
Welcome to some rumblings about riding in the upstate of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Friday 1/3/14 Ride

Fellow Riders,

  • Friday’s forecast calls for no chance of rain but just plain silly cold.  Since I moved from the north to SC so I could ride all year, I just can’t believe it can be that cold.  Therefore my plan is too keep it short and just ride on over to Michael’s Restaurant in Pickens for some lunch.  I’m hoping that will be better than not riding at all.  If there are any hearty (hungry) souls who would like to join me, let’s plan to leave the Key Mart parking area about 10:30 AM.  Hope to see you then and bundle up.  Dan

  • I wasn't able to make the cold ride to Pickens, but I did head up to Highlands where the water was frozen and snow was all around.  Not sure who made the cold trip to Michaels, but I've not heard of any missing or frozen KK Motorcycle riders.   Steve
Bridal Falls, Highlands, NC

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