Thursday, December 26, 2019

Friday 12/27/19 - No Ride Planned

Fellow Riders,

  • I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  I am not planning a ride for Friday.  For anyone interested in going on a ride, I suggest meeting at the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am, and select a destination and a leader.  Have a great ride.   Steve

  • Update - Gary says - Hey guys, I plan to ride tomorrow (Friday) and hope a few others will join me.  See you at the Key Mart 10:30.   Happy Holidays
  • I heard a group of seven had a nice ride and visited the Village Bakery & Cafe for a good lunch.  Hopefully, next Friday I'll be able to ride.   Steve

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Friday 12/20/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday I thought I would head to Anderson for some lunch at the Pompous Pig.  It's been a while since I've had some of their tasty BBQ.  If this sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • The weather definitely cooperated and 10 riders joined me for the ride to Anderson.  The other riders included Len, Dan, Rob, Steve G., Kevin, Harve, Pat, Ray, OG Bob, and Neil.  We took familiar county roads to avoid the always congested Hwy 76 going into Anderson.  It had been a while since a lot of us had traveled through these parts.  It was a little cool, but the sun helped keep things warm as we arrived at the Pompous Pig.  Thanks to Paulette's call ahead, they had a couple of tables set up for this large group.  The BBQ is always good and I enjoy the pulled pork on a hot dog bun when I'm there.  A couple of guys got the nacho's which must use an entire bag of chips for the serving.  Hats off to the guys who can handle that choice.  After lunch, a few  riders headed off to visit the local Timms HD and some followed up with a stop to see how Bill was doing at the rehab center.  He seemed to be progressing nicely.  The rest of us had a nice long ride home that took us through Norris and Six Mile before gassing up and heading for the house.  It turned out to be a great ride before the Christmas Holiday.   Steve 

Merry Christmas and a Harley New Year!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Friday 12/13/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Unfortunately, this coming Friday looks like it will be a perfect day to not ride a motorcycle.  So instead, I thought I would take a page from Dan's playbook and drive my four wheel vehicle to Sisters Restaurant in Salem for some breakfast.  If you're interested in meeting there at 9 am, let me know so I can give them a heads up.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday 12/06/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  I thought I would head to Anderson and the Eggs Up Grill for lunch.  You have to like a place where you can get breakfast for lunch.  If this sounds like a good destination to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The weather folks, especially those manning the radar, fooled me for this ride.  No rain was projected for early Friday and the radar looked good around 8 am. Things changed.  Even though the rain drops started just as I fired up my bike, there were three others waiting for me at the Key Mart parking lot.  I guess all of us were pretending it wasn't raining, or at least it wouldn't last long.  Len even called to see if I was standing in the rain, which I was, and his decision to sit this one out was affirmed.  Joining me were David D., Ray, and Terry.  We could see some better looking sky toward Anderson, so we took off for breakfast.  The rain left us alone by the time we got to Clemson, but the bikes continued to throw rain on us for a few more miles.  The clouds remained until we arrived.  There were only four of us, but Paulette had called ahead to make sure we had a table.  The server told me she was the one that talked to Paulette, and after she hung up, she thought, "did she say 4, or 40," so she called her back to confirm our small group number.  This is a great place for breakfast or lunch, but we all chose breakfast and mostly, it was the superb corned beef hash.  After we finished, the weather projections indicated we may see more rain by 1 pm, so we took the most direct route home.  Of course, by the time I arrived at home, the sun was peeking out of the clouds. Fooled again.  Oh well, overall, it was still another great day on two wheels.   Steve
Way to go Ray!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Friday 11/29/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'll be out of town this week and will not be planning a lunch ride.  Anyone can feel free to plan a ride.  The group of riders is shown on this email in case someone else wants to plan something.  Otherwise, those wanting to ride should show up at the Key Mart parking area and deicide on a destination and a leader for a 10:30 am departure.  I would recommend not choosing a venue that specializes in turkey.   Steve
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday 11/22/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I thought I would give Rumor Hazit in Clayton, GA, another try.  We'll keep an eye on the weather and hopefully, be able to leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am,  If necessary, I'll send out an email at 8 am, Friday, if we need to cancel.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • With temperatures back to seasonal levels and the threat of rain weakened, thirteen riders came out for a ride to Clayton, GA.  Those joining me today included Neil, Kevin, Len, Dan, Lincoln, Ray, Terry, Steve G., Pat, Gary, OG Bob, and Ed.  The ride to Clayton stayed on familiar roads and took us a little over an hour to arrive.  The call ahead by Paulette worked and we had a group of tables pushed together to accommodate our large group.  A big favorite is their grouper reuben and a few riders chose this option.  The portions are large and the food is consistently good.  After lunch, some riders took the more direct route home and the rest of us took one of our favorite routes - Warwoman. Many thanks to the Georgia Department of Transportation for several miles of new asphalt we enjoyed on the famous winding road.  In Georgia, most of the trees have lost their leaves, but the closer we got to home, the more leaves we could still see on the trees.  Overall it was another great day on two wheels.  Steve

