Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Friday Ride 01/01/21

 Fellow Riders,

  • Looks like the weather is going to control the potential first Friday ride of the new, and hopefully, better, year.  The forecast hasn't really budged from high probabilities of rain this Friday, so no ride is planned.  Thanks to Jim H. for the cartoon with a sentiment I'm sure we all share with Snoopy.  I guess we still have to struggle with some rainy and cool Fridays in the meantime.    Steve

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Friday 12/25/20 - No Ride - Merry Christmas!!

 Fellow Riders,

  • Just to confirm, not riding Friday.  Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!     Steve

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Friday 12/18/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Although the Friday morning forecast is looking sunny and fairly chilly, I think I'll plan to go for a shorter ride than usual.  I thought I would ride on some Oconee County roads and make a stop at Fatz CafĂ© in Seneca, where The Donut Wagon food truck will be stationed.  They make donuts on the spot and have coffee and hot chocolate.  If you're up for the ride, we'll leave the Tate Realty office parking lot at 10 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
Planned Route

  • The forecast was correct regarding the cool temperatures.  That didn't keep Dan, Neil, and Rich from joining me for a crisp ride through Oconee County and around Lake Cherokee.  We definitely utilized our electrified gear and the ride was comfortable.  When we arrived at The Donut Wagon, Len, Gary and spouse Peggy, were there already enjoying a donut and some of the coffee and hot chocolate.  We joined them and especially appreciated the hot coffee. Amazing that it didn't feel cold standing the sun after riding at 40 - 50 mph for an hour.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Trying to warm up my donut!!

At least we started when
it got above freezing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Friday 12/11/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like a sunny and dry day for a ride.  I plan to start the ride at 10 am so we can pick up a few degrees before heading out to meander through Pickens and Greenville counties.  The ride will be a little shorter and we should be back between noon and 12:30 pm.  We'll stop for a break around half way.  If a cool non-breakfast/lunch ride works for you, we'll leave the Allen Tate Realty office parking lot at 10 am.  Hope to see you there.  Remember - you can no longer access the realty parking lot from Key Mart.   Steve

  • Riders joining me today included Len, Dan, David D., Neil, Gary, John, Steve G., and Charley.  It was a good day to stay in the lower elevations and avoid the colder temps in the mountains.  We stopped in Marietta, SC, for a brief break.  Gary headed off to take care of some errands, and eventually, Neil peeled off to head for Timms Harley in Anderson for a HOG ride.  The rest of us finished off the ride with some nice views of Table Rock as we made our way home.  I had a couple of riders tell me they had no idea where we were at times, which as the ride leader, is something I like to hear.   Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Table Rock


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Friday 12/04/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday is not looking good for a ride. It seems like rain is a certainty and it's just a matter of when it will start.  I'll hold off on planning a ride for now, and will send out an email by 8 am Friday morning to say whether or not I'll be riding.  Maybe the rain will push off until later in the day.  Stay tuned.   Steve
  • I'm not planning a ride today. We'll try again next week.   Steve

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Friday 11/27/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • I won't be available to plan a ride this Friday.  I would suggest those wanting to ride meet in the Tate Realty office parking lot to select a leader and a route for a 9 am departure.  I'll see you next week and want to wish all our riders a Happy Thanksgiving!!  Steve

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday 11/20/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Looks like we're in for a sunny, but cool day on Friday.  I plan to ride and stay in the lower elevations, taking a break around half-way.  We'll be back between 11:30 am and noon.  If you're up for a non-breakfast/lunch ride, we'll leave from the same parking area we always do.  However, for those of you who have not been by Key Mart and the realty office lately, you need to know that the owner of the realty office building has built a mound between the two businesses, closing off through access.  You'll need to enter the realty office parking lot at the north end entrance.  If you gas up at Key Mart, you'll have to get back on Hwy 130 (Stamp Creek) and head to the north end of the parking lot.  I guess we'll have to start calling it the realty office parking area instead of the Key Mart parking area. Hope to see you there.   Steve 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Friday 11/13/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • I think I'll take advantage of the above average temperatures and ride into the mountains.  We'll stop along the way for a brief break and return through Cashiers.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am, and return between noon and 12:30.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
  • This turned out to be the largest group we've had in a while. Riders joining me today were Len, Dan, Neil Ray, Rich, Russ, John, Terry and David D.  I modified the planned ride due to some lingering fog and rain in the mountains.  I took us east before we cruised up Hwy 176 and stopped in Rosman, NC for a break. As we were heading east, you could see the mountains and it seemed like a good idea to wait before heading north.  David was late getting to our departure site, but managed to catch us in Rosman.  It turned out to be another great day to be on two wheels.     Steve

