Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Friday 10/04/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With another hot summer/fall day in the forecast for Friday, I plan on riding to the Clayton Cafe for breakfast.  If an early ride into Georgia sounds good to you, let's plan to leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • Friday turned out to be another record temperature day for this time of year.  We could feel the heat as we returned from our breakfast ride.  There were a total of 10 riders that came out today.  Those joining me included Lesley, Dan, David D., Ray, Mike F., Pat (note - Bill is recuperating from his procedure and is doing fine, will likely join us again in November), Jeff, Harve, and Neil (with his newly customized engine.)  It was a nice ride up the mountain on familiar back roads as we made our way over to Hwy 76 and into Clayton.  Thanks to a call ahead from Paulette, our back room was ready for us when we arrived.  The service and food are always good and it's nice they have the large back room for groups like ours.  With 10 guests all at once, it does take a little while to get the food out.  Sadly, Dan's order didn't make it initially, so he had an extended wait for his food.  I did try the chicken waffle and it was quite good.  However, I didn't realize it came with a little gravy which I will exclude if I get this again.  A couple of riders took a direct route home to take care of some errands, and the rest of us headed for War Woman Road.  It had some patches in the pavement, and we eventually caught up with the crews adding some more patch work.  After a slight delay, we continued on our way and enjoyed the curves before connecting with Hwy 28.  You could see some emerging colors in the trees as we head into the fall season.  As usual, with the elevation change, we got the warmer temps.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

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