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Friday 11/15/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This Friday's forecast is looking a lot like last Friday, so I thought I would ride to Clayton, GA for lunch at Rumor Hazit. If the weather changes and looks more ominous, I'll send out an email at 8 am, Friday morning confirming or changing the plan.  Hopefully, we can get in a nice ride after a couple of bone chilling (by South Carolina standards) this week.  Hope to see you at the Key Mart parking area for a 10:30 am departure.     Steve
  • Update - Friday Lunch Ride - Canceled  Looks like the rain is going to continue, so no ride today.    Steve

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Friday 11/08/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The forecast for this Friday looks more like a January forecast, but dry nonetheless.  I think I'll head to Farmhouse Tacos in Travelers Rest for some lunch.  We can find a long way home after lunch.  If you're interested, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • It was a nice, but cool day for a ride to Travelers Rest.  There were 10 riders that joined me.  Along with me were David D., Gary, Terry, Harve, Kevin, Rob, Pat, OG Bob, Neil, and Ed. (Note - Ed is going to be selling his Honda Goldwing 😞)  The ride over was on mostly familiar roads, but a few riders did admit there were a few times they had no idea just where we were (always a good sign for the leader.)  Thanks to Paulette's call ahead, they had a table waiting for us.  Their unique taco offerings are very good and they do have some of the best chips, made in house.  OG Bob called it the Taco Bell of Travelers Rest 😏.  After lunch, six riders decided to take a quicker route home and I led the rest of the group on a mountainous ride home.  We pointed the bikes north on Hwy 276 and headed for the mountains.  As Harve and Rob pointed out when we made a gas stop in Rosman, it was 55 degrees when we left Travelers Rest and dropped to 45 degrees as we passed Caesars Head South Carolina Park. The cool temperatures were fine with me as we took the curves home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
A very fun ride!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Friday 11/01/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • As I'm sitting here listening to the rain, I'm optimistic the Friday forecast for dry and cool weather will come true.  I thought I would ride over to Clarksville, GA, for some lunch at The Attic restaurant.  We'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.   Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The forecasters got it right.  It was a gorgeous fall day and perfect for a ride to Clarkesville.  There were six riders including me.  The other riders were Ray, Lesley, Gary, Dan, and Neil.  It was nice to have the sun as it was a little cool as we made our way into Georgia.  Traffic was light and we enjoyed the country scenery.  Parking can be a problem at The Attic, but we were able to squeeze in a couple of spaces in the rear of the building.  Dan remembered that it was okay to use the rear entrance to get into the restaurant.  Thanks to a call ahead by Paulette, they were expecting us and had a table ready.  The server told us we couldn't go wrong if we got the Philly steak or rueben sandwiches.  The rueben was the most popular choice and I got their outstanding roasted red pepper bisque.  It's been a while since I was there, but the food was as good as I remembered.  For the ride home, I decided to head north on Hwy 197.  I love this road and a cool fall day is perfect for this route.  In the summer, the "tar snakes" can get a little slippery when the hot Georgia sun beats down.  The colors were outstanding and we had a nice view of Lake Burton as we approached Hwy 76.  This took us through Clayton as we continued homeward  and it made for a great after lunch ride.  Even with the cool temperatures, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Friday 10/25/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Steve is out this week so I will be filling in.  Right now it looks like no rain until late Friday or Saturday, so I was thinking of heading up to Hawg Wild BBQ in Brevard, NC.  We will ride through Cesar's Head and DuPont State Forest, returning via 64 and 178 (at Rosman) so we should see some great fall color.  If that sounds good, let's plan to leave Key Mart at 10:30.    Gary

  • Sounds like it was a good choice and and a good day for a ride.  Along with Gary were Neil and Steve G.  Gary says they did get a little damp due to some heavy mist after they decided to take an extended ride home.  Sorry I missed it.    Steve

