Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Friday 10/09/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • Another good day for a fall ride is coming up this Friday.  I plan to take a ride into the mountains that should have us home between noon and 12:30 pm.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride works for you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
Hoping for a mountain ride like this!
  • Well, as often happens, the weather did not cooperate as well as I thought it would.  I heard sprinkles around 7 this morning, and so I checked the radar.  There seemed to be a line of rain running parallel to Hwy 64, so I decided to ride closer to Seneca in case something did pop up.  Joining me today were Gary, John, and first time rider Bob - welcome Bob.  As we headed out on our route, The skies did look fairly dark to the north.  We took Coffee Road to West Union and then Hwy 24 toward Anderson before taking Hwy 187 to meander through the Clemson experimental forest.  The ride lasted a little over 90 minutes, and the skies still were quite overcast and intimidating toward the north and west.  It was still a great day on two wheels.    Steve
This is what we got... 
Maybe next Friday will be better!

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