Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Friday 12/20/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday I thought I would head to Anderson for some lunch at the Pompous Pig.  It's been a while since I've had some of their tasty BBQ.  If this sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • The weather definitely cooperated and 10 riders joined me for the ride to Anderson.  The other riders included Len, Dan, Rob, Steve G., Kevin, Harve, Pat, Ray, OG Bob, and Neil.  We took familiar county roads to avoid the always congested Hwy 76 going into Anderson.  It had been a while since a lot of us had traveled through these parts.  It was a little cool, but the sun helped keep things warm as we arrived at the Pompous Pig.  Thanks to Paulette's call ahead, they had a couple of tables set up for this large group.  The BBQ is always good and I enjoy the pulled pork on a hot dog bun when I'm there.  A couple of guys got the nacho's which must use an entire bag of chips for the serving.  Hats off to the guys who can handle that choice.  After lunch, a few  riders headed off to visit the local Timms HD and some followed up with a stop to see how Bill was doing at the rehab center.  He seemed to be progressing nicely.  The rest of us had a nice long ride home that took us through Norris and Six Mile before gassing up and heading for the house.  It turned out to be a great ride before the Christmas Holiday.   Steve 

Merry Christmas and a Harley New Year!!

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