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Friday 10/18/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With the forecast indicating a sunny and cooler day this Friday, I thought I would ride to Side Street Pizza & Pasta for lunch.  The ride to Tryon, NC should be a good one, although not as curvy as our ride last Friday.  If this sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve

  • It was indeed another great day for a ride.  Although the temps were a little cool, sticking to many open back roads kept the sun on our backs.   Those joining me today included Gary, Charley A., Jeff, Harve, and Neil.  We took familiar back roads to get to Tryon and enjoyed the country setting on such a sunny day.  When we arrived at Side Street, I thought the parking lot was quite empty compared to how it has been on many previous visits.  The small hand written sign on the front door told us why - "we hope to be open by 1 pm due to a water main break."  This was confirmed as one of the employees rounded the corner and said they did have a water problem. I checked my phone, and sure enough, Paulette had tried to let me know it was not open, but the blue tooth was turned off on my phone.  I decided to go another couple of blocks and try Huckleberry's for lunch.  We all managed to find parking and they were able to get us seated right away.  Burgers seemed to be the favorite menu selection and the food was very good.  This turned out to be a good plan B.  For the ride home, we took Hwy 176 through Saluda and then rode through the Greenville Watershed.  David D. will not feel bad he missed this route.  The road surface is still pretty rugged, but it is a scenic ride.  There was an abundance of bicyclists out today getting their miles in.  The temperature continued to climb and it was a very comfortable ride home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Friday 10/11/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Now that the calendar and weather have finally aligned for fall, I think it's time to switch to lunch mode for the Friday ride.  I thought I would head to Dillsboro, NC for lunch at Kostas Family Restaurant.  This will make for a nice ride to gt some good Greek food.  If this sounds like fun to you, we'll plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 10:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • Today turned out to be a great fall day and perfect for a ride to Dillsboro.  There were seven riders that came out for the ride.  Joining me were Rob, Gary, Doug, Russ, Lincoln, and Neil.  We headed north through Cashiers and then turned onto North Norton Road for some winding road riding.  This was a warm up for the next segment which was driving on Cullowhee Mountain Road for some really serious twisties.  I'm pretty sure this was the first route I took with Dan and the Friday riders.  Having just moved from very flat and "non-curvy road' Michigan, I got a quick lesson in mountain riding.  I can say that Cullowhee Mountain Road is every bit as, if not more, challenging than the Tail of the Dragon which Gary, Neil, and I rode a week ago.  We continued the ride on Hwy 107 and connected with South River Road to get us to our destination.  The Tuckasegee River was loaded with fishermen, probably more fishermen than trout.  There may have been a tournament, or perhaps it was just because it was a perfect fall day, but I'm sure there were a lot of folks who called in sick so they could hit the river.  We arrived at Kostas and with Paulette's call ahead, they had a section ready for us.  Our server, who reminded us about a half dozen times, was named Brandi.  After getting our drinks, she did not return.  Another server arrived to take our food order, and the owner walks up and says he got us a better looking server, which seemed odd.  When someone asked what happened to Brandi, the new server said "we had to send her home."  Very strange.  After a slightly long wait, we got our food and the gyro's were fantastic as usual.  This is one of my favorite stops.  After lunch we took the more direct route back on Hwy 107.  Rob veered of onto Hwy 281 to take a longer and more winding route home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Friday 10/04/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • With another hot summer/fall day in the forecast for Friday, I plan on riding to the Clayton Cafe for breakfast.  If an early ride into Georgia sounds good to you, let's plan to leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • Friday turned out to be another record temperature day for this time of year.  We could feel the heat as we returned from our breakfast ride.  There were a total of 10 riders that came out today.  Those joining me included Lesley, Dan, David D., Ray, Mike F., Pat (note - Bill is recuperating from his procedure and is doing fine, will likely join us again in November), Jeff, Harve, and Neil (with his newly customized engine.)  It was a nice ride up the mountain on familiar back roads as we made our way over to Hwy 76 and into Clayton.  Thanks to a call ahead from Paulette, our back room was ready for us when we arrived.  The service and food are always good and it's nice they have the large back room for groups like ours.  With 10 guests all at once, it does take a little while to get the food out.  Sadly, Dan's order didn't make it initially, so he had an extended wait for his food.  I did try the chicken waffle and it was quite good.  However, I didn't realize it came with a little gravy which I will exclude if I get this again.  A couple of riders took a direct route home to take care of some errands, and the rest of us headed for War Woman Road.  It had some patches in the pavement, and we eventually caught up with the crews adding some more patch work.  After a slight delay, we continued on our way and enjoyed the curves before connecting with Hwy 28.  You could see some emerging colors in the trees as we head into the fall season.  As usual, with the elevation change, we got the warmer temps.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Friday 09/27/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Apparently, summer is ignoring the calendar and sticking around, keeping afternoon temps in the 90's.  It seems like a cool breakfast ride is still a good choice for this Friday.  I thought I would head to Travelers Rest for some breakfast at Upcountry Provisions.  If you want to join me, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.      Steve
  • Seven riders joined me for the ride to Travelers Rest today.  The other riders included Gary, Dan (Leader Emeritus - welcome back after a long absence), Charley A., Steve G., Harve, Ed, and Neil.  It was another great fall/summer day in the Upstate as we proceeded on our route to TR via the back roads of Pickens and Greenville counties.  The roads are definitely more rough than they were when I first started riding behind Dan eight years ago.  The good part of this route is there is very little traffic as we made our way to the restaurant.  Upcountry has very tasty food and some good looking baked goods, but you can't be in a hurry or expect diner size portions.  The egg dishes are cooked in mini iron skillets and they do come out hot.  We sat outside to enjoy the nice weather as ultimately, everyone's meal arrived.  There was some confusion with Ed's order, but eventually it seemed to work out.  After the leisurely breakfast, most riders took a more direct route home while Gary, Harve, and I headed north.  We didn't go too far up the mountain, but we did have some nice curvey roads as we rode toward home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
The notorious "Pissed Off Eggs" are actually quite good.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Friday 09/20/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • It looks like this Friday will be a good day to be on two wheels.  I thought I would head over to Pickens for breakfast at the Village Inn.  I missed it a few weeks ago when Gary led a ride and it sounds like a good spot.  If you're interested, let's plan on leaving the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The weather for the last ride of "official" summer was nearly perfect.  Clear skies and cool temperatures were great and six riders and one cager joined me for the breakfast ride.  Those joining me included Gary, David D., Doug, Neil, Harve, Bill, and Pat (along with his dog) drove along in a car.  We took a back way through Pickens county to get to our destination.  After about 30 minutes we arrived and had a table waiting for us.  The server was very friendly and got us going with coffee right away.  The food arrived in pretty good time, although, the final two orders took a little longer.  They must be able to cook for six at a time, but not eight.  The food was very tasty, including my pecan waffle, and I didn't hear any complaints.  After lunch, Bill and Pat (Note - Pat did take his dog some well deserved leftovers for waiting patiently in the car) headed home and the rest of us made our way into the mountains via Hwys 8 and 276.  We did hit some construction on East Fork Road.  There was a portable stop light and they were working on a bridge.  The lane we had to use was gravel - ugh!.  Only Neil, on his trike, thought, what's the big deal.  Fortunately, it was a short bridge and we got back to riding.  We came back down Hwy 178 to get us back home.  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve  
Okay, it wasn't this bad....

