Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Friday 01/10/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Hopefully, a lot of you got to ride your bike one of the recent nice days because Friday is looking like it may be a little soggy.  However, I think I'll plan on going to lunch at Puerto Nuevo in Westminster.  I'll have another look at the forecast Thursday and if it looks worse, we can use our fallback plan of breakfast at Sisters.  I'll send out an email update tomorrow evening.  Hope to see you on Friday, preferable on two wheels.   Steve
  • Update - I'm going to go with the fallback plan and go to Sisters for breakfast at 9 am. The forecast looks "iffy" enough that I'm taking the safe route.  Let me now if you plan to come so I can give them a number to expect.   Steve

  • We had a nice turn out at Sisters.  Joining me were OG Bob, Doug, Neil, Chuck G., Dan, Ray, Terry, and Harve.  Sisters is always a good alternative when we can't ride.

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