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Friday 11/06/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • I plan on taking the route I was going to take last week and head south for a ride around Lake Hartwell.  We'll make a stop along the way for a short break.  If this non-breakfast/lunch ride works for you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  We should be back between noon and 12:30 pm.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
Lake Hartwell Dam - Georgia

  • It was a beautiful fall day for a ride.  Joining me today were Len, Dan, John, and Neil.  Bill stopped by to deliver a couple issues of Full Throttle Magazine (his article is on page 36, of the November issue hard copy, page 38, of the e-zine.)  As we headed south, we could still see a lot of downed trees along the roads that Zeta had blown over last week, but the roads were clear for our bikes.  I wanted to avoid any less traveled roads that may still have debris, so we took familiar highways 187 and 29 toward Hartwell.  We made a stop for a brief break before proceeding through Hartwell.  The sun and temps were great as we meandered along Hwy 77 toward home.  When we were going through Seneca, you could still see a lot of the damage caused by the tornado back in April.  No doubt 2020 has been a crazy year, even with severe weather.  Overall though, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Hurricane Zeta and some powerful winds

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Friday 10/23/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • We seem to be in a great fall weather pattern and I plan to ride this Friday.  It looks like some fog may hang around in the higher elevations, so I thought I would stay in the lower elevations and head toward Clayton.  If you're up for a non-breakfast/lunch ride, let's plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.     Steve
  • The skies looked a little suspect and radar had indicated some rain passed through Clayton earlier, but we still had seven riders today.  Those joining me included Dan, Gary, John, Terry, Neil, and Bob B.  I was getting more nervous about rain as we made our way west and the clouds seemed to be growing darker the farther we went.  I even had a few raindrops, or maybe drips from some overhanging trees, hit my windscreen.  We kept going and ultimately got onto Unity Church road to get back to Hwy 76.  After a stop at the Marathon Station in Long Creek, a couple of riders headed back toward home and some errands. The rest of us continued toward Clayton and veered left onto Seed Tick Road, which had some tricky hazards to navigate around - gravel in particular.  It's a scenic ride when you go this way and end up coming into Clayton from the west.  Of course, when you're in Clayton and want to head home, you really do have to take Warwoman Road.  This time of year is always great for seeing some spectacular colors while enjoying the many curves. Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Friday 10/16/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm planning to ride this Friday, but haven't decided on a route yet.  A couple of the weather apps I use indicate a slight chance of precipitation in the mountains Friday morning.  I'm sure we can get a ride in, just not yet sure exactly where we'll go.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am, and be back between noon and 12:30 pm. Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The mountains looked like there may be fog, so I went with the non-mountain option.  Joining me were Len, Dan, Gary, Steve (W), David D., Neil, and Rich.  I planned a route that paralleled Hwy 11 toward Campobello.  For newer riders, this route provided some exposure to the many varieties of riding you can have in this area.  We passed the Poinsett Bridge as we traveled through Greenville County. You cannot see it from the road, but the photo below shows it quite well.  The break may have been a little too far, but we did stop at Hwy 14 and Hwy 11 for a little relief before heading home.  It was another mostly overcast  Friday, but still a great day on two wheels.   Steve
Poinsett Bridge

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Friday 10/09/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • Another good day for a fall ride is coming up this Friday.  I plan to take a ride into the mountains that should have us home between noon and 12:30 pm.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride works for you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
Hoping for a mountain ride like this!
  • Well, as often happens, the weather did not cooperate as well as I thought it would.  I heard sprinkles around 7 this morning, and so I checked the radar.  There seemed to be a line of rain running parallel to Hwy 64, so I decided to ride closer to Seneca in case something did pop up.  Joining me today were Gary, John, and first time rider Bob - welcome Bob.  As we headed out on our route, The skies did look fairly dark to the north.  We took Coffee Road to West Union and then Hwy 24 toward Anderson before taking Hwy 187 to meander through the Clemson experimental forest.  The ride lasted a little over 90 minutes, and the skies still were quite overcast and intimidating toward the north and west.  It was still a great day on two wheels.    Steve
This is what we got... 
Maybe next Friday will be better!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Friday 10/02/20 Ride

 Fellow Riders,

  • I'm not able to lead a ride this Friday.  It looks like it will be a great fall day to be on two wheels.  I suggest meeting at the Key Mart parking area at 9 am, and select a leader and a destination. Should be a fun day.    See you next week.   Steve

