Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Friday 01/31/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday doesn't look like a great day to ride, but I thought I'd try to get a lunch ride in before the rain arrives.  I plan on going to Joe's New York Pizza at Patrick Square in Clemson.  We'll plan to leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.   If the weather forecast gets worse, I'll send an email out Thursday night.   Steve
  • Update - Cancel Lunch and Have Breakfast - Well the forecast did get worse, so we'll go with Garys' plan and meet at Sisters at 9 am.  I'll let them know we're coming.  Guessing around 10 to 12.   Steve
    • Note - Because I inadvertently left Gary off  the initial Wednesday email, he generously took the initiative to ensure there was a plan for Friday, thinking I either wasn't back from Mexico, or just forgot.  Thanks Gary!!

  • It was definitely a good choice to cancel the Friday ride.  The weather continued to deteriorate and actually snowed by the time we were leaving, resulting in schools being closed in the area.  We did not have as many turn out as I expected, but it was still a good time with good friends and good food.  Hopefully, these nasty weather Fridays will become very nice weather Fridays.   Steve
Not exactly a "nor'easter," but can wreak havoc in the mountains.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Friday 01/24/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It looks like Steve took the Sunshine down to Mexico with him, and left us with a cold rainy day this Friday.  Nice weather for ducks, but not so good for riding.  As such, I think it best to just do our standard Plan B, and meet at Sisters for breakfast at 9:00 am.  If this sounds good to you, let me know so I can give Sisters a count.   Gary

  • Note to Gary - Read your email about the Friday ride.  I didn't mean to take all of the sun with me.  Sisters will be glad to see you.   Thanks,    Steve
Just a warm, sunny walk along the Pacific Ocean.  Ahhh!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Friday 01/17/20 Ride

Fellow riders,

  • Friday looks like it will be a dry day, but a little on the cool side.  I plan on heading over to Puerto Nuevo in Westminster for some south of the border lunch.  If that sounds "bueno" to you, we'll plan to leave the key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • We were able to get an enjoyable ride in after a rain out last Friday.  We had a good turnout for the short ride to Westminster.  We were seated at a long table in a very narrow space for lunch, but we did have good service and everyone seemed to enjoy the food.  Dan and Len held back a little on the amount of food they ordered as they were going to Puerto Nuevo later in the day with the their spouses and some other couples.  The ride home took us on some roads not previously traveled and we rode near some sections of Lake Hartwell I had not seen before.  Because it was dry and not too cold, we were able to get in a decent ride home.  It turned out to be another great day on two wheels.   Steve
An interesting route home.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Friday 01/10/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Hopefully, a lot of you got to ride your bike one of the recent nice days because Friday is looking like it may be a little soggy.  However, I think I'll plan on going to lunch at Puerto Nuevo in Westminster.  I'll have another look at the forecast Thursday and if it looks worse, we can use our fallback plan of breakfast at Sisters.  I'll send out an email update tomorrow evening.  Hope to see you on Friday, preferable on two wheels.   Steve
  • Update - I'm going to go with the fallback plan and go to Sisters for breakfast at 9 am. The forecast looks "iffy" enough that I'm taking the safe route.  Let me now if you plan to come so I can give them a number to expect.   Steve

  • We had a nice turn out at Sisters.  Joining me were OG Bob, Doug, Neil, Chuck G., Dan, Ray, Terry, and Harve.  Sisters is always a good alternative when we can't ride.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Friday 01/03/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Happy New Year!! It looks like the first Friday ride of the new year would be a wet one.  I think breakfast at Sisters in Salem might be a better choice for this week.  If you're interested in meeting up at 9 am for breakfast, let me know so I can give the Sisters a heads up.  OG Bob may ride his two wheeler for a final bike wash as he's looking for a buyer of the classic Yamaha.   Steve

  • On a very soggy Friday, there were eight other riders joining me for breakfast at Sisters.  The others venturing out in the rain included Dan, Harve, Chuck G., Steve G., Gary, Neil, OG Bob, and Bob B. The service and food were quite good once again as we were seated in our usual spot behind the library.  All of us would rather be on two wheels, but a good breakfast with other riders is a great alternative.  Maybe next week we'll get a nice sunny day.  Steve
Thanks to OG Bob for the Harley Dude Mug
(although some thought it said HarDley Dude 😏)