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Friday 09/13/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • I'm not able to lead a ride this Friday, but Bill Gallaway says he'll come up with a plan. Look for an email from him regarding this Friday.   Ride Safe.    Steve
  • Update - from Bill
    • Hi Everyone,  It's been an overwhelming week of sadness and compassion re: 9/11..  Let's show our compassion by wearing a RED Shirt in Honoring and Remembering Everyone Deployed this Friday.  I planned a ride to Clayton, GA, to visit The Rust Bike for Breakfast.  If you would like to join me let's meet at the Key Mart prior to KSU at 8:30 am  Hope to see you there.  Also, I've got Magazines.    😀  Bill

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Friday 09/06/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I thought I would take a breakfast ride to The Zookeeper Bistro in Cashiers, NC this Friday.  The weather looks good and we can take a longer ride home.  If this works for you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there   Steve
  • Nine riders came out for a ride to Cashiers on a clear and hot day.  The riders joining me included David D., Gary, Terry, Bill, Harve, Steve G., Russ, and Ed.  We took the quick way up the cool mountain to get to The Zookeeper.  Thanks to a call ahead by Paulette, they had a table ready for us. They were short one chair, but Harve solved the problem.  The place is reliably good and today was no exception.  They were slow taking the orders, but they did come out in good time.  Selections for breakfast were pretty standard from eggs to pancakes.  They kept the coffee coming and after a relaxing breakfast, a few riders headed back home and the rest followed me for another couple hours of riding.  We went east on Hwy 64 and then north on Hwy 281 to Silversteen Road.  Eventually, Hwy 178 took us through Rosman and we were getting pretty warm by the time we stopped at Durhams to gas up. Overall it was another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Friday 08/23/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • The forecast for Friday looks great for a ride, unfortunately I only have time for a short one.  Anyway, I was thinking of heading to Sunny Side Cafe in Clemson for breakfast and heading pretty much straight back after that.  I am sure that someone will volunteer to lead a longer route back if some of the group is interested.  