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Friday 08/07/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It looks like Mother Nature is still cooperating with our Friday rides.  I plan to ride this week to put a few more miles on Hwy's 276 and 178.  If another non-breakfast/lunch ride works for you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.  Steve 
Planned Ride Route
  • The weather did cooperate and there were six riders that came out for the ride today.  Joining me were Dan, Len, Gary, Brian, and John.  We made our way toward Pickens and then angled up toward Marietta where I planned to stop for a quick break before scooting up into the mountains.  It is good to take a brief pause near the half-way point.  We avoided the roughest part of Hwy 11 by taking Moody Bridge Road before catching up with Hwy 8/276.  As we made our way up the mountain, it is clear Geer Highway is seriously due for a resurfacing.  As we neared Brevard, we cut over to take Rosman Hwy back down the mountain.  Brian alerted me when we stopped for the break, that he thought he needed to "unwind" his Kawasaki when we got to 178.  After a few miles on 178, Brian saw the open straight stretch he was looking for and gave the throttle quite a twist as he headed for the first turn.  He quickly disappeared and as we got close to Holly Springs, he passed us going back north to enjoy some more of the twisties.  He caught up with us as we cut back through Pickens County and stopped for gas at our regular spot, Durhams.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Friday 07/31/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I'm optimistic that Friday will be a good day to take a ride through the mountains.  I plan on heading toward Rosman, NC, and ride a mountain road, or two, before making our way home.  We'll make a pit stop after an hour, or so, and should be home a little after noon.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

Let's Ride!!

  • It was a good day for a ride and the cooler temps in the mountains felt great.  Joining me today were, Len, Gary, Rob, John (first time rider - welcome), and Steve G., who brought along his wife Carla.  We rode familiar roads to connect with Hwy 178 for the ride to Rosman. We did have to watch for gravel/mud in some of the downhill curves due to the recent heavy rains, but no one had any real issues.  We stopped at Jarrett Brothers gas station in Rosman for a short break.  The restrooms were located in the parking lot and are commonly known as a "porta-potty." Maybe that helps reduce the spread of Corona Virus in the store, but surely there is a higher risk of who knows what from inside that little enclosure.  After the stop, we continued north on Hwy 215 to Tanasee Gap Road to cut back west to Hwy 281.  The weather was great, but there were a couple of large dark clouds as we rode back toward home.  It always seems the last 10 miles down the mountain heat up very rapidly and today was no exception.  Overall, it was another great day on two  wheels.  Steve 
Steve and Carla really seem
to be enjoying the ride!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Friday 07/24/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm planning to ride Friday, but I'm keeping an eye on the weather before deciding on a final route.  The mountains seem a little risky, but I think we all enjoy the cooler temps at the higher elevations.  If the weather deteriorates, I'll send an email out at 8 am, Friday morning. I'm thinking we can get a ride in, just not sure were it's going to be.  If that's acceptable to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
Essential motorcycle hand signals every rider should know
Okay, so where we goin'?
  • The weather cooperated and there were six of us that came out for a ride.  The other riders joining me were Dan, Len, Russ, Gary, and Terry.  I had a route that would head for Clarkesville, GA, and loop back through Toccoa, GA.  The weather was looking pretty good, so when we made our pit stop at Hwy 17 and Hwy 441, I took Len's suggestion and decided that once we got to Clarkesville, we would head north on the curvy and fun to ride Hwy 197 toward Lake Burton.  This is always a favorite road with lots of curves that aren't too tight, and many vistas of the valleys and mountains.  It is always good too see the very scenic Lake Burton.  We made the turn toward home on Hwy 76, and drove through Clayton.  The temperatures were definitely starting to rise by the time we stopped for gas in Walhalla.  We were home by 12:30 pm, and it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Lake Burton (Georgia) - Wikipedia
Lake Burton - Georgia

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Friday 07/17/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I thought this week I would head toward Lake Glenville and the bear east on Hwy 281.  We'll pass through Rosman, NC, on the way back.  I'll make a pit stop for those that need a break.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we will leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
Patriot Guard Riders
Patriot Guard Riders

