Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Friday 02/08/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Dan is away this week so I thought I would lead the group to the Gray House in Starr for some lunch.  There doesn't appear to be rain in the forecast, but the skies, fittingly, look like they'll be gray.  If that sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
The Gray House
  • A pretty large group of riders, 13, came out for a ride to The Gray House on what turned out to be a not so gray day.  Only 12 riders actually went to the restaurant as Doug turned back soon after we started out?  The remaining riders joining me included Len, Rob, Ray, Gary, Deny, Russ, Terry, Kevin, OG Bob (the orange gloves may be a thing of the past 😞, which makes it harder to see the last rider in the group) Ed, and Neil. The ride was on mostly familiar roads.  Some in the group recommended excluding Rainey Road (State Hwy 412) the next time we head that way.  It has  curves and lots of trees, but the surface is only a couple grades above hard pack gravel.  Thanks to a call ahead by Paulette, the ladies had us set up in one of their back rooms.  The place was decorated for the upcoming Valentines Holiday with lots of "bling" on the tables.  It was a slow start getting our drink and food orders taken, but the food did arrive in pretty good time.  The problem we've encountered before is the time it takes to get your bill and pay for the good food.  Today was even a little longer.  One reason, based on some good investigation by Ed, was that a large group has a monthly class reunion get together here, and that was today.  For future reference, if we do decide to try again, a call to find out if there are any other groups scheduled would make a lot of sense.  After we finally paid, we took a different route back with a little back tracking on Hwy 187.  Some of the riders peeled off for some necessary errands and the rest of us made our customary stop at Ingles for gas.  The temperature stayed in the lower 60's and the skies continued to stay mostly blue.  It was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Some of the fancy "bling" decorating the tables. I'm not sure, but I think Gary was mumbling into his hands,
"OMG!  I forgot Valentines Day is next week!!"

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