    If this sounds like a good start to your Friday, plan to meet at the Key Mart, with kickstands up at 8:30.    Gary

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Friday 08/16/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday looks like it will be dry and hot, so I though we would head up to Blue Bike Cafe in Highlands, NC for breakfast.  It should be a little cooler there and I believe this will be a new venue for us to try.  If this sounds good to you, we will leave from the Key Mart at 8:30.    Gary
Blue Bike Cafe (Facebook page)

  • Today we had eight riders.  Perfect day for a ride up to Highlands, via Cashiers and back via route 28.  We had mixed reviews on Blue Bike Cafe.  Limited Parking and the fact the Health Inspector was in the kitchen, may have caused some confusion by the staff, and they mixed a couple orders up.  Most said food was great, but not those who ordered the Hash (not crisp and salty).   Anyway, we may want to give them another chance and just park across the street, or maybe not.     Gary

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Friday 08/09/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Hi guys, with Steve and Dan unavailable this week, it is time to lower expectations 😎.  Anyway, I was thinking about breakfast at Village Inn in Pickens.  After breakfast, we can take 178 up to Rosman NC, and across 64 back past Whitewater Falls toward home (or we could take a longer ride up 215, if there is enough interest).  I do not think the group has been to Village Inn before and I thought it was close and we would give a try.  If that sounds good to you, let's meet at Key Mart at 8:30.  Anyone wanting to meet us at Village Inn, we should be there about 9:00, just let me know, so we get a good count.     Gary
Village Inn Pickens
  • On Friday, August 9 we had 9 riders head over to the Village Inn, in Pickens for breakfast.  Friendly service, nice reasonable priced menu, and a very good breakfast.  All riders, felt we should return to the Village Inn on future rides.  After breakfast, we headed up 178 to Rosman NC, then across 64 to 281 past Whitewater Falls and back home.  Great day to be riding.   Gary
Upper Whitewater Falls on a day when
motorcycle riding is not a good idea.
(photo by Steve)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Friday 08/02/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Due to travel plans, I won't be able to lead rides until the beginning of September.  Gary has offered to lead August 9th, 16th, and 23rd.  Anyone is welcome to lead a ride.  In lieu of any other volunteers stepping forward, I would suggest continuing the breakfast rides and meet at the Key Mart parking area and select a leader and a destination for an 8:30 am, departure for this Friday, and August 30th.  Hopefully, the weather cooperates and some good rides will be had.  I'll see you in a few weeks.    Steve
Any volunteers?
  • Update - HI all, I am here for the week and would be willing to lead the ride on Friday morning if needed.  Looking forward to seeing you all.    Kevin

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Friday 07/26/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I'm not going to be able to go for a breakfast ride this Friday.  For those that do want to go, I suggest meeting at Key Mart at 8:30 am, and select a leader and a destination. I've shown the current email list of Friday riders in case someone wants to send something out ahead of Friday.  It looks like it will be another great day for a ride.   Steve
  • Update - Hey Guys, if no other volunteers, I will be happy to lead this Friday.  I was thinking about going up to RANDEVU in Cashiers for breakfast and if there is enough interest taking a field trip to Dales Wheels Through Time (Maggie Valley).  If not enough interest in Dales (as I know most have "been there done that" and it would make for a longer ride day) we can do a smaller loop back.  If this sounds good see you at 8:30.    Gary