  • Another great day to ride.  Our large group of riders included Len, Dan, Russ, Gary, Charley A., Jeff and Sue, Dave Mc and wife Linda (welcome first time riders, Linda may ride her own Harley next time!), David D,. and Steve G.  As we made our way toward Cashiers, the mountains were looking relatively clear for this time of year. The turn from Wigington to Hwy 107 seems to be getting more treacherous every time we take this route.  The pot holes are getting wider and deeper and the surface of the road until you get to the North Carolina line is also rough.  However, the ride was nice and cooling as we proceeded north.  We made a stop in Tuckasegee for a short break.  We then turned on to Hwy 281 to follow the Tuckasegee River on a very scenic and curvy ride.  I changed my ambitious plan to make it to Hwy 215 to go toward Rosman and instead stayed on Hwy 281 to Toxaway.  It was a nice three hour ride.  The temps were rising rapidly as we came down the mountain and it was nice to be home by noon time to avoid more heat.  It was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Friday 07/10/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I think we're in for another warm Friday, so a morning ride through the mountains should feel pretty good.  I plan to ride through Highlands, NC, and return through Clayton to ride on Warwoman.  We can make a stop in Highlands for a quick stretch for those that need a break.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9:00 am.  We should be home between 12:00 and 12:30 pm.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The skies were cloud-free, but the air was already full of humidity when we gathered for a ride into the mountains today.  Joining me were Dan, Len, David D., Gary, and Russ. We took a longer way to get to Highlands by going all the way up Hwy 107, taking the split from Hwy 28.  It was a cool, mostly shaded ride up the mountain with very little traffic.  When we got into Cashiers, traffic was light and we headed west on Hwy 64.  The pit stop in Highlands worked out well and after the short break we continued on Hwy 106, passing Big Scaly Mountain, toward US 441.  We made our way to Warwoman when we arrived in Clayton and enjoyed the curvy route.  Our ride ended when we gassed up in Walhalla.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
Warwoman Road, NE Georgia - YouTube

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Friday 07/03/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I think Friday looks like a good day for a ride.  I plan to ride near Saluda, NC, and return home between 12 - 12:30, before the temperatures get too ridiculous.  We'll make a pit stop along the way.  If you're up for a non-breakfast/lunch ride, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
4Th Of July Page GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
  • It was indeed a great day for a motorcycle ride.  Joining me today were Dan, Len, David D., Russ, Jeff and spouse Sue.  The heat was already starting to build as we pulled away from Key Mart so our perforated riding gear could start working.  Len warned that Hwy 183 was closed, and I knew we were headed that way.  He said it was open to Concord Church Road, which was where I was headed.  We passed along many familiar roads as we motored along in Pickens County.  We made a planned pit stop at the Sunoco in Cleveland, SC, next to the infamous Burly BIlls BBQ. An accident had just occurred at one entrance, but did not effect us and did not involve a motorcycle - yea!  After the brief stop we proceeded to River Road to head toward the scenic Greenville Watershed area.  The road surfaces on Old Hwy 25 can be pretty rough, but didn't seem as bad today.  We made a left onto Hwy 176 in Saluda and proceeded to New Hwy 25 for the return trip.  There were definitely a lot of boats on trailers, motorcycles, and tourists out to start the holiday weekend celebration.  With the heavy traffic and the quickly increasing heat, it was good we were going to be home around noon.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
BURLY BILL'S BBQ, Marietta - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone ...
Pretty inviting, right? Who wouldn't
want to stop here for some food.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Friday 06/26/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It looks like a morning ride is in order for this Friday as temperatures continue to look like summertime.  I plan on riding through Highlands and then head over and around Lake Glennville before heading home.  We'll make a pit stop around half way.  If another non-breakfast/lunch ride sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  We should be home my noon.  Hope to see you there.   Steve

  • We had another fine day for a ride into the mountains on this Friday morning.  Joining me were Len, Dan, David D., Rob, Russ, Brian, and Bob B. (great to see him on a bike again.)  We proceeded through Salem and up the mountain to the Wigington Road crossover to get on Hwy 107.  It was actually on the slightly cool side, but felt great as we made it to Cashiers, NC, and turned west on Hwy 64.  We stopped at a Shell Station as we entered Highlands, NC, for a quick pit stop.  Rob and David D., decided to head for the Suches Loop in North Georgia (update - they didn't go that far, but had a great ride, even with pop-up mountain showers - swd 07/03/20.)  After the break the rest of us passed through Highlands, driving by Bridal Falls and along the Cullasaja River to pick up Walnut Creek Road.  This section of Hwy 64 is still one of my favorites that I've ever ridden.  We crossed back through the mountains toward Lake Glenville and the scenic outlook from the dam.  It is always a great ride on these fabulous winding mountain roads.  We got back a little after noon as the temperatures were continuing to climb into the lower 90's.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Oscar Wingington Overlook – Salem, South Carolina – The World Beyond
Wigington Overlook

