michigan.
I'm still a little disturbed by a trip he took there a few years ago.....
Just sayin'.......

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Friday 07/20/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I’m planning to ride on up to Highlands, NC for some breakfast at the Sports Page Sandwich Shoppe.  It may take a tad longer than 55 minutes, maybe 65, I hope.  Those wishing to come straight back can do so but I plan to ride a little more, returning via Buck Creek Rd and Cashiers.  If you would like to join me let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 AM this Friday.  Hope to see you there.    Dan

  • Based on today's forecast, this could be the last dry day for the next week, so all eight of us were glad we got in a fantastic ride to Highlands, NC, today.  Joining Dan at the Key Mart parking lot were Len, Gary, Doug, me, Pat, Bill, and Terry.  It was a cool morning, especially the closer we got to the 4118 foot elevation in Highlands.  Highlands is a great destination, especially early on a Friday before the weekend crowds arrive around noon.  Thanks again to Siri and Sue, we were greeted with an "I knew you were coming" from the top guy/comedian at the Sports Page.  He had a booth with an additional two-top ready for us by the time we ordered our food.  This is always one of our reliably good stops.  The choices for most of us involved eggs, and the omelets were particularly good today.  The ride up to our destination Dan selected was the most direct route to try to meet the under an hour target.  It did take a little longer than that, but no one was complaining as Hwy 28 is always an exciting ride.  After our breakfast, three riders decided to head straight back while Dan took the rest of us on his promised route home via Buck Creek Road.  I still believe the stretch of Hwy 64 west of Highlands has to be one of the top 10 rides in the country - filled with curves, solid rock walls, waterfalls, and the rapidly moving Cullasaja River. As we headed west, we passed Buck Creek Road and turned around in a Church parking lot.  I guess so we could say a little prayer of thanks for being able to ride in such a fabulous area.  Buck Creek takes us back toward Cashiers and is also a great winding road to ride.  We made our customary stop at Little River Road and Hwy 11 to gas up, along with apparently everyone else in that part of Oconee County.  I've never seen all the pumps in use at the same time, but they were today.  Overall, it was still another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Friday 07/13/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • The weather forecast seems to always be questionable on Fridays, so I am going to just go ahead and plan a ride, this Friday to the Clayton Café in Clayton, GA for some breakfast.  If that works out we can ride back via Warwomen, which is always a nice ride.  If the weather looks bad we can always chose not to ride or chose an alternate destination.  Either way, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 8:30 am this Friday.  Hope it is nice and:    Ride Safe.       Dan
  • After a little rain overnight, and still overcast skies, a gang of eight (no, not that Congressional gang) met at the Key Mart parking lot for a trip to Clayton.  Those joining Dan for the ride included Lesley (visiting from Hilton Head), Len, Doug, me, Ray, Terry, and OG Bob.  Dan led us through some familiar Oconee county roads as we made our way to Hwy 76.  It was a very comfortable ride into Georgia with cooler temperatures and little traffic (except for a very slow logging truck) as we headed into Clayton.  Parking was not much of a problem once we arrived at the Cafe.  Most of us made a left turn to park on the opposite side of the street - parking precisely next to the signs forbidding left turns to park.  Fortunately, the local constables must have been having breakfast somewhere else and we were not ticketed.  Once in the restaurant, we were steered down a long hallway to the back of the restaurant where the bigger tables were located.  Some of us thought we were being ushered out the back door, but it was actually perfect for our group (thanks Siri and Sue).  Our server was very organized and brought our coffee and water, except no coffee for Len??  Soon our orders were taken and Ray was brave and tried the chicken waffles.  A first for him.  Turned out, they looked pretty good and he would order them again.  The rest of us were more interested in eggs, other than you-know-who ordered his favorite French toast.  We also learned that our server was from near Akron, OH, and she and OG Bob shared memories of coincidently living in the same town near Akron.  After our leisurely breakfast Dan took most of us back via our favorite Warwoman Road, while a couple others took Hwy 76 for a slightly quicker route home.  The rain stayed away and we got home before it got too hot.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

He was tempted, but was able to walk away....

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Friday 07/06/18 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • Currently the forecast for Friday is not very inviting so I am not planning a ride at this time.  If the weather forecast improves or you wish to ride anyway you can meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a destination and ride leader at that time.  Ride safe.    Dan