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Friday 07/19/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • This week I thought I would start out a little closer to home.  I think I'll head over to Sunnyside Café at Patrick Square in Clemson.  We can head north for a longer ride home after breakfast.  If this sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • Ten riders, including me came out today for a breakfast ride to Sunnyside Café in Clemson.  Those joining me included Len, Ray, Doug, Terry, Tom, Harve, David H., Jeff, and Ed.  It was a nice sunny morning for the ride.  We stretched out the short distance with a few back roads through Pickens County.  With a little work and a couple of phone calls, they knew we were coming and it only took a few minutes to get us set up in the restaurant.  The food and service were very good and it did help a lot to have a large group there before school starts again.  It is very popular with parents of students.  They do have a unique menu and some of the selections included the SOS and another with fried grits (doctors were standing by.)  Definitely something for everyone's taste.  After breakfast, several decided to head home.  Some that were going to continue riding got a little confused as to who was leading where, and only Len and Harve joined me for some more riding.  Maybe I need to hold up an umbrella like on a cruise excursion so riders know who to follow.  At least this time, no one was left behind.  The three of us that continued riding made it up to Hwy 178 and Cleo Chapman road for some twisties to go with the straighter roads we road through the farm country.  Overall it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
OG Bob sent me this photo from his ride last week with the short
distance riders.  He and Bruce were helping Dan get reacquainted
with his bike after several months of not being able to ride.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Friday 07/11/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • I think a breakfast ride to the Sports Page Sandwich Shoppe in Highlands, NC, sounds like a good idea.  It's a little over the one hour target, but it's always a nice ride up the mountain.  The morning looks good, and depending how the forecast is after we eat can determine whether we can take a longer route home.  If that sounds good to you, we'll plan on leaving at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.    Steve
  • The Friday morning ride today seemed like a good idea to 6 riders including me.  Those coming out for the trip along with me were Lesley, Len, Rob, Steve G., and Bill (delivering the newest edition of Full Throttle Magazine with an article he wrote about the recent HTS motorcycle escort, page 46, and another article he wrote about a waterfall ride, page 44.)  There was a change to the planned destination.  In double checking this morning, my Google search indicated the Sports Page was closed permanently.  I called and got no answer, so the alternative was a favorite in Cashiers - Zookeepers Bistro.  With a call ahead by Paulette, I knew they would be ready for us.  When we arrived, I was concerned that another favorite had closed as there were only a couple of cars in the parking lot.  Fortunately, they weren't closed and with only six, we got the big round table in the corner.  We got our coffee right away and then studied the menu for our food orders.  I'm always impressed that the server uses an iPad to take the orders.  With few customers on site, we got our food fairly quickly and it was good and hot.  After a leisurely breakfast, most of us headed east on Hwy 64 for a nice winding route home.  We went through Rosmann and were hit with a very brief rain shower, but quickly rode through it.  OG Bob would have been disappointed as there was not enough rain to wash his bike.  The skies were a mix of blue and some darkening clouds as we made it home.  It was a small group, but still another great day on two wheels.   Steve

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Friday 07/05/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,
  • With family in town for the holiday, I won't be leading a ride this Friday.  I would suggest those wanting to ride meet in the Key Mart parking area for an 8:30 am  breakfast ride and select a destination and a leader.  Based on the current forecast, you should be able to get a ride in before any afternoon showers arrive.  Hope you have a great ride.    Steve
Happy 4th of July

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Friday 06/28/19 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • For this Friday's breakfast ride, I thought I would go to Randevu Restaurant in Cashiers, NC. Afterward, if there's still no rain threat, we can take another long and winding route home.  If that sounds good to you, we'll leave the Key Mart parking area at 8:30 am.  Hope to see you there.       Steve
  • Another good day for a breakfast ride - cool and clear.  Joining me today were Len, Ray, Harve, Doug, Steve G., Terry, Bill, and OG Bob.  It was good to have OG Bob along again because the orange gloves help me see the last bike in the group.  We took the better paved option and went up Hwy 130/281 to get to Hwy 64.  There were some rough patches on 64, especially in some of the curves.  NC may be slipping in their road upkeep.  With a call ahead, they were ready for us and had us set up outside under the gazebo.  It was very pleasant seating as we were served our coffee.  Our server was an intern from the Philippines and was very organized in getting our orders correct and in a reasonable amount of time.  After we finished, a couple of riders took the direct route home  For the ride home, the rest of us took Hwy 107 north to Hwy 281 for a very scenic and winding ride home.  There was very little traffic to contend with, but the farther south we went, the road surface got pretty rough for a few miles.  As usual, by the time we got down the mountain, the temperature was definitely rising.  When we stopped for gas, a couple of riders mentioned seeing a coiled snake on the road. I didn't see the real snake, but I do notice the the SC DOT is creating a lot of tar snakes on some of the roads the way Georgia does.  Ugh!!  Overall, it was another great day on two wheels.    Steve
I see how I could have missed it....