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Friday 06/12/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The weather definitely deteriorated last week, but three of us managed to get a ride in Friday.  I did not take the route I had planned based on the wet forecast.  I thought I would take the route this coming Friday and hope the weather cooperates.  I'll head toward Rosman, NC, and return via Hwy's 64 and 281/130.  The ride will be over two hours, so well make a pit stop around half way.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride appeals to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.   Steve
Here's hoping for a sunny Friday!
  • Well, the weather did cooperate and there were 11 of us that came out for a ride.  Those joining me were Dan, Len, Russ, Gary, Terry, Steve G., Neil, David D., and new rider W. Steve D., and his friend Dan (welcome to the group!).  The skies were blue and the humidity was low and it made for a very comfortable ride. We took some back roads to get to Hyw 178, and then headed up Sassafras Mountain.  As you'd expect, it kept getting a little cooler as we moved to higher elevation.  We took some scenic routes east of Rosman, following along the French Broad River, as we approached our pit stop at Korner Mart.  After a brief respite, we made our way west and south toward home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels, especially since I found a road Len had not been on.   Steve  
Section of French Broad River

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Friday 06/05/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • The Friday forecast looks pretty good for a ride.  I plan to ride up near Rosman, NC, and return via Hwy's 64, and 281/130.  The ride will be over 2 hours, so we'll make a pit stop around half-way.  If a non-breakfast/lunch ride appeals to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 9 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • You can never trust a forecast.  A final check of the weather Thursday evening looked fine.  However, at 7 am Friday morning, things didn't look so good.  I was hoping the oncoming rains would dissipate over the mountains, so I did not cancel.  Turns out Neil and Terry were optimistic like me. We logged about 60 miles under some menacing skies, but after an hour and a half, we were still dry.  It actually got quite nice later in the afternoon, although it was hot and humid.  Glad we stuck it out and had another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Friday 05/29/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Hi gang, Steve is not available this week and Friday looks a little iffy.  However, if it is clear, I was thinking of doing a Highlands Loop. (Roughly 130 -107 - 74 or, Whiteside Cover Road returning 28 to Seneca). If anyone is interested we can maybe grab lunch at the Lighthouse or Cabana for outside dining.  If interested let's plan to meet at 10:00 at KeyMart.  BTW - If weather is not cooperative, I may change route, time or even cancel.  Look for an email update.   Gary
  • Friday Update - Hey gang, sorry for the late update, but with 30 - 40% chance this morning going up to 80% at 1:00, and the fact it is drizzling at my house right now, I am going to NOT ride this morning.  Which means it will clear up and be sunny.  If you decide to go out anyway, have fun and be safe.  Just to be clear, I am NOT planning to lead the ride today.  Sorry hopefully next week.   Gary

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Friday 05/22/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It seems to me we've had plenty of rain already this week, yet even Friday is looking questionable.  I think I'll wait another day before deciding to plan a ride for Friday.  Look for another email Thursday evening if you're interested in trying to get a ride in on Friday.   Steve
  • Thursday Update - There is too much of a chance for rain, so I'm not going to plan a ride for Friday.  Not planning for a ride will likely ensure that it will not rain, but I'm sure we'll have more sunny Fridays in our future.   Steve
  • PS, it did turn out to be a very good day to ride.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Friday 05/15/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • It looks like we're finally getting temperatures closer to normal for this time of year.  I plan on taking a ride this Friday, leaving from the Key Mart parking area at 10 am.  This will be a ride only without stopping for lunch and it should last a couple of hours.  I think I'll wait a few more weeks to see how the new guidelines play our for restaurants before planing a stop for lunch.  With restaurants directed to utilize only half their capacity, it may be difficult for our sometimes large group to get seating.  Fell free to let me know your thoughts/suggestions regarding stopping for lunch or breakfast.  If a Friday ride sounds good to your, I'll see you in the Key Mart parking area for a 10 am, departure.  Hope to see you there.    Steve 
A lot of folks are ready to ride!!
  • We had a great turnout for a ride that took us through Clayton, GA.  Based on a welcome suggestion, we did take a break in Clayton so everyone could make a pit stop, or get some water.  I stopped at the Wendy's, but they would not let customers in, so some riders took advantage of the gas station next door.  Jeff and his wife, along with Neil, decided to stay in Clayton for some outdoor dining at Rumor Hazit. (when I said the name of the restaurant, Jeffs' wife at first thought I was making a joke, and then realized it was the actual name of the restaurant - ha)  Len needed more saddle time, so headed for a route that took him through Highlands.  The rest of us, including Charley and his friend Lou (up from Florida), Gary, and a few more, took a ride on War Woman and back down the mountain toward home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Friday 04/24/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I feel like doing some "social distancing" on a motorcycle this Friday.  It looks like it will be another fine weather day for putting some miles on my motorcycle.  If you are up for a ride without a stop, lets plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10 am.  We'll be back before lunchtime.  We'll be sure to practice social distancing when we meet up at Key Mart.    Steve
  • Well the weather was pretty decent today for a ride.  I was amazed at how many riders came out for a no-food ride through the Upstate.  I'm not sure I saw everyone, but here are the folks I know came out - Dan, Len, Harve, Neil, Rob, Gary, Jeff (and his bride Sue), Ed (soon his Goldwing goes on the block for sale), Paul N., Bob D., David D., Terry, Russ, and me.  Sorry if I missed someone.  We took backroads and wound our way through Pickens county and into Greenville county.  We passed some of the tornado damage that occurred east of Pumpkin Town.  It looked quite bad in a couple of places, but much less damage than Seneca incurred.  Once we hit Marietta, we looped back and headed home.  It was a nice ride and worth about 75 clicks on the odometer.  It will be great when we can once again add breakfast or lunch to the ride.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.  Steve
Check, check, and check.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Friday 04/10/2020 No Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • As the COVID-19 crisis continues and the governor wants us to stay home, I won't be planning a ride for Friday.  We'd have hard time convincing a State Trooper we were taking the scenic route to Publix.  I hope everyone is staying healthy.  Looking forward to getting some nice rides in the near future.    Steve

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Friday 04/03/2020 No Ride Planned

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm not going to plan any rides for the next few weeks based on the COVID-19 crisis,  Both Georgia and North Carolina have issued stay at home orders for non-essential reasons, and South Carolina could do the same at any time.  I'm sure we all agree motorcycling is essential for good mental health, but the governors may not see it that way.  Some riders from last week suggested starting at an earlier time if there is a group ride that doesn't include stopping to eat.  The suggestion is to leave Key Mart at 8:30 am. So, if you're interested in riding as a group, I would go with the recommendation and plan to leave Key Mary at 8:30 am, after selecting a leader.  Stay safe at home and on the road.  Steve

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Friday 03/27/20 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm not able to lead a ride this week.  If there are some that want to ride, I would suggest meeting at Key Mart for our regular 10:30 am ride time.  Maybe someone will get creative and pick a restaurant with curb side delivery and you can eat sitting on yur bikes.  Hope to be back riding next week.  Steve
Okay.  Who's going to lead?

  • Update from Gary - Steve, I will be happy to lead tomorrow.  Assuming NC, is not locked down yet, I was thinking of heading up to Cashiers and going to Randevu, for takeout (as of this morning they are offering curbside menu)  Anyone not wanting takeout, can bring a sandwich and drink, and we will lunch at our bikes in the parking lot.  If someone has a better option, that would be great.  Please pass along to the group.
Trip Advisor - Randevu
  • Thanks Gary!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Friday 03/20/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Due to an electrical problem with my bike, I won't be able to lead a ride this Friday.  On top of that, with restaurants closed to inside dining, we'll have to rethink our normal routine.  I would suggest meeting at Key Mart at 10:30 am, and try to come up with a follow-the-leader ride that ends with everyone dispersing for home, or the drive-up window at a fast food joint.  If yo do ride, be sure to practice social distancing, which we already do with our staggered formation...  I hope to be back in the saddle next week.  Steve

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Friday 03/13/2020 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Given that this coming Friday is the 13th, I'm assuming anything is possible regarding the weather.  Despite that, I think I'll head to Anderson and the Eggs Up Grille for some lunch/breakfast food.  If the weather does look worse, I'll send out an email Friday morning and we can meet for a 9 am, breakfast at Sisters.  Assuming the weather cooperates, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope it's dry and we get to ride.    Steve
  • Update Friday 03/13 - I'm optimistic that if we leave at 11 am, we should miss the rain.  If it's worth the risk to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 11 am.   Steve

  • Well, the rain did hold off for an 11 am, ride, but my battery decided the it had served long enough, and would no longer start the motorcycle. Ugh!!  There were three other riders waiting for the ride, Dan, Gary, and Bob B., and they decided to head to the Farm Cafe outside of Seneca.  What a Friday the 13th!!